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Everything posted by nookster

  1. Been here since 2001 or something, blue days for a long time anyway. Was forced to join when they made Unmod members only (wasn't that because of the immense amount of douchebagas that came in after an article innn... Egm? which magazine was that?) What is miss most is the old school internet drama. Brought by people like Prot and Moggie (something to that extend) Is that guy still around under a different name? Miss the asians threat What I do like is people here becoming more like real life people, instead of weird flameready psychos that I treated like cartoon figures to laugh about. Serious, most of the old school gang were nothing more to me then 2D characters in my little amusement/being bored show Actually, normal people were fun for 2 days or something. Bring back Protricity!!!!!!!!
  2. They feel good though oooh yeah cliffhanger ..
  3. No, like me, you hope this From en development point of view, it makes sense to not do it agian, or change it. Melee contained so much content that it is hard to do it again with all new ones. About the stickers, I hope do do other things than what's shown on the screens, because that's just cheap. Those are all promotional images. We've been bombarded to dead by those, don't have to see them yet again. What would be cool though, is if there was a lot of concept art stickers in there. You know, original artwork by Miyamoto (very cute drawingstyle, yet you barely ever see his work) and other members. That would have a novelty feature like the trophies. The "cool look what i found!!" feeling. Unlike the "ah, a Strikers image, the same as in the manual, webbanners, and store promotional posters and cardboards" feeling.
  4. personally i think it is quite interesting, it's more than just collecting and they haven't revealed the full use of it yet. BUT. I hope this isn't replacing the trophys. I LOVE those things. I can spend hours looking at them from different agles, admiring the artwork, design, en technical side (trying to figure out the amount of polys, and how it works together with the textures to create something that looks more high poly than it actually is) I mean damn, I loved that feature. This is just.. meh. I know all that artwork, I look at manuals and cases. Would it be stupid to fear that they replace something like trophies?
  5. Okay, something's bothering me since the cube days. Maybe the european guys can help me. Why do all the european cube and wii titles have little colored triangles on the side of their dvdcases? I've been trying to find some kind of system in it for years know. Is it genre specific? Res4 and Ssbm both have a blue triangle, so I don't think so. Is it age related? see example above. Do they stand for the developers? No they don't. It's been a mystery. And I fear the answer will be something so basic that i kind believe i missed it for all these years. Somebody?
  6. Actually, I think it would be more than nice. It's a must. Personal taste about the arrangement aside, the Icarus song is just plan low quality sound wise. And that's not the only one (though I absolutely love the zelda one) They have to be orchestrated, this must be demos... please?
  7. Which i think is very possible. Certainly isn't zelda Is somebody here also involved on the smashboards? so we get to hear it if they recognize something? On a different (inspired by a picture) note I need link riding a yoshi, sword held high, storming into battle
  8. Well goddamn ! Does anyone recongnize old enemies in those pictures? I've played most games, no kid icarus though. De enemies in the 4th pic (with metaknight) seem like just the kind of enemy that would go into that kind of game. And YES, the shooting pig (samus pic)does look familiar. I (think i) know i've seen it before :S Maybe some hidden hints about other included games in there? enemy wise?
  9. On the Ike update, what's happening in de third picture? Looks like some kind of forcre/light/wind arrow. Not sure what's going there. Could be the last frames of links spin attack though. Thoughts?
  10. You guys do know making a game is hard, stressfull work right? And that the updates are something that are most probabably done between running to the art departement and a meeting about recent development issues or something right? I maybe be going out on a limb here, but i think the updates are not his work. Making the game is. So if he's late, he's not working extra hard to make the update good (making the update is een case of calling dev and telling them to mail a few screenshots), he's late because they're desperatly trying to make a deadline without sacrificing to much of what they want in there.
  11. probably something that's been said a dozen times, but i really want to express how much I want to see Olimar (seems very likely right?) I don't even really like the pikmin games, but come on. A cute little guy using all kinds of pikmin related moves Should be awesome. Oh, and a pikmin theme stage while they're on it. Fighting in een gigantic garden. Pikmins attacking hulking beast in the background. Yeah, gettin fanboyish excited :S
  12. Quite sure they meant it in a Phantom Hourglass kind of way. pointing in the general direction you want to walk, clicking and walking. Like an RTS
  13. Does anybody know if DD was done by a different team than the gameboy version? Usually, that's the case, having specified handheld people. Anyway. if there were different teams, than there's a chance this game will be done by the ds team. Oneline play (and even a track that looks a lot like a ds track) at least give me some hope that's the case.
  14. definitly bigger.
  15. Mariokart used to be my favorite franchise, but since DD... I'm concerend about Reggie saying "A first-timer can stay bumper to bumper with a Kart veteran." I bet: -Hop is still out (giving less strategy with cutting corners and avoiding items) -Coins are still out (coins, imo, gave depth to a race, because you also have maxed out speed to worry about next to corners and items) -Course design is still wide open (as opposed to snes and handheld, where a tight "perfect" driving line existed, giving you the chance to get beter because you step by step dicovered the correct way to take the corners) yeah. Pessimistic. Thoughts?
  16. I'm insulted by this update Bumper is way to kiddy Seriously though. Nice update. These are the kind of things i want to know about. Eldin bridge made my do my little happy dance (big zelda fanboy at heart), but ultimately, I would've rather gone nuts about it when i saw it pop up on my tv screen, controller in hand, and my celebrating smashfriends around me. Same with final smashes. The update that got me excited was the one sakurai warned everyone would have a different flavour. I wonder if this also extents to gameplay, a new (rumoured?) physics engine would help. Who would like Brawl to play more like Smashbros 64? I like both styles, but curious what the popular opinion is
  17. I hope that tomorrow, they reveal that Charizard is still inside a pokeball. I'd love to see a discussion about that. What i'm curious about is the level of extra content. Melee had an insane amount of content, which i loved. Curious if they can improve on that. Individual adventure modes, real endings, unlockable art, costumes, give everyone their one souledge and calibur weapon, and... oh wait
  18. Wow. I LOVE the new update, not because i care about it (nice, give's us a sense of how obscure they are willing to go. that's it) but because since then i've witnessed: Some 13 year olds really getting upset because they are not getting the full scoop on a game with a release date six months away, and a real life unmod style discussion about someone signing his post and how stupid it is. So, massive lolz. It's great to see my need for SSBB opinions, internet drama, and someone being insulted by a gamedeveloper because said developer revealed an item all rolled into one thread. I... i lurk to much. And i miss unmod... And..and, i LOVE you guys. (And really hope to god some of you aren't real ) Ps. About Loyd Irving, i'm not giving it even a small chance. But damn, that WOULD be nice though. Ahwell, with the inclusion of docter wright, everything seems possible. Inconsequential, stupid update that he is --Nik (aw, lemme try it once, feels good
  19. Hahaha, i see it right now. Kid behind computer getting really mad because he doesn't like an item in a game with tons of other content. Great priorities in life Haha, great joke man. I mean, being mad about something being to kiddy in a game that also features pokemons, kirby and bananapeels to slip on. Genius joke. ... It was a joke right?
  20. Can anyone tell me if the game actually gets harder the second playtime? I hear a lot of rumours about this, i've played it through and can't find any proof of this... Am I missing something?
  21. At Nintendo World it was confirmed that TP takes place before Windwaker, and after Ocarina (but that's a given, as Ocarina started it all, narrative-wise speaking) So, Hourglass still most recent one, and after that Windwaker.
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