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Mr. Fox

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Posts posted by Mr. Fox

  1. I didn't care about the whole "gang rape" and "nightmare inducing scenes" you talked about, mainly because older versions of the story are actually worse, and one of pivotal functions of fairy tales is to deal with these kinds of taboos.

    What intrigues me is your definition of a dwarf, which is tremendously Lord of the Rings based, a book that not only doesn't predate the disney film, but also doesn't predate the tale of Snow White itself. Ok, you can argue that Tolkien dwarves are inpired in northern mythology, but northern dwarves aren't the only kind of dwarvish creature imagined in Europe. There are other kinds of dwarfs, and they are sad, sad, sad with all this ignorance.

    The dwarves are sad.

  2. I dig the wah a lot. Not so much the brass.

    Arrengement is nice, if you ever want to expand this to more than a cover (not that there's anything wrong with that, I am Ipoding this right now) I think you got a solid groove/foundation.

    You've improved, Txai

  3. Sam, I wish you all the hapiness in the WORLD, and all the Hapiness in Middle Earth, and all the hapiness in the mushroom kingdom, and all the hapiness of Noifair, Guardia, dracula's castle, Discworld, Midgard, the Netherworld, Tartarus, and all the places of Kingdom Hearts.

    And I miss you!

  4. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?action=single&f=Noname.mp3

    So, since my latest remix, I've been on a 24/7 nonstop Goemon rush and decided to do more remixes from the series. And here is the next WIP.

    There's a couple of things I am not completely satisfied with this yet, and there were supposed to be more solos around, but I haven't had the mind to sit down and lay them. This is, so far, a somewhat simple arrangement, but I like it that way. Hope you guys do to.


    BTW, Tepid is a whiner.

  5. I'm just dropping by to say I'm pretty happy with the feedback HD Remix's been getting so far, and I am happy there's so much people enjoying "Army Girl". Since I don't own a PS3 or a XBOX 360, I can't know for sure how well these songs merge with the gameplay, but they are awesome anyways.

    Also, AnSo, you mad ReMixing beast, your "World Warriors" is trully amazing, and fits the spirit of the game really really well in my opinion.

  6. The bass tone alone has that Zangief sweat n' muscles all over it. I also like the guitar tone: I don't think it needs more power, more flash, more wank or anything. It's gritty, rough, indie, and totally friggin awesome in a totally mad-Russian-fighter way. This is the right song for someone who trains in Siberia, probably wrestling with polar bears without the use of cheesy karate and fireballs.

    Again, Shael gets it all.

    Edit: Wait, are there any polar bears in Siberia?

  7. This is one of my favourite games, with one of my favourite soundtracks. I'm very happy at the choice of source material! I'm also very happy about the remix! It's very smooth and stylish sounding, with a good sense of what the original is about and a very strong bassline. Good remix :D

    I'm glad you like it man. But, if you like the soundtrack so much, help me spread the love! =D

    BTW.: It seem I am not able to access the Judges Decision on the song, is something wrong?

    BTW2: Nevermind, it's ok now.

  8. I'd like to thank everyone for the great replies. This was a BLAST to make, and I would love to say "expect more", but I actually don't have anything in the works for now (too much stuff going on in life and etc.), so this is probably my last release for the foreseeable future (unless a CERTAIN PROJECT decides to man up and get released).

    I intend however, to spread some Goemon love around OCR, which I will do through a combination of vicious political campaign and, eventually, music making (ask AnSo, he already got a taste of my ridiculous Goemon stalk).

    Thanks a lot guys.

  9. Variant: Instead of musical instruments or genres, maybe Dr. Silence kidnapped the world's most famous game composers and created robotic alter egos of them... why?... I have no idea, this is what makes him a mad scientist... but anyways, yeah, he kidnapped them to... have them compose music for educational documentaries... and created robotic alter-egos that fight using the power of music, should anyone come looking for them... oh hell, this doesn't work at all... but STILL the idea of Robo-Nobuo, Mega-Mitsuda, and King-Kondo really appeals to me... good way to incorporate actual OC ReMixes of said composers as part of the game soundtrack, too...

    Yeah, didn't really think these through, 100%, but some of the concepts (chiptunes as powerups/energy, Dr. Silence, bosses as musical elements and/or composers) could be used without my skeletal (and lame) narrative... I guess, in general, it'll be cool if the plot weren't soooo focused on in-jokes and community insider trivia and were more accessible, but that's just my two cents...

    I actually think this idea is by far the best of the three.

  10. Persona 3 was one of the best RPG's I played lately. It doesn't really give you any exploration liberty (something I enjoy), but it makes up for it by being obcenely long. It's also pretty costumizable, since the development of the main character is based on the huge number of choices you are given during the game.

    I don't know about the FES version, but I suppose they couldn't screw the whole thing up unless they were really trying.

    I never played P1, but I also enjoyed P2 a lot.

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