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Posts posted by Compyfox

  1. Larry's a cheater, he edited the poll so that only Paige can be chosen. I should have clicked on "Larry smells" rather than "himself for judge".

    Uhm... or it was Gray who edited it... ¬_¬

    BTW: Who farted in the tube?!

  2. Well I thought of 24k first but then again not a lot are using a mp3pro decoder (or some can't simply use one, like with Foobar or iTunes) so I had to find a balance. That's why I used 32kbit. Gives me half the quality that I'd usually have with mp3pro enhancement (mp3pro enabled = 44kHz Stereo, mp3pro disabled = 22kHz mono) and it still sounds great.

    So yeah... I can't really support 33kbout users anymore. Those times are kinda over. But glad that you liked it. Maybe I do this a bit more often, so please keep an eye on the regular VG Frequency thread. ;)

  3. Sorry for the shameless plug, but...

    to those you're bored out this saturday evening.

    Tune in: http://viper.mediacast1.com:9720

    (mp3pro enhanced shoutcast stream, of course normal mp3 works too, so you can listen with any mp3 player you want)

    Reruns of:

    VG DJ #001 (by Aurora and Rayza)

    VG Frequency #60.99 (Bootleg recorded by Compyfox, show by Larry Oji)

    Crimson Moon #001

    Over 10 hours of music and random babling from the radio hosts. Please enjoy.


    Was a nice first show. So kudos to both of you Aurora and Rayza. ;)

    I hope to hear more from it on a regular base.

  4. For those who don't want to read the fill thing...

    What's up? Radio Stream

    Right now: Random Remixes/Originals

    From 0:30am GMT+1: Reruns of VGDJ#001, VGF#60.99 Bootleg, Crimson Moon #001

    Where is it on? http://viper.mediacast1.com:9720

    Okies I set something up for you.

    From this minute on, my shoutcast server is streaming "non-stop" music for the next 15-20hours. Videogame music/remixes and originals. You can listen to the 32kbit (mp3pro enhanced) stream here:


    And starting from 0:30am GMT+1 (that's 6:30pm EST) will be the following shows for those who missed them:

    VGDJ - Episode 001

    VG Frequency - EP60.99 (Bootleg)

    Crimson Moon - EP001

    (all in all over 10hours of music and random comments from the radio hosts)

    Here's a small timetable of the most salient timezones for you. As always. ;)

    Small World-Timetable

    Los Angeles (CA, USA): 3:30pm *
    Calgary (Canada): 4:30pm *
    Atlanta (GA, USA): 6:30pm *
    Rio de Janero (Brazil): 7:30pm
    Reykjavik (Iceland): 10:30pm
    London (England): 11:30pm *
    Oslo (Norway): 12:30am (Sunday, *)
    Germany: 12:30am (Sunday, *)
    Paris (France): 12:30am (Sunday, *)
    Helsinki (Finland): 1:30am (Sunday, *)
    Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 12:30am (Sunday, *)
    Moscow (Russia): 2:30am (Sunday, *)
    Hong Kong (China): 6:30am (Sunday)
    Tokyo (Japan): 7:30am (Sunday)
    Sydney (Australia): 8:30am (Sunday)

    * currently observing daylight saving time (DST)

    Please enjoy the evening. ;)

  5. When is episode 60 coming out? The one with Snapple and me calling in, and flik and shit?

    Larry has to edit a load of shows, so it will take a while, I guess. You just have to be patient as the shows are planned to come out chronologically. VGF#56 was an exeption though.

    But one of the major rules still apply:

    The less call-ins, the less editings, the faster a show comes out. If Larry as the time of course.

    Compyfox, I just knew you'd come up with a better recording of Paige's singing :) Thanks for putting that in as a real stocking filler.

    No prob. And... your's wasn't that bad. ;)

    I did some editing on mine though and then I encoded it the same way as Larry usually does his shows. That's all.

    I can't believe it's all over. *sniff* :(

    Every good things come to an end... but we'll see what the future will bring us. ;)

  6. Okay now I have some more infos...

    VGF#61 will be dropped (was the earlier last show), the last show will be VGF#60.99!

    Schedule for today:

    Larry finishes the running show, then he does like a 2 hour break at least and then get's back to the marathon with VGF#58 (Makeup) and then the very final show VGF#60.99 (which is a best of, and he plans no call in's).

    That means... earliest restart at 12pm EST again.

    See ya all later. ;)


    Right now there's a rerun of an elder show running - or more like random stuff, so don't be too confused. heh.

  7. Change of plan, so it semms... Larry said VGF61 will be tonight, and tomorrow at the usual schedule (maybe a bit sooner) will be VGF60.99. Though he has to confirm that by himself.

    And yeah... the stamina is crazy... Yet he didn't fade out. But he's short before it unless he sniffs(!) caffeine tabs.

  8. Especially at 32 kb/s with $10 headphones.

    Use a mp3pro decompressor for Winamp and you have the same sound as if you'd listen to the RM stream. It's that simple and is also standing in the #vgf topic.

    And maybe he'll let me come too....

    'scuse me Paige, but this sounded simply... er... wrong. uhm... yeah.

  9. I was refering to his birthday not the day he died. Didn't get the joke at that time and didn't change it. So yeah. Though I can't see any more documetaries about D-Day and "60 years after WW2". God dammit, it's as bad as the days the pope died.

    So yeah.

