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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  2. Link to submission: MP3: WAV: Remixer Name: Veni Mortem Real Name: Venicia Jenifreya Email: Website: https://venimortem.carrd.co/ User ID: 38540 Name of Games Arranged: Mega Man X Series (Primarily X5, but including X-X7) Name of Arrangement: Zero Alternatives Name of Songs Arranged: "X vs Zero" (Mega Man X5) "Zero" (Mega Man X) "Zero" (Mega Man X2) "Zero" (Mega Man X3) "Opening Stage Zero (Sky Lagoon)" (Mega Man X4) "Opening Stage Zero" (Mega Man X5) "Awake Road Again (Highway Stage / Zero's Theme)" (Mega Man X7) "Demo (Zero's Speaks, Variable X)" (Mega Man X) "X vs Zero" (Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite Version) You can find a YouTube upload here, which is fully timestamped, including visual cues, to follow along with each part of the medley! Comments: This was a huge project for me, having worked on it off and on for a few years. This was requested by my good friend and long time Patreon supporter Zorky, who is a huge fan of Zero. Initially he asked me to cover X vs Zero from X5, but as I started working with it, my ideas for it continued to grow. I first noticed that the rhythm of the strings section in the first segment of X vs Zero past the intro, had a similar rhythm to Zero's theme from Mega Man X, so I started by recreating the Zero theme melody with the same violins I was using, and beat the BPM with a hammer until it sounded right haha. Once I had that in, I just kept finding little ways to fit the other themes in here and there, wrapping them all around the tempo and rhythms of X vs Zero, to finally result in a sort of celebration of the character, and the series as a whole! X vs Zero is one of those tracks that just always stuck with me, and I've always considered it one of the greatest action compositions in gaming. As a music composer/producer myself, it just spoke to all of my composition sensibilities and was one of the few instances where a track made me think "Wow, I so wish I had made that one!" hahaha. So when the opportunity came to arrange it, I just had to give it my all and show my love for everything involved! Closing: If there are any issues with the files or any of the information, please let me know and I'll correct it as soon as possible! This is my first submission to OC Remix after many many years of listening, so I hope I got everything right! Thank you all so much for everything you do! Timestamped video of submission with source breakdown:
  3. Remixer name: The Coop Real name: M.T. Yankovich E-mail address: Website: N/A UserID: 4510 Game arranged: Thunder Force V Arrangement name: "Guardian Unknown" Song arranged: "The Justice Ray Part 2" Song composers: Hyakutaro Tsukumo, Tek Tek, Tomomi Otani Game system: SEGA Saturn Thunder Force V OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yPWibjhBWo Comments: Greetings folks. Yeah, it's been many, many years since I submitted something, but I figured I'd throw caution to the wind and... here I am. This is a piano-arrangement of the song "The Justice Ray Part 2" from the Tecno Soft game, Thunder Force V on the SEGA Saturn (it's on the PS1 as well, but I grew up with the Saturn version, so...). Besides the drastic change in terms of musical instruments used and tempo, I also did a little shuffling to the original song's structure, moving some sections of it around to fit with the more somber-at-times tone of my arrangement. I still tried to capture the energy of the original tune at times as well, giving the song a chance to swell, fall back, and whatnot. It this remix was inspired a loooog time ago, when I was trying to do an orchestral remix of the same TFV song. That remix was basically finished, but it fizzled out in the end. A little while later, I tried to do a piano-solo version, but that too fizzled out after it got pretty far along. That piano-solo remix sat dormant for about 13 years, and I eventually found it and decided it was time to get it done. I sat down, reworked what I'd written, and finally finished it. The song title is inspired by the glitchy speech that comes up as the game warns you of the approaching final boss, and the on-screen text that reads, "Area Guard Name: Unknown." I've attached a 192kb/s MP3 of the remix to this email, and here's a link to the same file on my Dropbox account. I've had this account for years, so it's not going anywhere (I hope)... Thanks for taking the time to listen to it, and... well, here's hoping! -TC
  4. Link Greetings! It's been a long time since I've submitted a new track. I hope you like it Requested info below. CONTACT: Remixer name: OverShield Real name: Dean Kontos Email address: overshieldmusic@gmail.com Website: I don't have one, but here is my YouTube and Soundcloud: https://www.youtube.com/@overshield9729 https://soundcloud.com/overshield_official User ID: 33724 SUBMISSION: Game Arranged: F-Zero Name of Arrangement: Project Blue Name of Song Arranged: Big Blue Inspiration: The main inspiration for me is always nostalgia. F-Zero has been one of my most beloved game franchises ever since I was a child. It has incredible music that always matched the fast paced energy of its racetracks. Big Blue is no doubt one of the best songs within the entire franchise and it has always been high on my list to put my own twist to it. This remix mainly focuses on the classic original theme of Big Blue that we know and love. However, big F-Zero fans may notice some parts of the song taking direct inspiration from some of the lesser known alternate versions of the Big Blue theme within F-Zero GX (e.g. Infinite Blue and Arrange versions). I hope you enjoy it, as I tried to tell a story throughout the different sections of the track (pun not intended). Thanks for your time. Best, Dean
