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Everything posted by nousentre

  1. I did actually do a year in Visual Basic and got a diploma degree certificate for it, god knows if I'd remember though . By any chance did you have a book titled "Programming with Visual Basic .NET: An Object-Oreiented Approach" by Michael Ekedahl and WIlliam Newman? And if so, did you do those chapter projects? I'm having trouble figuring out why some of the coding hasn't worked on my projects (particularly chapter 6, 7 and . Thanks in advance for your help! By the way, . . . any comments on Mystery Meat?
  2. I'm still in process of "cooking" but everyone can eat it raw for now until it's "Well Done". Mystery Meat I would have it sooner but I'm in process of classes right now. Anybody familiar w/ Visual Basic.NET would help me out alot! Anyway "Bon Appetite"!
  3. I don't hear a problem on this track, . . . sounds kewl to me. UPDATE: You know, I've been listening to this song for about 30 minutes and I can't cut it off. I have it on repeat and it's catchy as hell. (In case you're wondering that's a huge compliment from me. )
  4. http://www.naturalstudio.co.uk/nskit_download.html The best free drum soundfont (as well as other formats) on the net! I can't argue with free, even though its a 2 hour download. Thanks for the help on such short notice! (BTW, Shitty or not it's got to be better than my drum wav samples) Oh, I'm sorry, . . . I think that comment was meant for me UPDATE: WELL! Good News and Bad News for me; GOOD- Although the snare drum sucks, the kit that Joker gave me a link to is awsome (compaired to mine)!! Not only do you get a sample of each drum sound but you get a recording of how hard and soft the hit is! BAD- Now I have to compile my kit to make drum loops. But still, thanks to Joker for the link!!!
  5. ok everybody this is it for me (so far) http://home.earthlink.net/~nousentre3/doom-mystery%20meat%20NOUSENTRE.mp3 I've decided to call it "Mystery Meat" First off before you comment, I know the drums SOUND bad but i'm in need of acoustic drum samples (snare, kick, toms, cymbals, etc), . . . good quality sounding ones to make the drums sound more realistic. Secondly, does anyone (or everyone) think I should add any soloing in the mix or would that take away from the song? Thanks in advance for the comments and good luck to everybody!!!
  6. Howdy yallz! Sorry that I haven't been updating on my remix lately. I've been extremely busy. I've decided on some names for my remix submission and I'll leave it up to all of you (or some) to give me some feedback on the best title; - "Fortress of the Cannibals" - "Fortress Corpses" - "Mystery Meat" - "devour" - "Living Cadaver" - "Citadel of Inscrutableness" The original song is named "Fortress of Mystery" so if anyone has a better idea for a remix name feel free to let me know. Also, I'm in dire need of good quality acoustic drum samples for me to make my drum loop (snare, toms, cymbals, bass drum, etc.). So if anyone has a real drum set to record samples or happens to have samples from a real drum set please e-mail or im me so i can make arrangements for a download. Thanks in advance for all the responses and as goofy as it sounds for me to say this, the title is perfect. Paying respect for two of my favorite things: pink floyd and doom. PS- Like everybody else I will try to work on E1M3 and I'm willing to co-mix with anyone on that song (bass and guitar tracks, whistleing, whineing). Anyone interested? MythrillNazgul? Analog?
  7. ok, first off i know i'm late. the drum sequencer program that i use has been acting up all night so i'm afraid the old drum track will have to do for now untill i can reinstall my program. i know it's far from perfect but here goes . . . http://home.earthlink.net/~nousentre2/e2m9%20(tower%20of%20the%20cannibals%20OR%20mystery%20meat).mp3
  8. Put me down for e2m9 (fortress of mystery)
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