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Everything posted by Equinox

  1. unfounded assumptions are cool on another note, M$ is expecting XBL servers to get raped with GTA4 harder than halo. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, i want my lockbox and duffle bag already.
  2. They have, Bluefox is just kind of slow.
  3. ocr needs more songs like this
  4. addicted to that and ****
  5. yeah deadhex is a prettty hardcore msi fan. wouldn't be suprised if he whipped smth up.
  6. If I remember correctly, i saw that thing going for 200~ on ebay and really haven't seen it elsewhere. Unless you know of a place to get it for 60 bucks and care to share?
  7. Bome's figures are pretty exceptional, though I only have that Kiddy Grade set because my friends knew that I have the boxset signed by the american VA for Eclair and got them for my last birthday. I would've bought em' anyway though so they just did me a favor. On another note, i would really like this one but they're so goddamn expensive now.
  8. That blue Kirasaki is pretty nice, i have it in green. Also Eclair & Lumiere. http://shiningequinox.com/downloads/Pix/IMG_1985.jpg (3MB) Nice collection.
  9. i remember playing trackmania a while ago it was alright i will get it thx
  10. I don't see why anyone would want to wait two years for a new two hour movie. I don't see why anyone would want to wait a week for a new episode of House. I don't see why anyone would wait until 10 every night to watch the news. I don't see why anyone would wait two months for the next volume of this manga. I don't see why i should go on, my point is there.
  11. I'll be there.
  12. If you fail at looking around...sure they're more expensive but most of the time they have awesome MIR's, usually in the 30$ range.
  13. Yes, this is known around virtually all hardware sites. eVGA has an ultra exceptional RMA policy and I personally have had a 6800 bumped up to a 7800 before. That and i stick their cards in all my builds. lol punny
  14. Think i got the point across. You can lock this now mods, i'm sure you want to.
  15. See you @ Acen, i owe you lots of bday punches.
  16. Need all the points i can get.
  17. The McVaffe email irked the shit out of me as well. An announcement was enough.
  18. 1) Signing posts is gay, this is 2008. 2) Just beacuse you don't mind sifiting through happy birthday shit on the first page doesn't mean we have to. 3) Having so many birthday threads is not a huge strain on the server and why you even wasted our time typing this out for no actual purpose puts a strain on my brain. 4) Having a birthday thread for every individual I DON'T KNOW IS AWESOME. One thread, one compilation, problem solved. Don't be a rebel, don't be a dick.
  19. Really, make one thread and bump it, this is retarded.
  20. DotM / Disciples of the Mix - was OCR's official guild. It was led by board user Origami and it's name originated from the postcount rank of "Disciple of the Mix" from the olden days of OCR. Like i said before, the guild was only as good as the people in it. A handful of us still talk & GAME TOGETHER, even as of this post. Everyone who bitched about the guild was either inactive or probably just really terrible at the game. For more information on GW OCR lore, visit http://wiki.unmod.org/index.php?title=Savage_Seduction
  21. 1) Do not sell your Guild Wars account (If you plan on getting GW2), if you have any titles or rank on that account it is a high possibility that they will be transferable to Guild Wars. Not even high, they will have some effect that much is certain. 2) Greens in this game, depending on what they are, are worth shit and easily farmable, superior runes are also worthless and depending on the upgrades for the weapons then they too could be found for cheap on several GW auction sites/ingame. 3) Anyone who was in Disciples of the Mix and was active, had fun. In fact, i still have several people on my Ventrilo as of this moment that were in the guild and can tell you that themselves. Also John, we ran you whenever you wanted. And i distinctly remember running you through Sanctum Cay and through the Crystal Desert. So don't play yo' self. Also i was the third leader of DotM and approve of this message. Tony you bitchass if you read this post Lisa wants to talk to you. We all do.
  22. I found the art style very unique and liked it quite a bit, as well as the music. I second the recommendation for everyone to watch it.
  23. It has a ranking system right? Well there you go, everyone needs to grind their rank up.
  24. I can't fathom how people can stand to grind out CoD4's online gameplay. Shit bores me to tears.
  25. Never in the history of everything have i ever seen anyone make their own birthday thread. Congratulations, you did something EXTREMELY GAY for your birthday.
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