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Black Mage

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Status Updates posted by Black Mage

  1. After using my kitchen scale to weight all the magazines, I come up with a weight of 55 lbs, and a postage of $35 via USPS Parcel Post.

  2. Cheers from a fellow OverClocker behind the Zion Curtain.

  3. I'm afraid I wouldn't know of places around BYU. That's down in the depths of Utah County (a.k.a. Happy Valley, a.k.a. Stepford County), where I rarely tread. If you make it up to SLC, that's a different story.

    Utah County is...weird.

  4. It's hard to explain. Everything is so...fake? Too clean? It's like a county of clean cut, Brady Bunch astroturf. It just feels very twilighty...like that show about that zone (what was it called?).

    Maybe it's just because I grew up to be a liberal thinker in the most conservative state in the nation, but the place just freaks me out. 0_o

  5. Most people wouldn't care one way or the other. Though Mormons are proportionately the largest population in Utah, numerically they're outnumbered by non-mormons. Individually they're just like anyone else and most are pretty normal (even by non-Utahn standards). It's just that if you get a bunch of them together, some can get pretty self-righteous. Like any religious group they have their share of loud, outspoken wackos, but most are nice. Happy Valley is just where the more self-righteous ones tend to congregate.

  6. Sounds good. I'll post if it's taken before then.

  7. There is Anime Banzai. I think it started a few years ago. This years is October 8-10, in the Davis Conference Center in Layton. According to Wikipedia, last year about 3000 people attended. Looks like it covers anime, gaming (digital, card, and table top), panels, cosplay, etc.

  8. Yep, I'm a heathen gentile. ^_^

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