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Posts posted by Brycepops

  1. not true

    bleach is awesome if you're like me and like anything that is similar to dragon ball z

    this also extends to naruto and one piece

    that's right everyone I'm saying that all three of those series are good

    One Piece got 9000x better once Funimation got their hands on it.

  2. Oh god are they actually called that? DO WANT.

    Also, what's the "bleed" effect for the Sniper's new weapon do?

    From the TF2 Wiki:

    Bleeding is an attrition damage effect similar to Fire. Currently only the Tribalman's shiv inflicts bleeding, however it is thought more weapons may be released over time with this effect.

    Though similar to a Pyro's fire, Bleeding differs in a few key ways

    * Bleeding cannot be extinguished. Therefore it cannot be negated by:

    o Water

    o Jarate

    o Compression blast

    * Small Medpacks will heal the victim's health but will not stem the Bleeding.

    * The indication of Bleeding damage is more subtle than the flame effects of a Pyro's fire.

  3. Well i can't say I am too well-versed in anime but i have been craving some lately, so... Can anyone here who knows there stuff give me any recommendations of anything that has lots of swords?

    I have a thing for swords.

    Afro Samurai.

  4. Zelda II was also the epitome of fail, it's easy to see plainly by the fact that you can find it for under $10 at a used game shop most times, while honestly at the time the graphics were much better, the game itself just sucks

    How DARE you. Don't make me come over there.

  5. Also, the masters still have the issue where, if you've been playing the same map for a while, they start doing this:

    A2C_PRINT from :

    No challenge for your address.

    A2C_PRINT from :

    No challenge for your address.

    This is usually accompanied by a noticeable lack of item drops.

    I've been playing on the SourceOP 2fort server a bit and I've had this happen. Didn't get drops for a while, and then suddenly got 8 at once the next time I played there.

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