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Everything posted by Equinox

  1. cool i plan on going there one day and having lots of fun.
  2. Most people avoid getting it themselves because it's very easy to get killed by little things, lag included (I myself died to the group with Healer's Boon at 1,100,000 exp). People who do manage to get their KoABD titles up the the maximum tier with the inclusion of EoTN will most likely be rewarded for it when transferring the title via the hall of Monuments into Guild Wars 2. I'm pretty sure there isn't a plethora of titles for no reason at all. See above comment on benefit of titles that don't give a bonus. Factions has the addition of the Assassin and Ritualist, while both aren't the best in PvE, they're pretty much a staple in the PvP aspect of the game. In Factions you'd also gain the ability to do Alliance Battles and gain exclusive PvE only skills from the Luxon/Kurzick factions, whichever you decide to pledge your alleigance to. Nightfall has the added benefit of Heroes, at least one of every profession, while you're only allowed three heroes in your party, they'll make the game alot easier. Factions can be had for 30-40 bucks now and is definitely worthwhile simply because of the skills alone. And if you plan on doing PvP, you'll probably need skills from the Assassin/Ritualist tree. [see HA- Rit Spike/AB- Solo sin.] Wurms are only in a very small portion of the game and i wouldn't base a purchase of the game off that, but the Heroes.
  3. Survivor/Indomitable Survivor/Legendary Survivor.
  4. No, the only other change is Loot Scaling, which is affected by the number of people in your party. Golds/Greens/Tomes/Scrolls/Dyes/Rare Crafting Materials and Gems from DoA are exempt from loot scaling. Which means if you were farming for something in particular or just in general, you will get decent drops.
  5. Solo farming is not nerfed so much anymore. Repeatedly farming an area does not decrease drops as it used to.
  6. One necromancer, Spiteful Spirit, Price of Failure, Insidious Parasite, Reckless Haste, Enfeeble, Res, X. And something spamming the shit out of Wild Blow to knock Impossible Odds off. Win
  7. Eclaire Ortensia E/X 20 For those who care. As the ex leader of the previous OCR guilds, good luck starting one up again in any event that you do. I wouldn't mind lending a helping hand as long as you don't suck at GW, and this is 80% of the people who play it.
  8. Wait, people still play this??
  9. So now i can tell people "yeah i know who that guy is".
  10. GW PvP is extremely elitist in anything but RA, however if you don't suck and make good pvp friends you'd enjoy it.
  11. Everything.
  12. Seems you have a hard time with information, so before you continue to post cons, you should sit back and let people who actually know what they're talking about, talk.
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