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Posts posted by CIaude

  1. I'm going to switch topics for a second here.

    When I first played Silent Hill 2, I posted in this thread about it. After beating it I said I didn't like it and said that the "Water" ending was shit. This lead to flame-war between me and UE. I always thought UE was just being a dick...

    Up until a couple of weeks ago when I began playing Silent Hill 2 a second time.

    I'm sorry UE, I was wrong. I was very stupid. Please forgive me. :oops:

  2. Also, visually stunning, amazing first half...TERRIBLE dialogue.

    You're definitely not alone... I've heard this all over, but personally I didn't notice any bad lines and I'm sensitive to that kind of thing.

    I never thought it was good. But it certainly wasn't THAT bad. If I may quote Star Wars...

    "I don't like sand."

    Or my favorite...

    "From my point of view, YOU'RE the evil one."

    That's terrible dialouge.

    Silent Hill's dialouge simply "wasn't good." It's not awful, it's just "not good."


    I suppose the razor wire flying up from hell idea isn't completely original or fascinating. But overall, damn. I didn't think it could be done (in light of Super Mario Bros., Final Fantasy, etc.).

    I'm not the biggest fan series, but I'm still a big fan to say the least. I love the movie. Walking out of the theater, I was conflicted on what I truly thought of the film. I can say now, with no doubt, that I loved that film. I loved every second of blood and gore. Sure the violence was... Well it was very bloody.

  3. I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away not enjoying this.
    I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away thinking this was a good movie. (Most critics hate it for a reason you know)

    Yeah. Nothing sucks more than seeing a film you like. Oh! how I envy the viewers who hated those two hours instead of enjoying them.

    I wonder, are people watching films these days with an attitude of "entertain me, I dare ya. I betcha can't"? :P

    My theory is that Gans made it a gore-fest as a sort of middle finger to critics such as Ebert who say video games aren't art. Even though it's (probably) not true, I like that thought and it makes me happy on the inside.

  4. I am quite open minded about video games, trust me. I've been playing them since I was 3 years old, and I'm almost 18 now. I'm all up for story, which is the main reason why I like Breath of Fire III so much.

    However, the story of SH3 went straight to hell when it was shown that Claudia is yet another whiny villian who had a bad childhood and has to ruin the world for everyone just because of it. I don't like my villians whiny and having no coping skills.

    No she isn't. She's fucking crazy.

    As for the scares, I understand the game isn't action based, but the scares were just plain lame. They were just THERE. They didn't do anything. All you could do was look at them. Nothing jumped out of nowhere and tried to rape you. Everything is pretty much expected halfway through the game. A few cheap scares here and there, that don't even harm your player.

    Movies don't do anything to the viewer. Why would the scares in Silent Hill do anything to the player?

    All that walking around looking at a few wheelchairs, dismembered bodies, and blood-stained walls gets old fast.

    Either that, or I'm not scared easily.

    If it's such a simple concept, why didn't you bother finishing the game?

    EDIT: Did you even GET to the hospital? That's the best part of the game.

  5. Okay, after playing Silent Hill 2, 3, 4 for a while, I must say that the series is god awful. You do nothing, and nothing happens. It's not scary, it's not fun, and it's boring. All you do is walk around, nothing comes out a jumps at you, the enemy variation is awful, nothing but all show. Just a bunch of blood stained walls and wheelchairs. *hides behind flame shield*

    That is all.

    Says the guy with the Breath of Fire signature... :roll:

    Go through this entire thread I challenge you to find a single post commending this game for it's gameplay. Silent Hill isn't about action or fighting; this isn't Contra. Silent Hill's about playing with lights out, the volume cranked, the brightness on your TV turned way down at 3 in the morning. You gotta be in the mood to get scared. You're not gonna enjoy something like "The Grudge" when all you plan on doing is throwing popcorn at the screen. That's like copping out of Fight Club or Memento halfway through the movie.

    I also notice you said you played them all, but didn't finish any of them. You gotta finish it you silly bastard. I recommend finishing 2 first, or looking for a copy of 1. But that's just me.

