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    The Clouds
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. ah, my old nemesis.

  2. like 8 or 9 years ago. was looking for game music and found vgmusic.com then consequently this site. i was here BEFORE there were too many chrono trigger, dkc and ff6 remixes. =-)
  3. oh. okay then. well, just in case they didnt. and yay for not having to pay for xbl! =-D
  4. if you want to play your own custom soundtrack - such as the awesome stuff on this very website - while you are playing super street fighter 4, hit your playstation button to get to your xmb. simply go to music, select your playlist and then return to the game. the music you play this way will override the games default music. just a neat fyi i wanted to share. dunno if/how this would work for 360 tho. heya, btw.
  5. Mayonaise by smashing pumpkins. one of their better songs.
  6. im usually good on tuesdays, wednesdays, and thursday nites. most other times ill be found playing midday after work (around 3pm mountain time). i look forward to burninating more folk with my leet pyro skills. also, add aqua to the rotations. very fun map.
  7. and this is why gecko has always been one of my favorite posters.
  8. wow that is epic. and eff lurch.
  9. now im just gonna stay out of spite
  10. if it is then i call jesus
  11. and my love for anime chicks is rekindled.
  12. ... so should have been getting money this whole time? wtf? i'm suing your ass.
  13. youve convinced me of nothing of the sort!
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