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Posts posted by Brycepops

  1. Blood Brothers - A fun casual game to play when you're bored.

    The only problem I have with this game is that the push notifications kept making my fucking alarm go off, so I had to uninstall it. The game is fun, but that issue is annoying as shit :/. Ninja Royale has that problem, too.

  2. It probably depends a lot on the character you picked. As zer0 I found Flynt a total pushover on playthrough one. TVHM was a different matter though.

    E: Finally managed to get this piece of crap. Ideally it would've been level 50 but no such luck for me.


    All you need is a Conference Call and you'll have unlocked EZ Mode.

  3. How about you watch some 80s-90s OVAs. 1 or 2 eps long, full of stylish hand-drawn animation, great character designs, and quick and to the point.

    Some recs:

    NSFW violence (seriously this is if david cronenberg directed an anime)

    A lot of these have over-the-top violence (in the case of Black Lion, humorously so). However I assume you want to watch an anime that will keep you entertained instead of slow-paced meandering bullshit, so these short quick bursts from anime's golden age should be good for what ails ya.

    Should probably add Violence Jack to that list.

  4. Watched that a while ago based on it being mentioned in this thread. Enjoyed the first third/half of it. Nothing particularly wrong with the politicking I suppose but it wasn't my thing, and the ending was begging for an ending. Manga was probably fine, but the selection used for the anime was odd. Still, good ass-kicking and adventuring for all of the first portion and for parts of the remainder.

    I'm pretty sure that's how the arc ended in the manga, so I don't know how else they could've handled it.

  5. I think the whole let's play thing is a joke anyway. With many games so easily obtainable, why do people feel they need to watch someone else play them? The economy?


  6. I'm currently level 52 in Act 1 Hell and those elite mobs are starting to get pretty insane. I simply can't solo certain compositions with my monk (fire chains, invincible minions, jailer, vampiric), and this is with 23k HP, 2700 armor, and all resistances around 70. Can't wait to see what Inferno holds in store.

    Serenity is your best friend.

  7. i didn't think i would have a problem with it at first, but the party size reduction from 8 to 4 is kinda depressing...

    It's not even that big a deal. Shit's still fun even with just 4 people.

  8. I'm also new to the whole multiplayer aspect of Diablo. I only ever played single-player on Diablo 2, so we'll see how that goes this time around :smile: This might be a dumb question... but how do you progress through the game on multiplayer, do players have to be at the same point in the story, or is the multiplayer experience completely different from the story-driven single player mode?

    Well in D2 it was based on wherever the host was in the storyline, so if they were in Act 4 and you were just starting Act 1, you wouldn't be able advance because they had already finished the quests. I assume it's the same in D3.

  9. Also it's not really talked about much in that link, but there's going to be 14 levels of gems in D3 as opposed to the 5 levels in D2.


    That is hella gems for hella stat control

    Holy shit. X_x

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