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Posts posted by friendlyHunter

  1. Sure they'll be workarounds, but I'd rather not have to do something technically illegal to use LAN. Not because it's illegal, but because it requires effort. But I'm kind of impartial on the issue, because I didn't play a lot of SC via LAN.

    all this complaining about how sc2 looks - it's all nostalgia. really. ten years after the original, you can't seperate your feelings about the original from the stark truth - which is that the sprites in that game look terrible compared to anything available today because the graphics were so damn bad.

    There are some very specific things that are bad about SC2's graphics, and even the dumbass population of the Battle.net SC2 forums can identify them.

    Things like:

    - It's nearly impossible to see the team colours in videos, especially for certain common kinds of units/buildings, and especially for certian team colours. I'd imagine it'll be hard to see team colours in-game as well, especially with more than 2 teams.

    - The Terran and Protoss buildings look like miniature "toys", while their 2D counterparts looked like massive towering buildings. Personally I think SC2's Terran buildings are the worst-looking things in the game, especially when compared to SC's amazing Terran buildings.

    - Most of the death animations are bad and make it hard to tell what's going on in battles.

    - Zerglings look stupid when they move (at least before their speed upgrade).

    - When Hydralisks attack, you can see them lobbing a giant slow-moving needle. I can only pray that that's a placeholder and the artists aren't really that bad...

    - The Zerg don't look "zerg-y" enough. (OK THAT one you can blame on nostalgia.)

    And some personal complaints: Zerg creep and also some Zerg buildings have MAGENTA specular highlights. It looks terrible, and it makes no sense at all.

    Ok, I'm done ^_^

  2. Those old screens are better than the current ones in some respects, but take a look at THESE:




    But personally I like the original StarCraft's art style and unit/building sprites and effects a LOT better than most of the 3D SC2 counterparts. And I'm convinced it's not nostalgia - those old sprites are just that good. YOU may be blown away, Prophet... but meanwhile I'll be petitioning Blizzard and retexturing units and buildings to try and fix all the suck before the next expansion ^_^ When I watch a SC2 video and then go play SC1, I get the "dead" feeling you're talking about because SC2 looks so bad =P

    And when I look at that third screenshot or watch any SC2 video, I can't help but fear that SC2 will be VERY visually cluttered, making it hard to play (and watch), especially when there's more than 1 team of the same race. The clarity of SC's graphics are nearly unmatched among non-Blizzard RTS games, and I don't think SC2's graphics are yet clear enough to avoid severe consequences...

  3. Hmm, since I likely can't play next week, maybe it's best to wait until Wednesday (not next Wednesday, but the one after - June 24th). In the meantime maybe I'll play a practice match or two with someone =)

    ... and how the HELL did you make your CD explode?!

    I got Zergling rushed so bad it caused terrible terrible damage to the CD :<

    But seriously, it must have been something wrong with the CD drive. The CD probably got jammed on something while it was spinning, or maybe the CD got bent too much and it snapped and shattered. I wasn't playing StarCraft when it happened, so only after opening the CD tray later that day did I realize what the loud pop noise was.

    I couldn't even remember which CD it was, until recently when I went looking for the Broodwar CD in anticipation of this tournament.

  4. haha friendly hunter, round 2 can start after we have all of the casts finished, i'll announce the winners of the matchups and then we can start. AND! since the second round will all be people who were around during the first we shouldn't have any no-shows :)

    if you have steam or use IRC get in touch with me and i'll play against you some time :)

    The problem is I only have one or two days left to play, since I wasn't expecting to make it past round 1... and since I know I can't beat Battousai twice (ok, MAYBE I can, but I doubt it), I don't have to worry about round 3. Also Bleck (Battousai's round 1 opponent) and Tensai (my round 1 opponent) both dropped before we started our matches, so anyone who reads this thread already knows who "won", and there's no casting to be done for our matches.

    How's the casting going by the way?

    Thus, Elesarana would be winner by default... Gah! I wish I could find my original CDs to reinstall the damn thing so I could fix this, but I lost them (I wouldn't have this problem if I had them :banghead:).

    My Broodwar CD literally exploded inside the CD-ROM drive. There was a giant POP! and it cracked into many many pieces. Thank God for Alcohol.


    And I've yet to get a reply to my PM to Battousai. Don't let me win this round by default!! =P

  5. Too many movies and shows to count have been filmed where I live, in Vancouver, BC, Canada (which is sometimes jokingly referred to as "Hollywood North") .

    Hey, that reminds me... when I was in Victoria I took a walk near the castle/mansion where they shot some of the X-Men 2 dorm scenes (or the exterior parts anyway). But that was after they filmed it, and I might not have noticed if I wasn't told, so that probably doesn't count =/

  6. Aww, really? I thought that match was pretty close, right up until I made those guardians at the end :puppyeyes: And I don't know what they heck I would've done if I was Protoss or Terran.

    I was hoping to get some matches with someone near my skill level... On BNet, most 1on1 "noob only" games are against players who aren't actually newbies, but I play them anyway or else I'd never be able to play any 1on1 games. And 2vs2 noob only games depend almost completely on the skill of my ally (especially if he's good enough to tell me what to do ^_^)

    But I am pretty busy this week. Well, time to get ready for...

    Battousai!!!1 :o

    Well there's always next tournament.

  7. I just hope that the game has a better control scheme.

    Granted I can't compare to TP directly since I had the gamecube version, but damn were those some clunky controls...

    Maybe the wiggle will be better. :3

    I haven't played the Gamecube version, but the controls were bad on the Wii. I didn't mind the waggle, but I had to turn the pointing off because it was bad. But the worst was the item buttons (C buttons), and the menu where you set those item buttons. Even after beating the game, I never got used to those item controls... I seem to remember the in-game HUD for that was confusing too. Always pulling out the wrong item... THAT was the hardest aspect of the game!! (...if you don't count the cave of ordeals.)

    I REALLY hope this new Zelda either removes the "target an enemy and use the right item to kill it with no skill involved" gameplay, or revamps it in a way that makes it fun. OOT started it all and in that game it was challenging and fun, but it got worse and way too easy in Windwaker, and even worse in Twilight Princess. No one can deny the combat in Zelda 1, 2, and LttP is WAAY better than the combat in TP.

    Well, we'll see what happens... maybe this new game will have voice controls, and you'll have to tell the sword/spirit which enemies to kill. It's stupid enough that they just might do it. But first they'll have to see if other voice-controlled games will sell :roll: A Wii motion plus Zelda has a ton of potential... but I'm not getting my hopes up at all.

    I can't see them making a Zelda that's darker than Twilight Princess. Twilight Princess had some dark shit by Zelda standards. Majora had the doomsday thing going on, yeah, but TP had a lot of creepy moments too.

    Your opinion is wrong! =D

  8. Do i win???

    Did you start drawing that after June 1st???

    I was looking through the official Blizzard Fan Art archive a week ago, and I happened to notice a lot of the WoW pictures (and a StarCraft pic too) were drawn by the same artist... and here's a pic by that same artist again!

    [fake edit]

    Just found the pic you posted on Deviant Art... submitted December 17, 2007. Sorry, you don't win... yet. ENTER ENTER ENTER!!

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