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Posts posted by Brycepops

  1. I've always thought about checking out the phantasy star universe. Is the story continuous throughout the series like Legacy of Kain? Or is it like final fantasy? And if it is a continuous story, do you need to play every previous game in order to understand the current story?

    Phantasy Star Universe starts a completely different story line, so no, you don't have to play any of the previous games.

  2. Hey guys, I've been playing through Tales of Legendia and I'm about halfway through, and I have a question.

    I've only played the original Phantasia and this Tales game, are ALL PS2 generation Tales games this ridiculously cheezy?? I mean it has its appeal, but i find myself skipping text as soon as I finish reading it to avoid the wacky voice jobs...

    No, it's just Legendia. It's sort of the black sheep of the series.

  3. Stuff

    Video Games: Serious Business.

    I normally don't get involved in this shit, but this is getting retarded. You're the only one seriously BAWWWWWWWing over this. So what if they didn't include a game you wanted? You can either buy it or not. It's as simple as that.

  4. So recently I went to one of the local retail stores and they had one of those special collection pack games for the 360 and ps3 sega collection. I recalled some earlier renditions like the namco museum collection and the sonic collection pack.

    Well this version seems to contain not only the sonic games but also some odd number of games which includes streets of rage 1-3, phantasy star I-IV and so on.

    On the box it says they've "upgraded" the games so they're native resolution is 720p.

    Is it worth it..?

    Holy shit. I'd buy it just for Phantasy Star IV and Shining Force.


  5. Castle (or "Castle Adventure" as I think it was officially called, basically you explore an ascii-castle using basic text commands to look around and find things, with a little fighting thrown in for good measure.)

    FFFFFFFFFFFF I remember this game. I was always getting killed by those fucking snakes -_-.

  6. They were excellent and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

    You have to understand that they're not Solid games, they're Metal Gear Tactics games

    There are also the Portable Ops & Portable Ops+ games too, which are more along the lines of the Solid games.

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