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Posts posted by Antelucan

  1. I should note that this is a rather fun game, that doesn't require much in the way of video cards or other advanced doohickies. We definitely need more folks to join up. It's even free.

    Instituting an alliance financial assistance program for new members could help this. The problem is all our current members are still too new themselves to guarantee that kind of money.

  2. supremespleen: Get on the ball with the first post! We need links to our HQ, our charter, our in-game roster, and instructions on how to join the OCA, stat! :wink:

    Sorry. I've been busy with real life stuff. Actually, you're good with this, I'm gonna give you admin powers on the board.

    Don't worry, it's cool. Adminship would be helpful for housekeeping and organizational purposes. It does kind of make sense for the Foreign Relations position to come with adminship anyway.

    Hey, I'm Bladiator, I joined your little alliance. Yay!

    Welcome man. Go ahead and register at our off-site forums.

  3. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=29836

    Who's Aldebrant, and how the hell does he have 46 efficiency? I have 22 efficiency and I'm way ahead of even supremespleen.

    I have the same efficiency as he does. *shrug* I don't really get what's so surprising about it. Also, it appears that Aldebrant would be Cardinal Lustro, if you look at the ruler name. =P

    Yeah... I did the donation thing. I know Falchion said its better to do it later on when tech and infra start to cost a ton, but I decided it was equally helpful to do it at the start of the game because it propels you ahead the equivalent of several days in time. :wink:

  4. http://s15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations/index.php?showtopic=9759

    Shouldn't you guys be listed here?

    And CE, how do you only have 25 nation strength? :?

    Edit: What happened to the nations list in the first post? I don't even know where any of you guys are on CN.

    Our alliance is not an open one, so we have not actively sought publicity yet. We are still in the process of producing insignia to self-identify.

    This is the most accurate way to identify the current members of OCA at this time: http://www.cybernations.net/stats_ranking_alliances.asp?Alliance=OCA

    Again, our headquarters is located here: http://z6.invisionfree.com/OCA_Headquarters

    supremespleen: Get on the ball with the first post! We need links to our HQ, our charter, our in-game roster, and instructions on how to join the OCA, stat! :wink:

  5. There is less than a day left for the nominations process of the OCA elections for August. Check out HQ.

    There is a built-in function in the game for tracking members of alliances based on the presence of a keyword listed in their nation bio. Here is our list. In order to get on the list, you must place "OCA" somewhere in your nation bio, and it MUST have spaces around it (unless it is at the beginning or end of the bio). For example, you can't put a period directly after "OCA".


    "Proud member of the OCA ."


    "Proud member of the OCA."

    Please make the necessary changes to your nation bio so we have easy access to an in-game list of all members.

  6. My current cost for 1 level of infrastruture is about $880. If this cost goes up after after every improvment in level, wouldn't I be better served saving money up and then buying a bunch at the current price? It will save me money, yes? Thoughts?

    I bring this up because it's getting mighty expensive.

    Yes, it is most cost efficient to buy infrastructure in blocks of 10 (the maximum that can be bought en masse).

  7. Alright, I made a nation. The ruler is me, Consciência Etérea, the name's Etéreal and my two trading goods are Gold and Sugar. I'm in Portugal (Lisbon, to be more exact) (Praça do Comerçio, to be even more exact) and in the orange team.

    Uhhh... What should I do now?

    In the game: Follow the suggestions of your Private Nation Messages. Pay your bills. Play around with your tax rate until you get maximum profit when you go to collect taxes. Buy enough land to get your Population Per Mile under 70. Buy enough troops until it says your military is of adequate strength for your nation size. Pump whatever you have left into purchasing infrastructure to get your nation growing. Turn off peaceful nation status. Look for orange team trade partners. Read about how the game works here. Also, put that you are a member of the OCA somewhere in your nation bio (assuming you wish to become a member of our humble alliance).

    Out of the game: Register at the OCA headquarters. Once supremespleen masks you, you will gain access to the members-only area, where you can help us ratify a charter and organize our alliance. You also may be able to find potential trade partners in the roster thread.

  8. I'm reallly confused at this point, I just got my people to be happy with the national religion/government (Transitional/judaism... And surprisingly I'm not in the middle-east), but I didn't realize we had a forum...


    Yep. A base of operations. Eventually we'll have a charter and a government structure as well.

    This sounds pretty fun. I was wondering if I could join OCA but place my nation in portugal?

    That's perfectly fine. There is no location requirement because it really doesn't impact the game other than your nation map.

    By the way, I am just north of portugal out in the ocean...

  9. Even a NAP doesn't really qualify as something for us to get involved with. So I would just stick to the MDP myself. Although the entire clause is kind of redundant if we state we'll attack you if you attack someone we have an MDP with.

    This clause prohibits us from attacking these nations without reason, it doesn't obligate us to come to their aid.

  10. Peace is encouraged between members of the OCA and all nations of the world. Any unsanctioned and unprovoked attack by a member nation against any nation friendly to the OCA or any member of a friendly alliance is prohibited, where a friendly nation or alliance is one with a genuinely peaceful disposition or with which the OCA has a Mutual Defense Pact (MDP) or Non-Aggression Pact (NAP).

