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Everything posted by Lomion

  1. Always a fan of LuIzA's work. Nice collab, very enjoyable and head-nodding.
  2. I'll have to agree with the common opinion. I'm personally quite a fan of the works of all three individual artists involved. I also think that the mix works quite well. The vocal collab is especially appealing (José and Hale-Bopp in one track! Who would have thought?), but I also think that the chorus could have used some variation. A bit of cleaning up and remastering the thing could turn it into pure gold in my book. Hope you folks are still enthusiastic enough about it. Great work, I'd love to hear more like it!
  3. Happy belated birthday, pretzl! Hope you had a good one; you're doing an amazing job!
  4. For me, as somebody of the same age as Reuben, it felt strange (please excuse the choice of words) to learn that he has left. I admire him for what he has achieved. As most of us, I did not know him personally, but I deeply enjoyed his work. As an artist of his age, he has made considerable achievements. I - who haven't used my time as he has - regret that he will not be able to keep pursuing his goals and dreams. My condolences to anybody who appreciated him as a person, as I appreciated his work.
  5. I'd say the stuttering effect is what keeps this track, I don't think it disturbing at all. This is probably something which would drive me insane when listening to it on my way to work or something, due to it's irregular nature. However, listening to it in peace, I think this is a beautiful piece. Almost contemplative in its dissonance.
  6. I guess this is the first OCremix that I listened to which features recognizable ska influences - even considering Faxanadu's "GoofySka". When I read your comment on the victory fanfare as a bonus, I thought "Well, others did this before..." but I wasn't prepared for this nice little gimmick. A suitable ending for an excellent track. Rock on! Hope to hear more from you on OCR.
  7. Very effective blending of genres. Nice job, Mr Salz!
  8. I'll join in the applauding. Very nice work. This track just conveys the general warm feeling of the Secret of Mana soundtrack. I'd say Kikuta would like this too. Thanks, mp!
  9. I remember when I initially listened to this mix I was kinda disappointed that it didn't sound very much like "Unknown from M.E.". Probably someone wants to shoot me now or something but I basically liked the whole pack of the "Sonic Adventure" character themes. Must be some sort of strange addiction for everything that combines video games and music lyrics. Guess I'm still a child there. Anyway, my disappointment soon faded into pure amazement. I just dig this. This is the sort of songs which will really get me into trouble some day. There are days where I barely can resist to start freestyling at my co-workers in the stairwell about "what I'm representing". So the question is, what do we represent? I'd say we represent a lifestyle in which the dream of saving "the flower from evil deterioration" holds a strong position. Um.. to explain that: We're gamers and we like thinking about fighting evil and saving the world. Enough rant already. I don't know shit about hip hop. But José really gots the flow. Great lyrics - I'd say the cornyness is almost obligatoric in a song about Knuckles. I mean, hello? We're talking about a fighting hog here! He's unlikely to be dealing with social problems in modern society. OK, of course there could be less corny vocals. I'd say they're already cognizable less corny than the originals. But if you want to - in a way - stay true to something like the SA themes, you'll have to come up with something really ingenious if you want to get 'intelligent' lyrics. Great stuff. Hope to hear more from you soon man! What happened to DJ Crono anyway?
  10. Beautiful, just beautiful. Sadly, I don't know how the original sounds but it had to be very good to stand up to this piece of work. Actually I was going to write this just after listening to only the first minute. It seems like the track builds up till around the one-minute-border and then goes on for two minutes just the way SGX wanted the music to be. Around 3'00 I noticed this slight change and I thought: "Two minutes to go, what is he up to now?" From there on the melody is more beat-carried, which does not corrupt the peaceful athmosphere created till then in any way. Perfect piece of art in my ear. Keep up that work man! edit: A compliment by ziwtra, master of peaceful sounds? Man now you gotta be happy.
  11. Beautifully arranged indeed. Very neat introduction and a catchy interpretation of the desert music. Couldn't really find the snow music in there, but that failure must be on my side. More plaudit from another fan of the series. Keep on keeping on!
  12. I agree with skulkrusha on the bass thing. I think it is too...dominant to tune it that low. This way it is a little disturbing in my opinion because it never really overpowers the rhythm, but catches the ear and distracts the attention of the listener. You have already explained why you did it this way. This is just a piece of my mind.
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