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Everything posted by CIaude
I'm surprised no one's mentioned Grand Theft Auto 3. It's not best entry in the series but it's hard for me not to romanticize it. The jump from the original birds eye view of the series to full 3D completely changed the context of the franchise. Streets didn't end in roadblocks, nor did alleyways lead to any invisible walls. They converged upon other streets that led to more streets with buildings that may in fact have been actual places (maybe). Cars parked on the street weren't superfluous environmental ornaments. They were things, real THINGS that could be driven (Into the ocean). Pedestrians were unlimited, they were plentiful and they seemed like they were going to real places and do things. Killing them had a consequences. The simple act of casually locking onto pedestrian and executing them with a shotgun could spawn a series of events that played out at random, you weren't just playing through a car chase, you were creating one and determining it's outcome. It was a religious experience. The world changed after you played that game. I understand the criticisms that it's an overrated game in an overrated franchise. But that discussion skirts on discussing one's taste in games and their biases. For me, GTA3 oozes a succulent flavor that I crave when I play games. The game industry wouldn't be what it is now without it.
OCRA-0005 - Doom: The Dark Side of Phobos
CIaude replied to Navi's topic in Album Reviews & Comments
I'm writing this here because I really don't know who to talk to about. I tried to send a private message to DJ Pretzel about this but I couldn't find his name in the user list. I know this is an odd request and it's going a few years back... I contributed the album art for the Dark Side of Phobos remix project. At the time I was nervous about sharing my name on the internet because I was 15 or 16 so I submitted my name under the pseudonym "Marco Rossi." Whenever I happen upon the project on Wikipedia I smack myself because a character from Metal Slug gets the credit for my one minor contribution to the project and I guess it kind of bugs me. I was wondering if it was possible for you guys to change the name from "Marco Rossi" to my real name, "David J. Firth" I can't really prove that I made the designs because that was 3 computers ago for me and at the time I had a "Portfolio? What's that?" sort of mentality. It's not a big deal, because as a design it's really flawed and it's not going in my professional portfolio, so I won't put up a fuss if you guys don't wanna hear me out. It's just a nostalgia thing but I would truly appreciate the effort. -
http://www.gametrailers.com/video/launch-trailer-splinter-cell/63840 Hi OCR (Miss me?) didn't see a thread about the one Q4 game I'm most excited about this year so I made a thread about it. So, Ubisoft is finally releasing a Splinter Cell: Conviction in three days. They dropped the Demo on LIVE awhile back, and I gotta say, I'm as giddy as a school girl. Playing the older entries in series was a blast, but it always boiled down to a lot of trial and error. So, I gotta say, I really dig the mark and execute system. It takes the pain out of the stealth game and boils it down to the elements I keep coming back for. Sadly, with cash being such a rare drop for college student like myself, I'm gonna have to put this one off till the summer. But what are your thoughts on this SC:C business?
Don't Speak (I Came To Make A Bang) by the Eagles of Death Metal off of their Death By Sexy album.
My god... What has the world come to?
How dare he! Well I never!
you know what, video games really aren't that fun
CIaude replied to Faduger's topic in General Discussion
Then stop playing them. -
I hacked my start button, yo. It's the shit. Took me forever to get that pentagram to look just right.
Oh my god... Chili Con Carnage just might be the greatest game ever made.
Playing through The Warriors PSP port. My god, why couldn't they have made this sooner?! A definate must have 9.95858693/10!!!!1!!1!! kekeke
Says the guy with the kingdom hearts sig.
r tehy makin a game 4 dis movie? ZOMGZ taht wud b teh WIN!!!!1!!1
Hey motherfuckers. I go to community college and I paid 10 dollars to post on this forum.So if there's anyone here who is qualified to properly judge this film, it's ME! >
Am I the only aware of the 8-bit mini-game at the end of Me & My Katamari?
