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Posts posted by Antelucan

  1. Oh, absolutely, I agree with the thread, I was just wondering whether or not it'll be a public or a private thread [Whether or not it'll be shown to OCA members or the public].

    I see what you mean.

    I may work on sprucing up our charter draft today. I have a question for everyone, though. Would you prefer a more parliamentary system, with a prime minister, an internal affairs minister, a foreign affairs minister, and a defense minister (the names of the positions can change, I am just illustrating the basic structural concept), or would you prefer the war council/alliance council scenario Falchion proposed? It just seems the NPO system may be too robust for a small alliance like us.

  2. Working on setting the permission masks up right in the new forum. If you can't see much, it means I haven't upgraded your board status to OCA Member there.

    Nice work, supremespleen. I'd recommend revamping the initial post in this thread. You can remove the roster (the Roll Call thread at headquarters and the OCR Member group list should take care of that) and provide a link to the official headquarters forum as well. We should also provide a link to the charter in the first post (which should get its own locked announcement thread in the Information Desk forum (its okay that it hasn't been finalized yet)). Potential members should still apply to join the alliance in this thread.

  3. Apparently they want to follow "divine scriptures"... Does this mean they're Judaists?


    This is a warning from Mi'kile of Rubberduck.

    My nation is a member of the OCA and though I am willing to over look your declaration of war if you continue your hostilities I will counterstike with the blessing and assistance of the OCA.

    That sounds appropriate. If he hasn't declared peace yet' date=' I'll send him a message of my own. :wink:


    To:Calchexus From:Cardinal Lustro 8/1/2006 8:00:41 AM Subject: Notice from the OCA

    We have been notified of your nation's unprovoked attack on our member, Rubberduck. Rest assured, should you fail to declare peace immediately, we will direct our alliance to assist and defend the nation of Rubberduck in any and every way.

  4. Anyway the other reason I posted id that somebody just attacked me. There I was innocently building up my nation for the past few days' date=' possibly not concentrating on my mititary as much as I should have (I am a fairly peaceful nation), then a nation called "Craxus" attacked and killed all but 3 of my soldiers. My nation is in anarchy until the 8th and my income has droped from nearly 2k to 2 hundred.[/quote']

    Are you guys still at war? If you need financial or military aid, give me some idea of how much you need, and I'll see what I can do.

    EDIT: If you are still at war, you might want to change your DEFCON level to 1.

    Also Falchion, that's a great charter draft for us to work with. Thanks for your help. I nominate Falchion as "Honorary Mentor" to the alliance (since he cannot be a member).

  5. Does anyone know to where I can look (which thread on the forums, basically) which talks about pop. growth? The only thing I've seen is "the more infrastructure, the quicker the growth." Nothing specific.
    CN wiki[/url'>]A nation usually gains from 7 - 10 people per infrastructure point

    Also see the discussion in this thread. Infrastructure is the only thing at this time that affects your population, so pump your funds into infrastructure!

  6. I was reading around in the forums and most of the veterans claim that you should save up to buy technology in one level increments. It has something to do with the cost of technology going up after each purchase.

    I believe this is because the price of tech goes up with each integer increase in tech level. So if you have 7.5 tech and you buy 1 tech you will pay the 7-8 level price for all of it, which costs less, for example, than buying 0.5 tech at the 7-8 price and 0.5 tech again at the (higher) 8-9 price.

    So really, the most ideal (but not at all practical) situation would be to make one single investment in all the technology you ever plan to use because it would cost you exactly $10,000 times the number of levels you buy.

    Someone correct me if I am wrong.

    EDITed for :) .

  7. ok so I'm nearing 5k income (gonna hit like 4.3k today) and I was wondering, how important is technology? Should I keep buying infrastructure for a while, or pick up some tech? Well thanks to any vets (or new people who know what they are doing) who can help me.

    Technology affects three things: happiness, battle outcomes, and nation strength. If you have 0 tech then you lose 1 happiness, but you increasingly gain happiness for tech that is over 0.5. Battle outcomes are generated randomly, but are influenced by your technology. With a higher tech, you generally get more kills per unit military (infantry, tanks, and cruise missles). You also need 10 tech to get nuclear weapons. Technology has a large affect on the nation strength calculation.

    My advice is to buy some tech to get your nation out of the caves (and your literacy to something reasonable) if you don't have any yet. It may give you an edge in any battles you fight. It doesn't take much tech to satisfy a new nation, but having none is really detrimental all around.

  8. Do NOT donate until later. Later on infrastructure and everything else becomes more expensive, so to get more bang for your buck, donate later.

    Or, if you're made of cash (which I'm certainly not), you can donate both now AND later (since you can do it monthly).

    You forgot that the Legion joined the war.

    Yeah they did, and now they're at peace again, if I understand correctly.

  9. I think Supremespleen can get credit for posting the link here at OCR. :lol:

    He really deserves it though; he's referred like 20 people to the game.

    How's that 'Great War' shaping up Falchion? The CN forums sure move fast. There's so much praise, condemnation, and accusation in any given thread I cannot make heads or tails of it.

  10. Lets go make Myspace accounts.


    Woah. Sorry for double posting, but does this offer mean that EACH link will get the nation $10,000, 10 miles etc. Because if so, I could over $50,000 within a week.

    Read the Link Offer Conditions. Also, you can't just start up a myspace or blog, it must already be well-established with regular traffic. Other than that, it's an excellent deal for new nations like us.

    I might go the donation route, however.

  11. Is building up a big military early a bad idea because I'm losing money on taxes?

    Soldiers cost money to maintain which will increase your bills, but if you don't have enough soldiers your people won't feel protected and their happiness will decrease which will decrease your income. Your "Private Nation Messages" will tell you if your military size is adequate for your nation's population. I wouldn't worry about building a huge army at the outset. Young nations seem to benefit the most from purchasing infrastructure to get a healthy economy going.

  12. Country: Wombadia

    Capital Flopia

    Ruler: Megawomb

    I gots Oil and Cattle

    I'm still a little lost on what resources do

    This thread helps a lot with learning how the game works.

    Basically, each resource gives you certain bonuses. For example, your oil "lowers initial soldier cost -$3.00, increases population happiness +1, and increases solder count +4%," while your cattle "increases number of citizens +5% and lowers initial land cost -10%" (from this thread). When you trade with other people, you get the bonuses their resources carry. Also, if you collect certain combinations of resources from trade agreements, you get "bonus resources" (see this thread for more info about that).

  13. Wait, do we actually have an alliance to join at the moment, cause I'm on the fence with the IRON people, and I need to know how soon this is gonna go down.
    I believe we do. Is there an actual interface in the game where we select the alliance? If so, I'll need to set that up.

    There are only like ten major alliances that are recognized in-game. The rest are unsanctioned and not officially part of the game.

    Perhaps we could explore the possibility of forming some sort of sub-alliance within IRON.

  14. supremespleen has taken an informal leadership role as the creator of this thread, and I support him as Provisional Leader of the OverClocked Alliance.

    I would suggest that we concentrate on building our own nations up first and garnering some political clout before we dive into active recruitment. CyberNations is literally swarming with alliances, so I think our first priority should be to justify our own existence. Basically, a OCA should be for the mutual protection and advancement of OCR members first and foremost.

    I've taken a look at the charters for some of the major alliances, and I think I have a pretty good idea of what I'd like to see in ours, if/when it comes to that; however, I will give it some more thought as time permits.

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