    However, should a member nation be the victim of attack, all OCA members pledge to rally their full military and economic strength in defense of the attacked nation and to aid in reconstruction and war efforts to the extent of their capability and as directed by the appropriate Directorate officers.

    Is that better, Falchion?

    The three consecutive term limit was bones_221's proposal. It doesn't prevent someone from being elected for more than three terms, they just cannot do it all in a row. I agree that it is not necessary, however. Should I change it?

    Nah. It just struck me as a little odd. Personally, I don't have a problem with term limits. I just wanted to get a little feedback on that part and see if it hit a nerve. It didn't. Good work. I approve of this charter.

    I have clarified the language in this passage in the charter so that it is better understood that it is only a limit on consecutive terms, not overall terms.

  11. Took me all afternoon, but here it is. Suggestions, compliments, and criticisms are welcome. In order to ratify this thing, we need 2/3 of our current members to vote in favor.

    Charter of the OverClocked Alliance

    Based, in part, upon the Official Charter of the Legion

    I. Preamble

    This charter is henceforth created to protect the rights and freedoms of the nations of the OverClocked Alliance (OCA). We establish herein the rights of member nations and the internal organization of the OCA. We do this in order to ensure the prosperity of all members and the general welfare of the alliance as a whole.

    II. Membership

    To gain admission into the alliance, nations must apply in the Cyber Nations thread at www.ocremix.org. Applications must include nation name, ruler name, resources, and team color. Membership shall be granted to applicants by a Directorate officer in short order. Member nations are encouraged, but not required, to join the Orange Team, the official team of the alliance. Membership in the OCA normally precludes membership in all other alliances.

    Member nations, by virtue of their membership, are bound by the precepts set forth in this charter. Any member found in violation may be subject to disciplinary action. Members may be expelled at the recommendation of the Premier by a Parliamentary Directive. Members wishing to secede from the OCA must submit a letter of intent to the Premier.

    III. Structure

    The internal structure of the OCA shall consist of a Directorate and a Parliament. The Directorate shall be the executive wing of the alliance and the Parliament shall be the legislative wing. The Directorate shall consist of a Premier, a Foreign Relations Director, an Internal Affairs Director, and a Defense Director, all elected offices.

    The Premier shall act as chief executive for the alliance. The Premier’s responsibilities shall include determining and delegating Directorate priorities and foreign policy, representing the OCA in international affairs, deciding on disciplinary procedures, and coordinating Directorate operation.

    The Director of Foreign Relations shall be responsible for acting as an ambassador or deploying one or more ambassadors to other alliances, coordinating relations with all foreign nations, negotiating treaties, and assessing potential threats.

    The Director of Defense shall be responsible for the security of member nations, supervision of OCA wars, advising the Premier on the acquisition and use of nuclear weaponry, and coordinating military assistance between members.

    The Director of Internal Affairs shall be responsible for recruiting, background checking, and guiding prospective members of the OCA, assisting the Premier in disciplinary procedures, promoting the mutual support and friendship of member nations, coordinating reconstructive aid efforts, and general election oversight.

    The Parliament shall consist of all member nations in good standing. A parliament member may at any time move to introduce new legislation or amend/remove existing legislation, and invite other members to second that motion. A seconded motion shall be brought to plenary vote, and shall become a Parliamentary Directive, binding upon all member nations, upon receiving a simple majority of active members’ votes.

    A motion to amend this charter seconded by two Directorate officers shall be brought to plenary vote and shall be implemented upon receiving a 2/3 majority of active members’ votes.

    III. Elections

    General Directorate elections shall take place on every even month, according to a schedule to be determined by the incumbent Directorate consisting of five (5) days for nominations, two (2) days for campaigning, and two (2) days for voting. The incumbent Director of Internal Affairs shall oversee the election process. During the nomination period, member nations may nominate themselves for up to two (2) offices. All member nations may cast one (1) vote for each office. The candidate with a plurality of votes is the winner and immediately takes office. Should a candidate win the vote for two offices, the candidate must retract its candidacy to the office of its choice, such that the first runner-up to that office becomes the winner to that office. In the event of a tie, a run-off election must be held between the tied candidates.

    Directorate officers may be elected for no more than three (3) consecutive terms, where a term is a period of two (2) months in length. There is no limit on the number of terms a Directorate officer may be re-elected.

    A motion of no confidence in any Directorate officer may be made in Parliament at any time. The affected officer must immediately step down if the consequent vote of no confidence passes with a simple majority.

    In the event of an emergency vacancy in the Directorate, the remaining Directorate officers as a whole shall assume the responsibilities of the vacant office or appoint a provisional replacement until such time as an emergency election is deemed necessary.

    IV. War

    Peace is encouraged between members of the OCA and all nations of the world. Unprovoked attacks against any friendly nation or any member of a friendly alliance is prohibited.

    However, should a member nation be the victim of attack, all OCA members pledge to rally their full military and economic strength in defense of the attacked nation and to aid in reconstruction and war efforts to the extent of their capability.

    Should the security of the OCA as a whole ever be in jeopardy, an alliance-wide war may be declared by a Parliamentary Directive.

    Drafted 08/01/06 by Cardinal Lustro.

    I will post this at headquarters later this evening to initiate the ratification process, pending suggestions from everyone here in the meantime.

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