Every time I see an example of fan art my appreciation for the source material depreciates. Some of this fan art, but it begs the question... "Why can't any of the assholes come up with their own ideas." Granted, after spending 30 seconds in their Deviant Art gallery's it's obvious that their ideas are just recycled clones of their favorite games, manga, movies, etc. But then again, it's always heartwarming to see a nice surreal drawing of pyramid head on DA you almost believe that "they get it." 90% of the fan art you see is just surface, and it kind of bugs that meaningless drawings of Naruto can get so much damn praise. But I'm being overly cynical, fan art is an excellent way for an artist to experiment and flex their creative muscles. Hence my sig. But that girls of Final Fantasy one made me die a little on the inside. Edit: Actually all of the pictures SVdoctorD posted make me die on the inside.
Well of course it's gonna suck if you have THAT kind of attitude.
OverClocked ReMix Design ?'s and Issues
CIaude replied to Liontamer's topic in Site Issues & Feedback
I just had an idea. Would it be possible to organize remixes by genre? I know it's a heavy request, but I think a lot of people would be more likely to download more quality mixes based on genre's they like. For example, I don't really care enough about Mega Man 2 to see if I'd like any of the site's remixes. But if I knew a few of them could be considered metal, I'd definitely give them a listen. -
Merry Christmas, from the denizens of UnMod...
CIaude replied to The Coop's topic in General Discussion
I don't like eating guts. The taste is fine, but the texture just gives me the jibblies. You're head is STILL fat. -
Bitches, it's all about the Dead Rising.
windows explorer (as in not IE) sucks
CIaude replied to prophetik music's topic in General Discussion
REFORMAT, MOTHERFUCKER! NOW! In case you guys forgot, the same thing happened to me awhile ago. Remember? That one where I said I was pirating software and got a shady keygen? It was a Trojan; a nasty one called win_logon hook, or something. Nasty backdoor trojan. Had to reformat. Disconnect from the internet and reformat. -
The thing is, it's not integral for playing games yet. Like I said, it is yet to be shown that the PS3 will have games unique from the Xbox 360 in that they will actually have to USE that extra space. Listen: I completely agree that more space is always better. It's just that right now, for people who don't own HDTVs, there's a question: Is that extra space worth $200 right now? Because buying a PS3 with a BluRay drive, not being able to take advantage of watching HD movies on it, the only way they can take advantage of using the BluRay drive they bought is by being able to buy games that put that disc space to use. The Playstation disc drive analogy is innacurate because for one, Playstation games DID use the space, and also it is irrelevant because the point I'm making is that you are paying extra money to have game discs that have more space. I never said having more space is bad. Why the heck do you keep bringing this up? It has nothing to do with anything. I NEVER said anyone was forcing anyone to buy a PS3. That is ridiculous. No, but the people who made the Xbox 360 do. The 360 is right in the same league as the PS3 in terms of games, last I checked, and the 360 is having no problems without that extra disc space. What does this have to do with anything? I'm only saying that for people who don't have HDTV, and there are still a lot, that the BluRay's value is questionable. When HDTV becomes more standard, this won't be much of a problem, but still; the 360 is a much better deal for anyone who doesn't have HDTV. Someone asked what made the PS3 worth $600 (or something along those lines) and I told them that it is actually a really good deal if you have an HDTV and plan on being able to watch HD movies. I also said that if you don't have an HDTV, you're spending money on something you basically won't use, and now I have revised that to: The value of the BluRay for non-HD owners is questionable, because it is to be shown whether PS3 games will be in a whole different league than 360 games, actually using the extra space. Dude, that was your 666th post... RAWK!
I am behind this times 1000. I demand an Excitebike remix.
