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Posts posted by Compyfox

  1. If nothing goes wrong. And there's the point where I step in.


    You heard that? To "me" (AIM, eMail, PM, whatever!). Namely that's DarkeSword, SirRus(!!! - if someone has contact to him, whip him in here!), Sephire (Track 2 - Morning sunlight, the collab), Red Omen, Tyler Heath (Unknown).

    (LT Edit: Hey, that means people see it :-P)

    Contacted via another ways are ellywu, Russel Cox, mv and Reuben Kee (they responded and promised to get back to me!).

    For this amount of material I need AT LEAST 1 week of work (and still I work like 10-15h a day on it!). If C.S. shall be released on 27th I have to start on thuesday next week LATEST. So get your lazy "backs" up. I want some sparetime too. ;)

    Those who sent me the files in the last week, sorry that I didn't respond sooner. But the first [MASTER] files are comming together now.


    If you plan on doing an interview with me, please do it "after" I'm finished with the files.


    I'm still working on that thing I told you about (which might need extra "treatment"). It'll be a last minute thing - though I try to get it done till wednesday next week LATEST. And if I can't reach the deadline (mastering technially cause everything's delayed atm due to several reasons), I beg you... expand the release date even if CT has birthday at 27th sep. *better a good sounding full fleshed and delayed project than a rushed job - works with games too*


  2. The rumors finally come to an end!

    Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm proud to bring you some great news with the following sentences. But first of all, let us celebrate alltogether with a friggin loud "HELL YEAH!" to the following thing:

    VG Frequency officially started with Season 5!

    Nope, it's not a dream. And you didn't dream that either that last saturday (10th September) was officially the first show of the new season (VGF#61). It was a sudden thing and only a handful of peeps knew what's going on till it was too late. But it was the first official show after the "death of VG Frequency" in May 2005. *though I missed it myself*


    I had Larry on the phone in the last hour and I asked him a bit about his sudden decitions. He recently moved back to Atlanta cause he didn't know whether to stay at home, or be with his girlfriend. And even though he graduated from Emory campus, he still has access to the WMRE studios as "guesthost". From his final words from VGF#60.99 (that were available as bootleg shortly after the 24+h marathon) it was clear that VGF will and still lives on in his heart, his friends even secretly tried to get VGF on the road again - but it seemed like it was over forever.

    Now Larry kicks back with a brand new season. On the phone he told me that he wants to at least "keep it up till December on a regular basis". Which means: Saturday Evening is reserved for VG Frequency. At the usual place, the usual time - and unfortunately at the same old stream (RealMedia).

    So to all VG Frequency fans out there, gather again and give a warm welcome to our long missed (now hopefully relaxed) and "sexiest" radiohost from the other side of the globe.

    Welcome back Larry Oji, with VG Frequency!!!!

    Now that this is out, I can start the old riff-raff again, too. Hell yeah, nothing really changed anyway.

    Tune in at 10pm (saturday, GMT-5/EST, Atlanta, GA). Here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you.

    Small World-Timetable

    Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm *
    Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm *
    Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm *
    Rio de Janero (Brazil): 11:00pm
    Reykjavik (Iceland): 2:00am (Sunday)
    London (England): 3:00am (Sunday, *)
    Oslo (Norway): 4:00am (Sunday, *)
    Germany: 4:00am (Sunday, *)
    Paris (France): 4:00am (Sunday, *)
    Helsinki (Finland): 5:00am (Sunday, *)
    Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 4:00am (Sunday)
    Moscow (Russia): 6:00am (Sunday, *)
    Hong Kong (China): 10:00am (Sunday)
    Tokyo (Japan): 11:00am (Sunday)
    Sydney (Australia): 12:00am (Sunday, midday)

    * currently observing daylight saving time (DST)

    Have fun while listening to VGF#62.

    Additional Infos:

    :arrow:Torrent batches need seeds again. I'm actually helping out VGDJ to save some bandwidth. If you want the old shows for some nostalgic issues, please ask around if someone could seed in my place. Thanks.

    :arrow: The missing shows are still in editing. Larry needs to get back to it again as soon as he has a bit more space on his Laptop HDD. We plan a full release (VGF#50 till VGF#60.99) in torrent form in the next weeks. We'll keep you informed.

    :arrow: Unfortunately bad news too: Restreaming via Shoutcast isn't possible for me anymore. Hereby goes a big "sorry" to the users on dialup.

  3. I have no idea which Splendid, nor can I check atm. Sorry. All I know is that I found it after long searches for SF2s and I was like "138MB? Gotta check that out. Nice layers! In the collection with it".


    Just checked, seems to be the last version that came out. And if it's not - doesn't matter. Enough good material in the pack.


    I guess I'll take down the torrent tonight, as those beyatches who snag stuff doesn't seem to be able to share. Nice work folks... nice work. It's not my duty (alone) to offer the files, hell no. You had your chance. ¬_¬

  4. I said it a thousand times now and I say it again cause a lot of you definately can't read!


    Not sooner!

    Saves a lot of trouble for you, and some for me.

    Also keep in mind:

    I have no SoundClick account and please don't use a webhost where I can't download from.

