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Posts posted by Compyfox

  1. You forgot Evansville, Indiana, along with the rest of the Central Standard Time zone. 3:00 PM. Shame I'll be in class until an hour after it starts.

    I used the most salient timezones all over the world, CHz. For everything else there're world-time pages out there. So yeah, going more in depth is a but much.

    But I guess I covered at least the most well known ones. Just a little bit of service from my side - especially for those overseas. ;)

  2. If Larry really sticks to this time (4pm EST, Atlanta, GA), then we have this timelist for our listeners all over the world (I added a bit more than last time):

    Los Angeles (CA, USA): 1:00pm

    Calgary (Canada): 2:00pm

    Atlanta (GA, USA): 4:00pm

    Rio de Janero (Brazil): 7:00pm

    Reykjavik (Iceland): 9:00pm

    London (England): 9:00pm

    Oslo (Norway): 10:00pm

    Germany: 10:00pm

    Paris (France): 10:00pm

    Helsinki (Finland): 11:00pm

    Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 11:00pm

    Moskau (Russia): 0:00am (monday, midnight)

    Hong Kong (China): 5:00am (monday)

    Tokyo (Japan): 6:00am (monday)

    Sidney (Australia): 8:00am (monday)

  3. I stopped the torrent due to a bug I found while listening to the files. Please stop your torrent download, delete the #VGF45 show and try it again (including redownloading the torrent file) in 30minutes.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.


    Files back up and running. Like I said, #VGF44.99 is untouched, please delete #VGF45 as the bug (glitch) was in there.

  4. Just as reminder:

    VGF Season 04, Episode #45 starts today, 10pm EST (Atlanta, GA) - which will be in a couple of minutes.

    For our "worldwide listeners" in other timezones:

    Canada (Calgary): 8pm (saturday)

    Los Angeles, CA: 7pm (saturday)

    England (London): 3am (sunday)

    Germany: 4am (sunday)

    Japan (Tokyo): 12pm (sunday, midday)

    Have fun while listening. ;)

  5. As with VGF#29.99 (which is available as torrent btw., please look at page 1 for the link), Larry won't do any calls. This is more or less a "review" show. A review of the last season, but also a pre-"season 04" show. (aka. bonus)

    So stay tuned for 2 hours of fine music. The "best of VGF Season 03"

    *And yeah we know that the RM stream is still not fixed - you don't need to remind us. ;)*

  6. Hardware synth fans listen up:

    I'm looking for a VSTi that sounds similar to the oldschool "Roland XV5080" rack synthesizer (because 1200 bucks is still a bit much to get this thing new). It doesn't matter if it's commercial or not, but it has to sounds like that oldschool synthesizer, not some "new instrument" sh*t that I can find over at KVR every day.

    If you have an idea and it's not NI Reaktor, then please post your suggestions here. Thanks in advance.

  7. Yeah... I'm human by myself and need help too.

    You see, there's this nifty Roland XV5080 synthesizer that I can't afford at the moment (1200 bucks is still a lot of money) and I fell in love with the oldschool sounds. So much for the intro.

    I'm not only looking for a VSTi with similar sounds (will post that in the specific thread too, so don't worry) but I'm also looking for samples from some specific drumsets. Especially the acoustic kit, the RUST Kit (boy how do I love this) and all other HipHop Kits in that device.

    I already tried the Roland XV5080 Refill for Reason but this is basicly the acoustic only (and I don't want to rewire Reason just for this specific term). I've also searched at the most known SF2 pages but couldn't find a fitting drumset for my needs.

    If you know a page where to get the samples, or you have a XV5080 and can sample for me the RUST Kit from it, this would really help. If you can't find anything, don't bother - I'm sure I'll find a solution (wit heavy compression and saturation). It's just that I'm lazy at the moment. ;)

    Thanks in advance.

  8. Sorry to be a bit upset now, but I have to clear my mind a bit.


    What you do, doesn't work! I'm talking about the offered torrents for the VG Frequency shows. Since the torrents are working (which is since monday night, 6am GMT+1) a lot of stuff came to my ear. Either it was "gah, the torrents are too slow, where is my 120k/s download?! You guys just suck!" or "I have to reload the material again - this is just shit" or even "I can't connect to the tracker?! WTF?!". I can describe this as one simple thing: bitching.

    Look... I wrote a very detailed filelist for the VGF shows how you should name your mp3s. You can find it here. If you don't read it, then a complaint doesn't count as we had to do some unifications. (the same happened with OCR btw)

    Another thing that totally pisses me off are the leechers. I mean... it was our own free will to offer the files for you. Yeah - for you, the listener. Because we thought we do something "good" for you. And all you can do is "leech the hell out of our bandwidth" which is not seldom limited (I for example can only offer 20k/s up max by 5 open torrents, and mostly I'm the only seeder!), and instead of helping us out getting the files to everyone, we just getting flamed at and the leechers vanish right after they downloaded the files. And I have proof for that: The #40-44 files had 4 seeds - now only 2 (and already 5 downloads?!). And I've also seen four seeds for #35-39 (also only 2 now).

