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Everything posted by Vig

  1. the drum sequencing certainly isn't impressive, and it's somewhat out of place, however i think the drums arent the biggest problem with this mix. Most of the time the mix just sounds incredibly mushy to me. there's so much going on, but i can barely make out any of it. The lead guitars have too much reverb, that wierd synth line is too far back for it to be of any use. I think it's just too busy all the time. the song needs more space. NO
  2. a bit too much groove independant of the source. i feel like you built this killer groove, but the source is completely secondary and trivial. You could have put any videogame song over it and it would have sounded just as cool. This problem is accentuated by the fact that the lead instrument sounds almost like something the gameboy could produce but all the other instruments are much thicker. NO
  3. i cant decide on this one. the first three minutes are really interesting and well thought-out. great atmosphere, really beautiful. but right around 3:00 it gets really dull and doesnt get any better for the remaining two minutes. it's just a melody line with chunky guitars. there's no harmony going on at all. it's dull and uninteresting. NO until you do something more interesting with the second half.
  4. Dan has very good comments, although some of them are overstated. generally speaking, i love the arrangement, and the piece sounds fine. Most of the problems have to do with sample quality. could be a bit more polished, but it's a good arrangement and an enjoyable tune. YES
  5. This remix is truly beautiful, and it has some of the best dynamic work of any remix on OCR. I can only imagine how much work went into such an intricate arrangement. YES
  6. the low strings sound monsterous compared to the organ that comes in later...which ought to be a lot louder. The interlude at 2:00 is similarly too quiet. i appreciate the dynamic contrast, but i think the contrast could have been achieved with a narrower gap. it seems like the volumes are unbalanced. i turned my speakers up loud enough to hear the vocal part and when the drums came back in they were way too loud. The winds are too quiet...in fact, everything but the drums and strings are too quiet. The mix is very low-end heavy I like the arrangement, i want to hear this resubmitted with fixed volume levels. NO
  7. This mix is cute. The instruments might be offputting to some, but i had no problem with it. The mix certainly keeps moving and never gets boring. it's no masterwork, but it's well done and offers a more creative sound than many remixes. YES
  8. Too much beat, not enough meat. take away the completely irritating drums, and there's almost nothing there. The string parts are completely repetitive. There's really no subtlety to this mix. The last minute was the most listenable part of the song, but it's really no different from the rest of the song, it just doesnt have drums in it. lazy arrangement. NO
  9. The performance is adequate. not perfect, i notice a lot of points where everybody slows down for a few beats..ugly. the arrangement is also adequate in my opinion. the problem here is the mixing. the lead guitar is way too far back, too much reverb. fix this and it's a yes. NO
  10. Too much repetition, not enough development. There are parts where the strings will vamp for waaay too long before something new happens. The beat is not enough to sustain what is an otherwise extremely repetitive and dull remix. Aside from adding and devloping your ideas, your strings sound mechanical, you might consider shortening the attack. NO
  11. aside from the "remix it, dont rewrite it" thing, it sounds like it was made in two hours. the strings, both rhythm and harmony, are sloppy and lazy, respectively. The arrangement just isnt interesting enough, the song is a bit too straightforward. NO
  12. The main problem with this mix is that the sequencing is incredibly robotic, and there is no space. the start/stop times of the notes are just too mechanical. the leads sound especially unnatural. all the notes are held all the way to the beginning of the next note, hence no space. There is never a point at which the lead isn't playing, even when the lead is a wind instrument. further contributing to the unnatual sound is that the rhythms you choose in the rhythm and harmony sections are too simple. constant half notes on the strings and vox are boring. NO
  13. This mix does stay chill the entire time, and it's far from perfect. the piano comes off as cheap and tacked-on at times. however, the piece is very enjoyable, and despite the uberchillness, it does have plenty going on dynamically. the instrumentation varies, the rhythm section swells and wanes. it's well put-together. YES
  14. This mix is completely ridiculous. the music is incredibly simple and sloppy. and it repeats. the vocals.... i'm speechless NO Gray, you're supposed to listen to a fallthrough and decide it has a good chance of passing before you post it. Don't do this again.
  15. The instruments in this song are very grating. they all sound low-fidelity and generally ugly. The melody is muddy and the lead sounds completely awful. aside from that, which would be enough in and of itself, the arrangement is completely straightforward. NO
  16. the strings/pads need a break. they arent harmonically interesting, they just take up space, and when the space is constantly taken, it ceases to have any value. aside from that, there are some bad notes that sound awfully akward. the piano sequencing is pretty bad..not that it's robotic sounding, but the rhythms the piano plays are identical to the bass rhythms, and the chord structures are way too simple. of course, in order to make the piano more complex, you will first have to fix the sloppy harmonies in the bass and pads. a harmonic mess, poorly put together. NO
  17. The introduction is supposed to be dramatic but it lacks any subtlety...the first minute or so is completely monotone..the sound quality is lacking, and perhaps because of this, there's a lot of mud and mush between the instruments. The lower strings ought to have faster attack, the groove that is supposed to be pushing the track forward sounds like it's melting. the transition at 4:30 is welcome, but too late. This piece generally needs to sound cleaner, and perhaps trimming off a minute or two couldnt hurt. NO
  18. i really like the idea. the problems i have with this are mainly technical. There seem to be a lot of crackles and pops. furthermore, there's lots of bloom in the low end of the vibes. needs some EQ very badly. the arrangement isnt very expansive, but i think the technical issues are bigger in this case. NO
  19. what the hell is up with those ugly string things somewhere in the back? they sound terrible. the attack isnt nearly fast enough. generally, the groove isnt very tight, akward notes and rhythms plague the harmony instruments. in addition to that, the arrangement is fairly monotonous. screws just need to be tightened. NO
  20. It's awesome. Where's the rest of it? NO
  21. this isnt bad at all. certainly an enjoyable piece. the harp is a bit loud. the sound quality in general is rough, but i wouldnt say it's a crippling problem, although the brass is particularly rough (if that's even what it's supposed to be...it might also be strings.) the mixer clearly has a good understanding of dynamics, but like larry said, there's not too much original material. good start, and certainly there is potential in this artist. NO
  22. there are some runs in the strings that cannot be played, in my opinion. they certainly dont sound realistic. the samples arent great, and at times they stick out more than others. The arrangement itself is pretty decent..not mindblowingly creative, but it's solid. i think the biggest problem with this mix is that it doesnt sound very organic, both the samples and the parts. the fast parts sound ridiculous, and the solos sound mechanical. NO
  23. the synth right off the bat sounds a bit grating and generic. The introduction sounds a bit thin, and a lot generic. i like to move it move it. it never really gains complexity or texture. woah..these transitions are sudden and odd. ugh...so this song more or less plays a bunch of melodies with generic techno synths. not terribly impressive. NO
  24. I think the balance was a bit off between some of the pianos, the lowest part seems a bit too loud most of the time. However, the arrangement is clearly well thought out, and while the concept is unusual, the piece is enjoyable. YES
  25. I assume you refer to it as a teaser because it's not done yet. This sounds like a fairly straightforward rendition with a fairly spastic groove. the song is lacking in harmony and development. it's less than 3 minutes long, and it repeats. NO
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