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Everything posted by Vig

  1. in that case he...played...it mechanically. all i know is what i hear. if this is performed live, well..wow, but i think a solo piano piece ought to have less strict meter. kthxshariq
  2. i couldnt give two shakes of a rat's anus whether or not this is worse than bladiator's other stuff. i'm not familiar with his material, but if he were i'm not sure if i'd care anyway. i'm looking at this song in and of itself. that said the sample doesnt bother me. the eq doesnt bother me. the arrangement is tons of fun. the only thing that bothers me is the inorganic sequencing. The timing is just too perfect and the notes are measured identically. it's especially irritating in the slower sections when live solo pianists wont be so concerned with keeping time. i really wish the timing were more natural, but as it is, the dynamics are fine, and the arrangement is good, so i go YES
  3. the pads provide a beautiful contrast to the harsh groove when they come in. the song does a suprising job of coming up with rich texture using simple sounds. I find myself wanting more in lots of places. the arrangement isnt terribly well developed. However the production and concept are quite solid, so I'll give it a borderline YES
  4. the guitar is sharply hi and low heavy. it gets quite irritating after a while, i wish the middle were beefier. the composition of the song is pretty rockin. whatever that means. I recognize the original. The problem with this mix is that it's short, it's repetitive, it's repetitive, and the arrangement isnt going anywhere. What you have here is pretty enjoyable, and it's a good start, but you need to build a song, not just this groove thing. NO
  5. stylish, nice grooves. the brass is ugly, but not a deal breaker. the harmonica (?) however, may be. really ugly. but i'm already thinking medley tits. what's here is cool except for the hideous samples. but right now it's just a bunch of track demos. nothing is developed yet. NO
  6. The production aint hot. some the leads dont cut through...too much reverb. there are lots of transitions, but the many ideas introduced don't develop significantly. it's got compositional ADD. This comes across as chaotic, but not in a particularly good way. There's really just not enough forthought in the arrangement to make this type of capricious strucuture work. NO
  7. I'm very glad Shna is here so I no longer look like a complete asshole for my jazz snobbery. Shna hit it all on the head. the piano is overbearing. Jazz pianists dont play this much. please rework the piano, play less, and play less predictable rhythms. NO
  8. oh man do i want to see this piece on OCR. The composition is great. There's some really dramatic harmonic tension, and the atmosphere is well put-together. unfortunately right now it's just too short, too underdeveloped. it sounds like a demo. please make this twice as long and resubmit. NO
  9. the arrangement is somewhat straightforward, but the instrumentation is very cleverly thought-out, making it sound like more than a cover. would be on the line due to the conservative arrangement if not for the solos, which push it over the edge. what can i say? those solos werent in the original. YES
  10. during the introduction i noticed the bare samples...they dont sound good..i think reverb might help. when the melody comes in, it seems sparse to just have the melody and drums. I did enjoy the thunder. very nice. unfortunately like larry says, the song more or less loops. think of ways to expand your ideas. NO
  11. i honestly cant tell what that instrument is supposed to be. Is it supposed to be a duck? Aesthetically it's a big turn-off to be smacked in the face with that right from the beginning. The arrangement isn't that bad. Good dynamics, interesting ideas. unfortunately the ideas arent fully expanded, the song is short and sounds like a demo version. a sneak preview of the full song. double the length and get better samples. NO
  12. that bass drum along with the bass guitar makes the beginning of the song sound awfully goopy. You've really got to make that bass cut through a bit more with the middle frequencies. The problem with the strings is toooo much reverb. as it is this mix seriously suffers from too much low end and thus mud. please clean it up. dont neglect the high frequencies. NO
  13. this track is mono. K. the harpsichord is plodding and flat sounding. the melody comes in, the sample is terrible. The juxtaposition of the metroid title theme is interesting, but the first 2.5 minutes were boring and sloppy. Again at this new section, there's nothing going on. just long segments of repetition. nothing interesting. You need more going on. it's not enough to have a section repeat, you need to present new ideas. this needs lots of work. Take it to the WIP forum, they can help you with the basics. NO OVERRIDE
  14. The piano intro is way too long. the piano is played poorly. the chords are rhythmically and harmonically simple. sounds very unprofessional. The metal section is similarly sloppy. the guitars arent in tune and there are lots of finger slips. On top of that, the track lacks low and high end. everythings in the middle. NO
  15. nothing about the original comes in until 1:00. that's significant, considering the song is less than 3 minutes long. Don't get me wrong, the groove is funky fresh and jumpin through flaming pants with a carton of dope-cheese. However i feel like the original is just pasted on top of the groove. try to make the original more relevant. some more expansion couldnt hurt. the weak ending is...weak. NO
  16. I'm strongly with wingless on this one. The interpretation is quite liberal, to be sure. Most of the artistic liberties are taken with the chord progression, which was quite minimal in the original. There's plenty of precedent for this kind of artistic liberty being taken with posted mixes. I've done it myself, and some of wingless's best work sounds even less like the original than this. with that in mind, this composition in and of itself is incredibly dynamic, interesting, well produced and composed. Frankly i think this piece is orders of magnitude above some of the other mixes that are ending up as close calls on the panel. strong YES
  17. RIIIIIIIIIIIP it's the original with better samples and worse mastering. NO OVERRIDE
  18. One thing i'll give to this remix is that the orignial is used creatively. The concept is certainly creative, unfortunately, when considered in and of itself, this song is rather bland. as everyone else has stated, this song has barely any dynamics. the groove is constant and bland. the one or two segments where the groove drops out have akward segues. the ideas, while creative, arent developed. This song is just quite bland. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of sadorf and sirnutz, but i've heard a lot better material from both of them. This wouldnt have passed a year ago and it shouldnt pass now. NO
  19. the sample is the least of this mix's problems
  20. eh. it's a cute song. The atmosphere is pretty cool, although occasionally it will drop out for a few seconds. what's that about? The piece isnt strictly ambient in nature, there's a lot of harsh attention-grabbing stuff going on (panning synth) but there's really no direction in the arrangement. it's more or less 4 minutes of noodling around with melodies over ambience. i'd like a little more thought and direction. NO
  21. the instruments immediately sound cheap. the violin cuts out too fast, that high note sounds terrible. You messed with the melody in a way that doesnt greatly change the feel of it, but makes it slightly more akward. bad. The guitar sounds terrible, the orchestral hits sound terrible. frankly i think the decision to convert the track to 4/4 is a bad one. loses it's momentum. Sorry if i sound overly negative but there's lots of ugly here that needs to be fixed. NO
  22. great ideas in this mix, the execution aint so great. The guitars alternate from being drowned in reverb to tinny, to poorly played. This needs to be fixed. a lot of the solos (guitars and elp) conflict somewhat with the chord progression because they are all blues solos but the key contains a lot of chords that dont necessarily work with the blues scale. just sounds akward. I really like all the switchups in this mix. the bass solo at 4:00 is a great idea. i think the solo itself is kind of clunky. the dynamics are great, i dont really think 7 minutes is necessarily too long. however the mastering and performance need some polish. The arrangement is solid and interesting, just need to generally tighten up the screws. NO
  23. There is very little arrangement here as far as i can tell. Not nearly enough for OCR. It's a very straightforward solo piano interpretation. it sounds nice, but for OCR we demand creativity and whatnot. the harmonic simplification is a big no-no in my book. aside from that, the piano sounds cheap in the higher octaves. NO
  24. Where are those vocal samples from? There is very little substance to this mix, especially when considering the source material. it's one riff with a puddle of ridiculous voice samples splooged all over the place. NO
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