    If you wanna send me the file, I wrote down how to do this on page 75. Please pay a bit more attention!

  5. RoeTaKa:

    I answered that question further up in a FAQ.


    Disksplit is 01-14 and 15-25 +bonus tracks

    However that with the bonus tracks on the main disk is not sure YET. I'll keep you informed on that.

    Those who sent me files, I'll take a listen and get back to you. Those who still have to send me files... GET THEM TO ME!!!!


    One important thing!

    If you send files to me, put the tracknumber in front of your track. AKA "name them properly". I can't have the complete project in my head you know.

  6. oh yeah, the same happens as it happend with VGF at that day. First they snag the pages dead, then they scream that the bandwidth was used up and the files are gone. Then there is a sollution called "Torrent", then they're all high and stuff and start snaggin' like an outta control wildfire. And short after they got "their stuff", they vanish again and think "helping? me?! seeding?! WTF is that?! I gotz muh sheit!"

    Yeah yeah... sad but true. Folks, seriously now. Torrents can only live on from those who're willing to share. If you don't want to share, fine with me. I try to keep the torrents up till sunday, then I drop them again if you're not interested.

    Same with VGF. I was a long time the only seeder though. Nobody wanted the shows. And then if you're not there, have other stuff to do, have uploads to clients or your PC is simply out (cause it runs 24/7 anyway), then someone comes from behind, stabs you with a +9 PM and screams at you "OMGWTFS33DzPLz!". And if you don't act imediately in the next 10 minutes there's another +12 PM bonus stab with "OMG j00're a f4g!", etc.

    Shoutout to everyone:


    (and of course the other shows too if you're able to do so)

    You're not only helping Aurora and Rayza save a ton of bandwidth cost, you also help others getting the show(s) which results that others might help you again if you miss something. I can't seed all the time (not to mention that my upload bandwidth is limited), even if it's my torrent tracker. If it doesn't run by itself, I don't really see the urge to help "you" out anymore - which is only logical.

    Same harsh words as with VG Frequency. So please think about it.

  7. Usually I don't do this, but the demand comes up over and over. So this will be an exception from my side and I won't guarantee that the file(s) will be up in a couple of weeks anymore. So grab them while they're hot!

    :arrow:I'm offering you:

    A free Piano and Harpsichord Collection in SF2 format that you can snag from my torrent tracker. Packed in RAR, around 252MB.

    Included are the following pianos:

    Clavinova (Yamaha) - 11,4MB/126,6MB

    EMU Pianos (Bösendorfer/Grand) - 4,2MB/8,4MB

    Hubbe VeloPiano (Classic/Generic/Jazz) - 13,4MB/22,7MB/28,9MB

    Maestro Malmsjö - 201MB

    NS Piano - 28,4MB

    Soeren Bovbjerg (Fiazioli Grand, Steinway C Grand, Steinway C Bright) - 17,2MB/11,5MB/30,3MB

    Splendid Grand - 138,1MB

    Warren Trachtman (Steinway) - 22,2MB

    Included are the following Harpsichords:

    Harpsichord (multi SF2 programmed FX patches) - 1,8MB

    Haunted Harpsichord SEC - 7,9MB

    I hope you enjoy that collection as there're some rare treasures among it. And don't forget to share, so leave your torrent open even after you snagged it!


    *critism like "sukz bawlz" will be ignored - it's not my fault that you can't get the pianos/harsichord to sound good. EQ and effects are also a key to success. If you still don't like them, whatever the reason may be (not going into it here), buy some GIGA/AKAI samples or one of those many piano VSTi samplepacks out there*

  8. Just a quick reminder:

    For me (in germany) it's already Thursday, 8th September 2005. Which means: Deadline for the fixed Postproduction files.

    Please... get the files to me ASAP! (so I have still time to get back to you in case there're still issues to fix). The timebuffer shrinks and I can't turn the time back as in Chrono Trigger. If I don't have all finished files from status by Saturday (11th Sep), that project won't be finished in time (we also need at least 3-5 days for page, mirrors, torrent and stuff!)

    I won't have to remind you that you volunteered for this project and you're bound to it till it's completition. And I can't complete it if I don't have proper files to engineer.

    You also want an as good sounding package as I do, too. Please, spare me some sleepless nights (I surely won't master 29tracks overnight! Especially not orchestra tracks) and a possible heart attack.

  9. Well personally I'd say:

    Expand the show.

    In different ways:

    1) The songs a tad longer. Though that's mostly OCR Material that we can hear over and over (it's not VGF after all)

    2) Due to the expansion you have a tad more time doing "interactive interviews", more in the news section, etc. Clips from mixer swith 2min are fine with me unless the go all about "yeah I'm this and that great".

    If the filesize get's too big after that, I'd recommend using mp3pro for that purpose. As Larry did with his recordings, same on my side with Crimson Moon.


    Didn't listen to your liveshow yet, but if you're planning to do that, you have the equipment and you keep up the preasure, I'll surely listen in (if it's the right time for me). As long as you keep down the prank calls (though if you do it Mondays, you run in trouble with "Nitro Game Injection" from KyleJCrib).

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