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Everything posted by Vig

  1. I apologize for the flippant tone of my first post. I misjudged the tone of the discussion. I do not actually think that this should be an easy decision.
  2. Your arithmetic is exceptional. I don't believe that's the argument people are making. No one doubts your ability to count seconds. The great thing about art is that it IS, in fact a subjective experience, and there's no reason to assume that just because in this remix 40% is enough, that in another remix, perhaps say "those in electronic genres," 40% would necessarily cut it. And since there is no one right answer, we have this wonderful democratic process so that we might come to a consensus! Hooray! This may not ease your fears about implications, but since you're worried about precedent, I don't think passing this mix would set any new ones. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01048/ Run some arithmetic on that sonofabitch. Still one of the best on the site.
  3. Roflcopter. For clarity, I'll reiterate what's already been said. The arrangement is fantastic and dynamic, never becoming dull. The instrumentation is lush, the performances are superior. As stated, the only problems I hear are production issues, and minor ones at that. I'm of the opinion that as far as "remix vs. original material" arguments go, counting seconds is a poor decision. wubs j00
  4. The people who voted 'no' are wrong. Yes I'd love it if we could get the crackling fixed if at all possible. Other criticisms: The sound is a bit harsh after 3:40 or so...around 4kHz. That's all that I care to mention. Newer judges: Just cause Larry likes to vote with his calculator doesn't mean you should. Use thine ears.
  5. Larry's right that the track is very sizzly (lots of 8kHz and up), but the rest of his were complaints were fairly masturbatory. The track is topheavy, but it's not enough to pull it under the bar. Everything else is pretty tight. Balls to the wall, testicles in your chesticles, Nuts on your butts, donkey in your bathtub, et cetera. YES
  6. I've got no real complaints. Great orchestration, n'stuff. Idunno. The arrangement is good. I feel like it's pretty boring, but maybe I am developing ADD. This guy is clearly pretty talented this stuff. YES
  7. Oh man....I love the arrangement and creativity in this track. On that alone it's an easy YES, but like Mr. Oil said, this thang is mixed like a turd in your smoothie. The track is way too loud, there's distortion all over the place. Aside from that, the upper midrange frequencies 2kHz< are way too loud. need more ass. Please work on the mix then resub, cause this is a great idea. NO
  8. The only thing I'm hearing that might hold this thing back from a YES is that some of the vocals are crunchy in a not good way. e.g. 2:12 that doesn't sound intentional, and it doesn't sound good. Fix that and you've got a YES
  9. Snare needs more bite. Drums in general are kind of washed out. More low end needed all around. I dig the performance. Great guitars, but the arrangement itself is fairly conservative through most of the track. Great start though. NO
  10. Oh yeah. Good point. THAT's why I know what I'm talking about. Now go! Boost everything but 500 Hz!!~ Before it's too late!#!
  11. Without question you should turn up every frequency all the way all the time, regardless of what you're listening to. You know, to make sure you can hear everything. Except 500 Hz. Nothing good ever happens at 500 Hz. Turn that shit down. And I'm a sound engineering major at Berklee, so I know what I'm talking about.
  12. I dig the tune. I think some of the balances are a bit off. I agree whole-heartedly with Weed that the groove needs to be beefier. fat kick plz. If you need to, carve a chunk out of the bass/low strings to make room for the kick around 60-125 Hz. Those strings are kind of boomy anyway. NO
  13. I definitely dig the sound design, and I have no problem with the interpretation, but my problem is that the spectrum is kind of harsh. You really need to fill out the bottom end, say around 125 Hz and below. This is a serious issue, otherwise I think you've got a pretty good thang. NO
  14. Weed would be the final authority, of course, but: "...my raptastic, elastic journey into wordiness/is fervorous..." "...The fate was long-lost now grows in my very core..." "...forlorn form of apocalypse..." "...world's no longer operant/bitch there ain't no stoppin' this like I'm a form of optimus/prime, it's time I lit the bomb and started droppin' this crash course in taxonomics on your false promises."
  15. I guarantee you will live a happier life if you can manage to let go and not be bothered by what people say on the internet. This was probably the best movie I've seen in years. Definitely outdoes the last one.
  16. I haven't heard a cheesy piano CT remix in awhile. The sample is a bit bright and airy for my taste. However it's not THAT bad, and the performance is certainly creative and proficient. There's really not much to say. Well done. YES
  17. I'm not thrilled with the instrument choices. The groove is cool, it gets a bit repetitive, given how busy it is. On the whole I'd say the spectrum is a bit harsh around 3-5kHz. Aside from that, I think the partwriting is overly simplistic. Nothing else to add I guess. NO
  18. I don't like this mix. The mixing is decent, it's doing something creative with the source material, but I don't see why anyone would want to listen to it. It's boring. I'm not going to vote because maybe I'm crazy.
  19. beginning is really cheap sounding, and too quiet. Too much reverb hiding the crappy accordion and tuba sounds; mechanical and boring sequencing. The trance section is okay, in that it's polished, but the arrangement is...independent of the source material. It's a melody slapped on a generic trance vamp. This is well below the bar. NO
  20. I agree. There's a lot of clutter in the low mids, and the arrangement is too dense. Nothing else to say. NO
  21. What track are you listening to? The sampled guitars are way cheesy and sloppily sequenced. There's no excuse for that kind of spasticity when you're sequencing the part. The problem with the vocals is that...well, they are EQed/recorded thin. Not a lot of midrange. I'd give it more body from maybe 300-1000 hz. Aside from that, it's sounding a bit sparse on the whole. Again, back to the vocals, serious de-essing required. Did you record this through a computer mic? NO
  22. I'm thinking the same things; not enough coherent arrangement. I also was kinda wondering where the low end was, but I'm listening on headphones, so maybe that has something to do with it. NO
  23. I'm going to disagree with larry and say that I heard the room almost more than I heard the guitars. This is okay as an effect, but it's a little bit much. The vocals as well. It sounds like a audience recording of a small club show. The bass entrance really helps the sound. I like the entrance. I'm hearing the chord progression but not the melody. I think you need a bit more relation to the original. Also, The arrangement dies. Come up with an ending. NO
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