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Everything posted by Antelucan

  1. Just submit this already.
  2. These arrangements were primarily the brainchild of one Jonne Valtonen. I took the liberty of contacting him and we had the following exchange: Hi [Antelucan], And glad to hear that you liked the concert! There seems to be quite a strong pull towards CD production, so lets see.. I think this thing will be cleared in couple of weeks.. There will be more info on www.symphonicfantasies.com I believe.. Yours, Jonne
  3. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=12872

    Your fans demand you finish this WIP. Pretty please? :puppyeyes:

  4. May your marriage be long and happy! Congratulations!
  5. It's still better than Nickelodeon. <3 Flapjack
  6. It was a Detroit exclusive performance.
  7. They did. Susan Calloway was the vocalist and really did a great job. She's the one who sang “Memoro de la Stono” on the DW album (and also at the concert).
  8. Did you ever finish this, Robotaki? I find myself playing this song a lot.
  9. We have concerts in Detroit and Dallas coming up this week. Anyone else going? There are still a lot of empty seats for the Detroit performance...
  10. Well I just purchased my ticket for Detroit. Is anyone going to be at Minneapolis this coming Saturday?
  11. So I am on the Detroit Symphony Orchestra email list, and I just discovered that Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy is visiting my neck of the woods this summer. In fact, it looks like they are performing at a bunch of places in the next few months. I think I might go, since I really have enjoyed the album (it's a steal for $15 at Amazon). Also, it looks like they are giving away free downloads of Maria and Draco Opera at their website. Check it out: http://www.ffdistantworlds.com/ Here's the old thread from the Distant Worlds concert last year with lots of positive reactions: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14942 Performance dates: Minneapolis, MN - April 11 Grand Rapids, MI - April 14 Singapore - May 22 & 23 Taipei - May 26 & 27 Detroit, MI - June 18 Dallas, TX - June 21 Baltimore, MD - June 27 Seattle, WA - July 9, 10, & 11 San Francisco, CA - July 18
  12. This is great stuff. Count me in the "finish it (and submit it)" camp.
  13. There is also an interactive (and IMHO superior) version at tvtropes.org that links to the matching trope articles. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheGrandListOfConsoleRolePlayingGameCliches
  14. I suppose this is kind of cheating, since Exhibit 13 made me teary-eyed mostly because of what was about rather than the song itself. It commemorates 9/11 by incorporating pieces of scorched paper which blew into the Carroll Gardens neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York on September 11, 2001.
  15. This. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzf0rvQa4Mc
  16. Quoted from page 3. Love that soundtrack. edit: To contribute, Blue Man Group's Exhibit 13: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uug21daZInI Very emotional for a rather minimalist piece.
  17. This whole thread is great. Love the remix. Love the original. I'll have to check out the game when I get a chance.
  18. Seconded! More organ is great!
  19. These are really cool! Thanks for sharing!
  20. Well done! This really is a superb arrangement of a gorgeous song. A worthy remix of what I consider to be one of my favorites from the Kingdom Hearts series.
  21. I love this! Especially the exotic instrumentation; it gives the track such a unique feel. Very beautiful.
  22. How about now? :puppyeyes:
  23. Going to the University of Michigan this fall for a PhD in chemical engineering. Full tuition, health insurance, and a generous stipend. I am very excited!
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