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Posts posted by Brycepops

  1. I never could get into Secret of Mana. Controls were kluuutzy, and the collision system didn't quite work. SD3 was marvelous, though, and more people need to play.

    And then Legend of Mana. That game had two fantastic storylines, one minorly what-in-the-world-is-happening one, a bunch of smaller yet still beautifully intertwined ones, and then the main one... which is all of ten minutes of the game's plot. But still a fantastic game. It'd help, I guess, if people pushed back the opening quests, since those are all there to introduce the characters and get you kick-started on the various systems in the game. But then you start seeing the Geo plot unfold... and it's all downhill from there. :3

    Also, No Future mode.

  2. And does it have those close encounter super-speed combat sequences? And the struggle sequence when kamehameha's connect? I'm trying really hard to remember what made me hate it so much.

    It wouldn't really be a DB game without those, would it? ;o

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