I'm pissed. This game has been nothing but disappointment. I'll give Square one thing, the battle system isn't nearly as shitty as I thought it would be. In fact, I think it's kind of fun... Well I did for a while. I've been playing for 30+ hours and I'm losing my tolerance for bullshit... Specifically the story. Vaan is- Wait is it Vann or Vaan? Fuck it. Minivan. At this point, Minivan is a twat with no purpose other than to stand around like an ass. Does he have any motivation at all in this story? I'm still hoping that he'll generate some valuable input before the story is over, but I'm starting to doubt it. Penelo is useless and annoying. Why aren't they fleshing out her relationship with Minivan during cutscenes? Hell, I don't even remember the last time she had dialog in a cutscene. Again, I hope she generates more valuable input before the game ends. Balthier is great. Pirates with guns are always good. He feels like a nod towards Jack Sparrow, and Johnny Depp is a god damn fox. Hell I'd fuck him. And that means a lot because I'm a homophobic bigot, but I digress. Balthier's probably my favorite character so far because he's more interesting than the others. He's mysterious yet charismatic... He's a pirate. Whatever, I like him. Fran is... Feh. I don't despise her character but I wish she had a bit more of a purpose besides magic person. "Look guys! Strange unexplainable shit is occurring! Fran what's up with that!" Fran: "Magic." "Oh. Okay." Still, her background is becoming more interesting. I get the impression that I'm going to find out more about her past as well as her relationship with Balthier soon. I cross my fingers. Basche is alright. I mean, he's cool and stuff. His input into the storyline is important, and I'm sure I'm going to find out more before the game is done. No real complaints about him. Ashe is also a feh character. I like her and I hate her. I don't have any valid reason to dislike her. She is helping to progress the story along. I dunno, maybe because she's stubborn at times. Or maybe because she's almost hogging the spotlight as far as relevance to the story. This could just my imagination or because of how far I am in the game. The story also feels like it's trying too hard to be epic. Or maybe it is epic, and I'm just oblivious to it. If anything, it's tedious. I'm a goddamn errand boy and I'm getting sick of it. Again, it could just be that I'm not that far in the story, but it's still annoying. I liked FF7 and FF6 because I felt like I was doing something worthwhile. I'm gonna go play more FFXII until then, I won't give a final verdict on the game. But as of right now, it's not looking good.
I'm pissed. This game has been nothing but disappointment. I'll give Square one thing, the battle system isn't nearly as shitty as I thought it would be. In fact, I think it's kind of fun... Well I did for a while. I've been playing for 30+ hours and I'm losing my tolerance for bullshit... Specifically the story. Vaan is- Wait is it Vann or Vaan? Fuck it. Minivan. At this point, Minivan is a twat with no purpose other than to stand around like an ass. Does he have any motivation at all in this story? I'm still hoping that he'll generate some valuable input before the story is over, but I'm starting to doubt it. Penelo is useless and annoying. Why aren't they fleshing out her relationship with Minivan during cutscenes? Hell, I don't even remember the last time she had dialog in a cutscene. Again, I hope she generates more valuable input before the game ends. Balthier is great. Pirates with guns are always good. And I like he feels like a nod towards Jack Sparrow, and Johnny Depp is a god damn fox. Hell I'd fuck him. And that means a lot because I'm a homophobic bigot, but I digress. Balthier's probably my favorite character so far because he's more interesting than the others. He's mysterious yet charismatic... He's a pirate. Whatever, I like him. Fran is... Feh. I don't despise her character but I wish she had a bit more of a purpose besides magic person. "Look guys! Strange unexplainable shit is occurring! Fran what's up with that!" Fran: "Magic." "Oh. Okay." Still, her background is becoming more interesting. I get the impression that I'm going to find out more about her past as well as her relationship with Balthier soon. I cross my fingers. Basche is alright. I mean, he's cool and stuff. His input into the storyline is important, and I'm sure I'm going to find out more before the game is done. No real complaints about him. Ashe is also a feh character. I like her and I hate her. I don't have any valid reason to dislike her. She is helping to progress the story along. I dunno, maybe because she's stubborn at times. Or maybe because she's almost hogging the spotlight as far as relevance to the story. This could just my imagination or because of how far I am in the game. The story also feels like it's trying too hard to be epic. Or maybe it is epic, and I'm just oblivious to it. If anything, it's tedious. I'm a goddamn errand boy and I'm getting sick of it. Again, it could just be that I'm not that far in the story, but it's still annoying. I liked FF7 and FF6 because I felt like I was doing something worthwhile. I'm gonna go play more FFXII until then, I won't give a final verdict on the game. But as of right now, it's not looking good.