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Posts posted by CIaude

  1. SNAP! I'm stuck in the hospital in Silent Hill 1. I just finished the colored tiles puzzle and now I don't know where to go. I've grabbed the disinfecting alchol and the lighter but now I can't figure out what to do. I've checked every room on every floor 3 times over. The only thing that I can come up with is that it has something to do with that "Grim Reaper's List" and the slate board on the other end of the hall. Can anyone point me in the right direction? PLEASE? :(

  2. i didn't read through some of the last posts because i;m too excited to, so if this is a repeat, sorry

    but toward the end of that trailer, when they show the silent hill sign... anyone notice it has an "in theaters......" text at the top?!?!?!?! it looks like 6/21/06 to me... but my copy is too grainy to be sure...

    anyone else see this?!

    I thought it said 4/21/06

  3. parasol.png

    To the right is another idea I have for parasol. It makes me giggle.


    This beam concept I'm rolling around with. I'm not exactly satisfied with it yet.

    On another note, these were all done in about 1 to 2 minutes hence why they look a bit on the sloppy side. Also, my 30 day trial of Photoshop is running out so someone may have to do the "Photoshopping." I'm hopping to get some more drawings in later.

  4. I haven't given this project the proper attention it deserves and I really must apologize. Good news, I have the day to myself, so I want to finish all of my sketches by the end of the night. Sorry for being an ass.

    BTW, do you need those covers for each planet?


    Parasol is done. Post it later, I gotta do yard work (rake leaves).

  5. But seriously... She vomitted a fetus! And then Claudia swallowed it. She fucking swallowed a live fetus! A bleeding spooky fetus no less! :dstrbd:

    Anyway, yeah, I totally dig SH3. Especially the "Beam" Saber and pointless unlockable shirts. That's just seven different level's of awesome. I also liked Heather's character. She felt so much more vulnerable than Harry or James. And she vomitted a god damn fetus! I don't mean to spark another arguement with UE; but Harry and James got nothing on that.

    Fetus... :dstrbd:

  6. SH2's water ending just said "Way to go! YOU SUCK" Striving to succeed only to fail is not something I enjoy paying $20-$50 for.

    Do you know how you got that ending?

    I thought it had to do with examining the knife too much and looking at certain things.

  7. Does anybody else get a sinking feeling when they mention a "demon in the form of a little girl?"

    I'm trying to remain opitimistic of course, but I think of Silent Hill: Dying Inside with that little girls sarcastic comments every other panel. And even then...Ringu/Ring/Ring2/The Grudge/Fear dot com

    I mean...yeah...but most of all no Silent Hill: Dying Inside little demon girl. Please.

    The silent hill comics have been a major dissapointment. Honestly, what the fuck?

    SH3 Update, I'm a bit more than half way through the game and I'm quite pleased or rather scared.

    As for happy endings in games? Yes I do like them. I like them a lot. Not because everyone lives happily ever after but because I like feel like I accomplished something. SH2's water ending just said "Way to go! YOU SUCK" Striving to succeed only to fail is not something I enjoy paying $20-$50 for.

    BTW I like Heather a lot more than James, because I he's a pussy.

  8. I just started playing SH3 right, and before I get too far in the game... I was wondering if there was any advice you guys could give me to avoid a bad ending. The water ending of SH2 really killed the game for me.

    In Water= best video game ending ever. It tore my heart out and stomped on it, and I loved every second.

    Ironically, I thought the same thing... Except for the loving part. Yes it did tear my heart out and stomp on it, but I was dissapointed.

    on another note, can anyone direct me to a site with some Silent Hill art, preferably good art?

    Hah! Insubstantial! I've never seen any good SH art, online that is. I guess I can whip together some fan art for the hell of it.

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