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Posts posted by Brycepops

  1. *sigh* I wish I knew what this damn problem was. I've been trying to get Dissidia to work with Xlink Kai, but something is refusing to play nice -_-. Apparently, I'm the only person on their forum who's having this particular problem, seeing as no one has been able to figure out what's wrong :/.

    Also, Firion for the fucking win. :3

    For anyone who hasn't found it already, here are a LOT of translations for stuff:


    And of course, GameFaqs:


    The guy has been updating the FAQ pretty often.

  2. wow, i wonder if this'll get hacked early. i know the japanese version's out, but i have that language. makes no sense to read whatsoever when you don't know any japanese.

    I don't think anyone's going to bother with a patch. It'll be out eventually, and there are plenty of translations for the menus, items, game mechanics, etc that are readily available.

  3. Eat a big furry dick, kthx.

    YAY! I was wondering when you were going to say that :3

    Most of my posts are just quick responses and I just don't feel like doing the whole cut and paste multiple actions to properly quote multiple people within one post.

    Yeah well, that's how we do things around here. Get with the program or get out.

  4. Speaking of different dub music, I wonder why no one does that anymore. See this clip of the UK Manga version of Fist of the North Star:

    Yeah, that's right, fucking awesome DRUM AND BASS, holy shit! also: HOKUTO STINKIN' MY ASS!

    also also: the hilariously drawn-in eyes at 7:14

    I loved that dub. I couldn't wait for them to air new episodes every friday on the Action Channel. I was sad to find out they only did the first 36 episodes :(, but I did find a group that recently finished subbing all 152 episodes :3

  5. Saying that it needs to look good enough to play is being jaded.

    So...you're basically saying that we should all have the same standard when it comes to games? Being human, we have the ability to set our own standard of what we like and what we don't. If someone doesn't like something because of how it looks/plays/feels/whatever, that's their business and you shouldn't try to convince them that their opinion is wrong. We were given free will for a reason.

  6. I mean, honestly, if you could play two different versions of the same game, one that looks great and one that looks average-to-bad, which would you rather play?

    If gameplay mechanics were EXACTLY the same, probably the better-looking one. But I'd still check out the other one just to see how it is. Some people like the nostalgic feel of the older versions of games, so they prefer those over the new ones.

  7. You saying "original and far superior TF games" didn't exactly help your cause, either. If you really wanted to play the older TF games, you should've just said so and left your opinion at the door. Also, nobody said you HAD to reply to every negative thing people were saying. You could've ignored them and been on your merry way ;o

  8. Wiki tells me there are 109 episodes in that series. A good recommendation, as I had forgotten that name for a long time, but its a bit long for me. The OVAs look more interesting. Which one should I look for?

    That's only the first part. There's 152 episodes total. As for the OVAs...watch them ALL ._. If you're going to get into Hokuto no Ken, you better not skimp on anything.

    Also, lolbleckgotbannedagain.

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