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Everything posted by monkeybrain

  1. you should put a bit of a description of the song in your post. there are people who wouldn't want to waste time downloading a techno song. not me, i find this interesting and it makes me want to move.
  2. no i still have money so the internet should still be working. jk i dont know what a cache is.
  3. i advise you go to myspace, go to the music directory and search through the entire bluegrass genre. there's a lot of crap but among it i'm sure you'll find something you're looking for. just take scraps from songs here and there that will fit together stylistically. i won't tell anyone. isn't there that one song from super mario world that sounds really bluegrass, with a banjo and all? maybe just remix that one, that'll be sweet (i'd listen to it fosh).
  4. lol no i was thanking you for you input. it still doesn't work for me.
  5. listen to bluegrass music. it's like country-folk or something. also, if you play banjo, how could you NOT have played bluegrass? isn't that like the only kind of music you can play on a banjo?
  6. http://www.soundtempest.net/soc/ someone let me know if they experience (or don't) any problems in downloading the files. for some reason it seems like only the first file in each folder actually links. the rest are just text. anyone experience the same problem or is my computer fucked? also, this has only occurred on his website.
  7. don't be so modest, i think this is really quite new. also it sounds like you are riding some nice endorphine high.
  8. fine persian carpets
  9. who keeps the moon? the americans? ellen degeneres? on another note, have you heard moon dreams by miles davis? or moondance by van morrison? or harvest moon by neil young?
  10. http://www.mukaishutoku.com/download/at_okinawa.html zazen boys live in okinawa
  11. thank you kind person
  12. nevermind it is all at pace
  13. backwards talking you're
  14. sweet music man (i am running the american smile like you are a bastard mack on someone forever and ever one two three yell at the trunk of a grand am oddish oddish!)
  15. Why does your sig have a picture of a human while the subtext says StarFox? In other news this tune makes me wanna do MDMA.
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