    This simply doesn't work, this wasn't our idea and it's especially not fair! You ever thought about that? Yeah I knew you did but I also know that this doesn't interest you as long as you get "your stuff", am I right?

    All what I'm asking for are seeders (and of course fair leechers). Nothing more. Even if you have only "one" single show on your HDD, seed it. Others might profit from it and you can get the other shows at the same time, too. And if your bandwidth is "holy", then for gods sake limit it to 1-2 torrents at the same time with like 3-5k/s upload only for each. Even small uploads count in.

    We simply can't offer stuff 24/7 as our PCs are mostly our "audio workstations" too where we produce the fine music you're listening to if you come here. So... yeah.

    Please think about my words...

    *perhaps even as small warning*

  9. Dear VGF listeners.

    Usually we do stuff for you (like offering hour-long shows), now it's "your" chance to help us. ;)

    Larry lost his old recordings in a PC crash a couple of months ago. Some of the chatroom regulars could recover several backups but we're still missing some files for some kind of "master backup" (and also for offering them as packs sometime - don't ask about that one please, as we're already working on that).

    So... do you have backups from old shows and you can send stuff? Great. Then please be so kind and write me a PM with the topic "[VGF Backup] I have show(s) no. #??" and I give you some infos where to send the files to, or simply try to reach me at the #VGF chatroom at irc.etg.com .

    We're missing the shows (list can change!):

    VGF11 to VGF15



    (Last Edit: 18DEC04 - 5:50am GMT+1)

    Thanks for your help and efforts getting the files to us. We really apreciate that.


  10. Due to a RM stream error at the beginning of the aftershow (also standing in the chatlog of VGF#44 - I was asleep at that time too), there's nothing but silence in the recording.

    I can't offer an aftershow this time. Sorry.

  11. Just to push this thread a bit and also give some informations:

    Larry's planning two shows this saturday. A regular one inlcuding interviews with Joe Camisia (JoeCam) and DCT, and an additional show sometime between saturday afternoon and early evening (before the regular show). So please stay tuned. ;)

    An MP3 from todays (friday) show will be aviable within the next days or so. No aftershow this time.

  12. I managed to get a pretty good recording for the VGF#32 aftershow. However, I could only host 10MB of it, so I had to cut it down (that, and my hard drive isn't that big). I encoded @ 96kbps, 44100Hz mp3. ... You'd probably be able to do something better with your audio knowledge though :P I'm not sure how much Hz affects file size (Larry uses 24000Hz I believe).

    Larry uses similar settings in MP3Pro. He is recording in 44kHz and the encoder renders everything else down.

    I would ask though that if possible to use mp3 rather than ogg or aac. That way everyone can access it, rather than locking out certain users. aac for me is a particular issue since I don't use iTunes, and my portable DAP doesn't support aac (I do tend to listen to the shows outside rather than at the computer). Likewise, they'll be those who only use iTunes and non-ogg supporting DAPs. Pretty much everything supports mp3.

    Well... I thought of AAC because it's MP4 audio and uses less space than a MP3 by very good quality. You don't need iTunes to listen to them as there're enough AAC decoders are out there (i.e. Winamp and stuff). But I have to agree with you. MP3 is still the most used data format and 95% of all players (including PDAs) can only play MP3, sometimes OGG and very rarely AAC (unless it's an iPod or you have luck to get an AAC player for your Palm OS).

    I'll see what I can do about that.

    Actually, just had a listen to your encode, and actually I see what you mean. I think that's because of the amount of people using the stream at the time. I get the stream changing quality quite a lot during the show. Hopefully you'd get a much better stream during the aftershow.

    Well I have DSL with 2Mbit stream aviable. So I have no fluctuations in the stream (sometimes it cuts off though). So that's not the main problem. The problem lies within the WMRE stream server itself and the radiostation pushing too much power out. This results in massive distortion. Not to mention that RM renders down the frequency from the beginning to offer a good and synched video and audio stream.

    Larry is actually working on that problem too. But he can't promise anything. He would prefer a clean stream too. But it seems that the server is borked in a kind of way and the errors weren't found yet.

    If I'm around for a show, and I get a new hard drive (should be getting a new setup this Christmas), I'll be able to record the aftershow. Hosting however is gonna be another issue.

    Well recording is not a problem for me. My studio waveeditor has a nice "auto record" function. It's just the problem with the messed up stream and the filtering of the files that make a lot of work.

    But I'm already on the way to find a good balance. ;)

  13. Best of luck from my side regarding your finals too.

    Regarding the aftershow:

    I still need to find a middleway how to encode the material in the same quality as you have to offer small filesize MP3s by good quality. Chances are that I encode that material into AAC as it gives me the best results. I'll see what I can do about that.

    I can't do much about the overcompressed and distorted right channel though. It's a fault from the RM server. Not to mention that I miss like 3-5 minutes from Joe Cam's call in the aftershow (as I had to save the tempfiles first). But if the listeners can live with that, I'm sure I can throw something together the next days.