    Edit: Fuck, I just broke the comma key on my keyboard.

  6. Pyramid heads existed in the town's history as executioner. However, they didn't wear the obsidian helmets we're familiar with. They wore triangle shaped hoods. James warped imagination somehow interpreted this and conjured the pyramid head that torments him throughout the game. Also, since the pyarmid head executioner is part of the town and cult's history; it could be plausible that there are still pyramid heads that exist during the time frame of the games.

    What I'm trying to say is, despite the fact that the PH that torments James, is of his own creation. It is still possible that there the pyramid head seen in the movie is a different pyramid head; and is merely a visual reference to the towns history and mythology.

    The director of the film definately seems to know his shit about the game, and I have faith in his decisions. Besides, (our savior) Akira Yamaoka has given the movie his blessings; and that's more than enough for me.

  7. I made this for all my home boys who sleep with the lights on...


    I was looking at that a while ago, and at first, I consciously dismissed it because of it's obvious synthetic texture, but for some reason I think it stuck with me subconsciously because I actually went back a couple of times to look at it again. And on repeated viewings, I came to appreciate the image in being a good piece of fanart. The synthetic texture in the manner that is presented suggests an organic design, but the fact that it isn't organic makes me feel uneasy about what I should think (which is good). I almost get the sensation that the blood is going to move or crawl if I turn away from it. I think this happens because one doesn't know how to expect synthetic blood to move if it could, as opposed to how one would expect real blood to move on a wall. So, Nice Work. :nicework:

    YAY! A winner is me! :D

  8. I've been playing Silent Hill 4 for about the past week or so, and I had heard mixed things about it. Things like "It's not the best in the series" or "It's ok..."

    Well fuck man. FUCK! That game is fucking spooky! I mean, really fucking fuck fucked up! What the fuck! WHAT THE HOLY FUCKING FUCK?!

    Walter Sullivan's corpse was in the apartment next to me the entire time! And that 21/21 ghost waiting outside the apartment for me! And I was looking out the window and a thing fell! I don't know what it was, but it was definately a 'thing' and it resembled a baby!

    I love it.

  9. So...yesterday I HAD to write a sonnet, and...it just ended up being about silent hill...which was slightly embarrassing in my poetry class, but a little less embarrassing here. So, without further ado, here's my crappy Silent Hill Sonnet (it's spenserian!):

    Each moment that I feel the skin peel off,
    I will savour the taste of iron and salt.
    Running blood in my mouth comes out in coughs,
    dissolving on my tongue, as sick’ning malt.

    In my eyes, I can feel tears filled with salt,
    commingling with the flow of blood outside.
    These tears, the blood, they’re mine. They are my fault.
    My guilt has led me to this place to hide.

    It’s from this guilt- the crimes I’ve kept inside-
    that this world comes, attacking me with dread.
    Denying my own past, I fought and tried
    to kill the mem’ries of those wronged and dead.

    For now, I am haunted by those I’ve killed,
    until fog swallows me in Silent Hill.

    Feel free to go 'man, that was shitty.'

    "Man that was shitty." :roll:

    Edit: It's wouldn't seem nearly as bad if it didn't come of as gratuitous "emofgt" poem. It's not very obvious the poem is related to a fictional source until the very end. But no, it's not all that bad at all.

  10. I didn't like Silent Hill 2 as much when I first beat it. Looking back on it though, it was a hell of a good game. And I understand why UE got so damn hostile when I made that comment about the water ending. It took awhile, but I figured out that I didn't really like that ending because it never really clicked that James was the way he was. I guess I was in denial about it. :roll:

    Silent Hill 3 is, in my opinion, the scariest. The otherside of the hospital still makes me cringe, and that carnival... Good stuff. :)

    But I have to say that my favorite is the first. Sure the voice acting was shitty, but I loved that "first level." It really set the tone for the rest of the game. I also didn't get the same adrenaline rush in the 2nd or 3rd games when running away from the monsters.

    But all in all, I wish I played them in order. I think I would have appreciated and enjoyed them better.

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