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Everything posted by Aetherius

  1. Well, I'd already heard 'it's my turn to dream', which... Well, in essence, I can't stand it when people remix the ballad or tal tal, because... I never think it does the original the justice it deserves. *shrugs* I'm pretty reverent when it comes to Link's Awakening. Anyway, having heard other stuff, I can tell that you've got the ability to make something good, just gotta pick a song, and make sure that you stay within the (pretty tight) constraints I've put on genre and mood.
  2. It's my nature don't be discouraged. edit: in light of certain new developments, you are under NO circumstances to refer to this project as 'LARP' ever. Sweet jesus, people. NEVER refer to us as LARP. We are the 'LA project.' sing it, if you want.
  3. chstyfuidydhonic, I haven't listened to the 'past work' things, but I believe I've heard something...*shrugs* if Fusion can be on, you can be on...because...like...Fusion's a loser.
  4. A-thank you. Just making sure everyone knows that we still need about 5 songs to be assigned to people. Let's see some participation... I don't want to have to cut tracks.
  5. oooh, from behind. actually, just PM it to me on here, IM it to me on AIM, or DCC it to me/Escariot on IRC
  6. this is your official bump. p.s. keep working...I don't see enough from you guys.
  7. ...I'm still the sexiest man alive...
  8. That's fine, but I would worry that being so new, you might not have the skills required for this scale of project... however, that's not to say I won't check out your wip Rexy and Gray: Just pick a flippin' song, and be awesome. If you have time, though, rexy...I'd like for you to do an Eagle Tower Remix too, though, cause...like...damnit, I want someone good to do it. haha.
  9. If anybody's actually working...let me know... And here are still openings for mixers...I'm still taking auditions, if you, or anyone you know might be interested, send me a song...
  10. I'm planning to get the last track to be a collaborative remix between a couple of the mixers. Primarily, I would like one person (preferably not me) to do a basic lay-down of the whole song, say on piano, (I'm looking at you Iggy) and then the other remixers can add parts like guitars or synths, or beats to it that will improve the mix and flesh it out. That way, We'll have something fittingly climactic for the end. I'm looking for Epic and exciting without being frenetic or eccentric. In mind, I have Iggy (on piano), MagiNinja (on violin), Myself (on atmosphere and percussion, possibly guitar) and Maybe Taucer or Prophet of Mephisto on guitars and saxophone respectively. If anybody on the project is interested, and if anyone who can contribute live instruments is interested, let me know, and we'll get on that. This idea is secondary to the remixing of all other tracks. SO, Primarily, work on your own track, and in the off time, or when you're done, work on this track. Wait until I've secured a person for the main-layout, though. That is all. Starkles.
  11. We need more mixers, and we need more of the mixers I have listed actually informing me that they're working. So, if you're a mixer listed on this project, just drop a post that says that you're actually doing something, or at least planning. Once we have that sorted out, we'll know who's doing what, and we can get out of the requests forum and into general discussion.
  12. I'm low on inspiration right now, and trying to get my guitar amp fixed. Eventually I'll get back into the swing, but I might not meet the finals deadline. I'll keep at it though.
  13. Just for a bit of overkill, If The Prophet of Mephisto's derision wasn't enough for you: The website is useless. There's no info on it that's not in the first post, and all the info in the first post is up to date, and important. So read the first post. Read it, and read it again, and then learn english, and read it again. That is all.
  14. Lies! It is entirely unfair! But I don't care! Poetry And didn't knowetry!
  15. For the record, I'm planning on keeping the wips private for now. I don't want the mixers to have any input on their tracks outside of my own, or that of the other mixers. This is because...Personally, I don't trust the opinions of the general populace of these forums, and In reality, this project is for my own pleasure and entertainment, and not yours, and so I don't really give a crap whether anyone but me likes the results... So: Wips are to be kept private/secretive. Keep your stupid ideas to yourselves.
  16. Just for the record, I'm back. Also: Rexy, If you collab with Gray, I might like you or both of you to do another song solo as well...I don't have much faith in my list of mixers, since so many of them are 'tentative' Also of import: The oficial project start date is now Monday, the Tenth of October. Which tentatively, gives us until the 10th of january to have everything done. First wips are due December 10th, and finals on January 10th, if we even need that much time. I give you this much time so that you don't feel pressured, but just so you know, the pressure's already on, and you really don't need a whole flipping 3 months, kids.
  17. Well, no loss there, since Claado's 'submission' was really his audition, and was never on the project to begin with... Anyway, Just so everyone knows...I've had my internet connection blocked by my service provider because I've exceeded the bandwidth limit by several times. I'll have it back by the third of October. Please keep arguing over who gets which song and submitting wips. With any luck my 'associates' will listen to them while I'm gone, and then I can listen to them when I get back. Dance, Puppets!
  18. ....zeal is just a fucking boring song.
  19. yet more unfortunate news... I've had my connection blocked by my university's network provider, once again because I went several times over the bandwidth cap (they don't like to just slow you down...they shut you off completely.) Oh well, I'll be working on my remix, but i won't be making many if any communications.
  20. Xenon, I listened to 'in search of that girl' but I think that I have issues with your sample/sound quality.
  21. to relax tensions, let me point out that MY remix...is coming along...I guess. I made a short demo and gave it to Shael, but at present I don't have time to do more with it for a few days. As it turns out my guitar amplifier has busted, and I need to get it fixed. I can still record my guitar, but it will lack the ampy goodness it once had. Oh well. I don't know why I made this post. I can still do the stuff I have to do.
  22. *shrugs* not out of the question. Do any song you like.
  23. Ah, save target worked, Rexy. and suffice it to say that you're in, should you choose to be...I'd like to hear you try Eagle Tower, personally. Sorry Bladiator. It might seem selfish, and I suppose it is. I'd rather see the song done my way than anyone else's, though.
  24. Trust me to do all the stupid little menial tasks. *feigns frustration* One of you owes me some lovin'.
  25. Welcome to the project ! Anyway, I have to inform you that 1/96 is not available anymore. Someone pointed out that it's just the Zelda theme that has been remixed all over and over. Therefore Track 1 of the project will now be 5/96, which is the overworld theme. Knowing this, which track would you like to do ? Way to be totally redundant, Epo. Rexy, your links don't lead to files, they lead to the index page. Send something over IRC. I imagine you'll do fine, but I want to hear something anyway. Ichitootah I like it, You can be on the project. some of your samples sound a tad muffled, you know, and quite bass-heavy, but as you say, it's a wip. I think it shows that you could pull something good off, though. Let it be known that Taucer has relinquished his hold on Mabe Village, and will also be dropping down to 'maybe' status. This is a sad day. Someone replace him.
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