    Speaking of your "special shows":

    Can you tell us "listeners" when exactly they'll be and how long they'll be? Or did I misunderstood something here. ;)

  14. ROFL! And I thought larry looks like Eddy Murphy on the webcam. XD

    But the Sushi pic is funny... however... the sushi look strange. But hm... sushi.


    Took out the link to Trenthian's interview, as Larry already uploaded the recording of VGF#43.

  15. Forget it to find an outstanding Kodo (Taiko) for free. There is one from Roland with around 100k (I guess it was from the SR88), but this is a synthetic one. One of the best Kodo samples I've ever heard were in the "Heart of Asia" AKAI CD pack for like 300bucks, that is also included as "light version" in the (I gues it were the) Spectrasonics Packs (the CDs for like 50-100bucks each) with only one layer though.

    But I at least know for sure that Hammersound and sf2midi has some really good asian samples (handpercussion, strings, flutes and stuff). So check out those pages too.

  16. Do researches. Simple and easy.

    With this you can understand how an orchestra works, how the ambience is, how everything is set up and stuff.

    Most samples are recorded RAW or as clean as possible. Now how does this sound in a concert hall? An orchestra has rules, instruments have rules, different rooms have rules. This is the thing that you want to fake and you have to work on.

    I won't spoonfed here as I had to learn this for myself and it worked really well in other productions for understanding what to do and what not. We even had some topics about mixing, EQ, orchestra and stuff here at OCR. You just have to search. And if this doesn't help: books... or go over to "Sound on Sound" online and search in the article archives. (you can find at least 3-5 articles about that there)

  17. Exactly... you can do a lot with Squid if you know how. Look at some older stuff here at OCR where the Orchestra parts were made with Squid (I guess even Kaijin used that one). Everything sounds a bit flat if it's raw. But right EQed and the right delay/reverb and you're set.

    Hell even my EMU Virtuoso (hardware orchestra synth) needs effects layers! Or the EDIROL HQ Orchestra... without Delay (do let it sound more wide) and reverb (to let it sound deep), and best if you stack it to like 4 subgroups, you simply can't expect to get an outstanding effect.

    Besides... you can't expect a Viola go into the range of a Cello. Think about how an orchestra is built up, then bitch around again.

    And if you want something without effects, get samplepacks for 400+ bucks and upwards! But if you want something for free... live with it and find a way to shape your sound to the desired level. 'nuff said.


    And if you still don't like Squid. There're still tons of other "free" SF2s out there in the orchestra section. Use the search function from the board as I mentioned this sometime. We can't spoon-feed everyone. Some little researches are also important.

  18. @DJ Zenith:

    Try to get "Sonic R" for PC (or at least a Demo), it has some original Sega Samples as *.wav in it. (among them the classical "ring collecting" sound)

    Or try to record it via an emulator with the BG switched off - or the soundmenus you can access. The Dreamcast and GameCube games "Sonic Adventure" also have a sound menue who have the same classic Genesis sounds, too. (you can find that at "options").

  19. I was messing around with ovation the other day and it is very good. all you need is the proper eq, reverb, and velocity adjustments and note placement (i get the feeling most of the bad reviews are from the people who would write a guitar chord with every note hit at once and shit like that lol)

    Or no background info how a guitar is build and played. The chords on a guitar may "sound" the same as those on a keyboard. But the keyboard uses less notes at the same time.

    You just have to think about how it would sound if you were actually playing the song on a guitar. how your hand would hit harder on the bass strings on the way down and harder on the high strings (and missing the low strings practically) on the way up.

    Strumming... hahaha... good luck, but it can be achieved well enough to fool some people so give it a try. and again, not much your gonna find better for free so listen to compy.

    Glad that the archives are still active:

    Simulating Guitar Strums

    In this topic I wrote something about "how" to simulate strums and the anathomy of a guitar. There're even some demo samples in there. One with Ovation (afaik, not EQed however, this is why it sounds dull).

    I used the Ovation and ProTrax guitar in one of my latest WIPs, but please don't ask me to post it as it isn't nearly finished. The feedback from guitarists and non-guitarists however were very positive and almost all of them asked "what samples did you use" as I send them the demo.

    You see... those samples can't be that bad. Even if they're smaller than 10MB (RAR packed). It only counts a little bit of patience and "eager to search for things" to it to find really good material. Sometimes I feel the same as DMLee that most of the requesters are too lazy and await "spoon-feeding". Oh well...

  20. i'm looking for a good acoustic guitar soundfont. something that sounds similar to the "plucked!" generator, which is what I am currently working with until I find a decent soundfont.

    Word. I need one too.

    I used "Ovation" and "ProTrax Classical Guitar" (one is nylon, one is steel) for quite some time as SF2. I'm using other resources for guitars now (sample packs or a real one), but I'm sure you can still find it over at Hammersound. "Ovation" is like 4MB bi (RAR) and ProTrax is like 7,4MB (RAR).

    Don't trust the feedback at Hammersound, though. Most of them said "bah... bad recordings", but if you add a bit more presence and "know" how to play, you won't get anything better for free.

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