    BTW: Don't know yet if I restream VGF, but I try to setup something. Won't become it a habit though. However... if the stream borks or attemps to shut down - sorry... won't get back up if I'm asleep. It's up to you if you (the listeners) wanna take the risk. And yeah I won't mess with the balance this time either. Just too much work for something that doesn't work anyway. Blame the WMRE RealMedia server admins.

  10. I didn't flame Gray, dammit. He's a friend if mine so why should I? I only commented his opinion that was a bit off (didn't I say partially in my last post?! I guess I said something like that!), told what work was put into and that I do not agree with certrain comments that were made. I mean this mix was over 2 years (including waiting times on OCR) in the making and Shael asked me to help out in the end. Now all are like "suck! next track please - gimme something more creative" as if they're "gods at (re)mixing".

    I also wrote that this mix has issues too. Even though I did some work on it but I can only "fix issues" if I get a good root material for my editing. And now the critism is all like "oh man just SFTU and stop flaming Gray" what I really can't believe. Now I'm the bad guy that tried to show off as "uber-mixer". Thanks again, tells me not to comment a remix anymore.

    But oh well... like Danny B. said if you want LA productions, you're totally wrong here (even though this mix works perfectly on the air). This mix is obviously a joke remix and aimed at that. But I guess you're already too spoiled with highend standards, trance, orchestra and piano material. But then again you're mad at the panel if your mix doesn't get posted. Shael showed endurance and worked on the track... And it got posted, even with issues. Can you show that much patience too?!

    In the end... it's just music. But the last posts showed me that making music can be an outragous (profilation) war too.

  11. Usually if I'm influenced in helping an artist/ mixer I don't give additional feedback on a community page too. But as engineer of this song, especially in the last stages till the song was submitted (which was a 3 week span or so), I have to say that Gray is totally off the crack. At least in a couple of cases.

    It is true that this mix is not the "best mix ever produced" but to critisize that the "beat has no punch" or "I can do better orchestra electronic shit" (spoken through the flower) is yet another thing of own preferences reflected by a judge that counts as ultimate definition. In other words "I'm a judge nothing else counts" and we all know the rest of the story where we can quarrel about that for months.

    Anyway... Like I said I was influenced in the postproduction of this song and helped Shael mostly in volume, EQ and soundshaping issues. The first track I got from him (the version before this final one) was non EQed and non edited. I took my time for the song after I had all raw tracks from Shael and produced for him a pre-mix that was "previewed" by a couple of judges to get some feedback (the only issues were that we were asked to rewrite some minor parts and make the drums a bit more quiet - and all loved the drums btw). Part of the judges who prelistened to the remix and gave positive feedback also judged and aprooved it with a YES, if you're interested.

    But back on topic.

    In the end Shael redid some parts (the strings at the end in a different key, a bit more bass work, synth a bit more random) of the song and asked me for 3 engineered stereo tracks (the drums and the made-on-purpose older sounding strings) that he wanted to take over from me (and also did). After that he started to use my last mixdown as starting point for his mixing skills which turned out pretty well.

    So what you hear is actually some mixing techniques from Shael and myself. And you don't want to know how lush some tracks or especially the old drums sounded. The "punchy feeling" (that you critisize that's missing, which isn't true) was produced with heavy EQ work, saturation and compression. Anyone can use loops but those single stabs are truly unique. The only thing I didn't like in the original was the a bit too loud blearing bass and the chopped off strings. However they add more agression to the track. And who says that a mix of electronic always has to have a uberproduced orchestra anyway!

    Allowed is what sounds and seems to fit best, is it not?!

    The only thing I did in the end (after sharing ideas with Shael, engineered wav tracks, prelistening, critism, letting Shael fix mixing issues) was simply mastering the final stereo mix into the version you hear now. And that's the whole story that you can also read here:


    Personally I think, aside from the voice samples which let this song sound goofy, this remix is one of the best (if not the best) Ghouls 'n Ghosts remixes on OCR. And before anyone says "this thing lacks punch", I want to hear your attemp on remixing and high end audio engineering. ;)

    But that's just my opinion.

  12. You're the boss, boss.

    But then VGF#60 isn't the final show, but VGF#61. Oh well. Lemme do a quick change here.

    Keep an eye on those dates:

    VGF#59: 30th April

    VGF#60: 07th May

    VGF#61: 14th May (FINAL SHOW!)

    Makeup shows due to Laptop issues:

    VGF#52, VGF#53, VGF#57, VGF#58

    Better? uhm...

  13. Aren't you a bit off-count, Larry?

    Keep an eye on those dates:

    VGF#58: 30th April (show was moved from 23rd April)

    VGF#59: 07th May

    VGF#60: 14th May (FINAL SHOW!)

    Makeup shows due to Laptop issues:

    VGF#52, VGF#53, VGF#57


    CRIMSON MOON #001.5 is out. Was a backup show for Larry last weekend if you missed it.

  14. Larry said that he will try to get everything done before he graduates, TCK. However I didn't go in depthon that topic with him. But you know him, if he does shows it can happen that he does more than one in a night, or one every day.

    The other thing is an issue to discuss though, Kyle. However Larry and I can't (and personally I don't want to) go into that just yet. Let's just have the next shows, everything after that isn't important at the moment (except getting a job, an apartement, etc). At least in my opinion. ;)


    I promised to keep you updated on that. With the permission from Larry I'm preparing a small show right now to keep you company tonight. It'll be CRIMSON MOON #001.5 or something like that. Expect an at least two hour long show, however I can't go into it yet whether or not I'm doing an aftershow.

    I'd love to have you as guests tonight. VGF will continue next week again.

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