  5. Your ReMixer name: Pixel Pirates Your real name: Tobaunta Torkelsson & Fredrik Vinterstjärna Your email address: Your website: pixelpirates.nu Your userid: 37469 Name of game(s) arranged: Castle Crashers Name of arrangement: Four Brave Heroes Name of individual song(s) arranged: Four Brave Champions
  6. Contact Information Your ReMixer name : Rockos Your real name : Roch Côté Your email address : Your website : None Your userid (number, not name) on our forums : 44017 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged : Genshin Impact Name of individual song(s) arranged : Port Ormos (Day) Name of the remix : I Picked the Wrong Test Subject Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : This one song was made for a kinda surprise to my wife. This came out absolutly of nowhere. She was in love with the music when playing the game and going to Port Ormos area during game daytime. I decided to remix it with my 'Drum and Bass' or what I like to call it 'Rock and Bass' surge. This one has the energy + the groove in it. The source is being played a lot and change from fast pace to slow groovy bassline style with psytrance glitched stuff going on. The goal was to have at the same time a good balance of energy and feel good kind of music. I also had to practice a lot for the guitar parts since it is going at a blazing fast 180 BPM. The solo (4:21-4:44+) in itself was cheated in the making in the sense that I didn't play it live but every part were played on my real guitar. Just had to use clever recording and sound placement. I went a lot on the glitching effect side. Mostly heard in background pad and sometime on front element. I used the Rift plugin and experimented with a lot of settings and created some automation to go with it. I liked creating the 0:45-1:06 part where there is the main melody glitching and behind is a low passed bass meaning imminent drop. It has this 'It's coming' feeling to it. The source in itself play as follow: Intro (0:00-0:44 Remix) plays the main intro melody of the original track (0:10-0:30 OST) and at the same time plays the end (1:31-1:42 OST) of the original in the background. (0:45-1:06 Remix) Is the build-up and plays the original 5 first notes of what I consider the main melody found at (0:50-0:52 OST). After that the part from (1:06-1:48) plays the main melody of the original (0:50-1:31 OST). (1:49-2:53 Remix) Alternate between the intro melody of the soundtrack and the main melody while at the same time playing the the of the OST (0:10-0:30 alternate with 0:50-1:31 + 1:31-1:42 OST). (2:55-3:14 Remix) use the end of the soundtrack (1:31-1:42 OST) as a build-up to lead into another alternate version of intro + main melody. (3:15-3:59 Remix) = (0:10-0:30 alternate with 0:50-1:31 OST). (4:00-4:19 Remix) Is back to main melody with a little small time change where the melody starts. (4:20-4:42 Remix) Is a guitar solo while playing the end of the soundtrack (1:31-1:42 OST) this time as an arpeggio. (4:43-end Remix) This arpeggio is then added with pads that reflect the end of the original OST) I felt the need to had timestamp and explaination since this game is not in the OCR database hence the song might not have been heard a lot. So judge might like this read-up as they listen. I really hope you like this track full of changes as much as we do. Wav: Original soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KknZcH0rvBY
  7. (revision 1/21/2024) (old version) ReMixer name: Astral Tales Real name: Ernesto Bernal Email address: Website: astraltales.bandcamp.com Submission Information Name of game arranged: Gremlins 2 The New Batch The Videogame Name of arrangement: Astral Office Name of individual song arranged: The Office Theme Own comments about the mix: I always found that this song had a naughty nature that conveys quite well the personality of the Gremlins. It had that "horror" taste to it, but also some funny characteristics, exactly like the movie. It's a blend that we usually found in the 80s, and it was a bit of a challenge to translate into a remix. I decided to give it a cyberpunk twist (after all, the leader of "the new batch" had a mohawk, right?). When exploring with different sounds, the song asked me for a heavy and nasty rhythm section, so I added some powerful bass lines and heavy rhythms. The chaotic and naughty nature of the Gremlins was approached with a crazy lead that plays the main theme of the song, and finally I added two softer parts to help the tune have some dynamics that helped to give some variety and contrast against the madness of the main sections. I hope you enjoy it! Cheers! Ernesto Bernal
  8. Hello! My name is Jon Paul Sapsford, and I'm a musician from Chicago and I love doing video game remixes. You have recently featured the duo I am a part of, Error 47, and our remix of the Gabriel Knight theme (though, I need to give credit where credit's due, that was 99.9% Troels' doing. He had an absolute vision with that one. I just put a little polish on it). A while back we all put together the first (of soon to be 3) King's Chill album, and my synthwave take on Girl in the Tower from King's Quest 6 was lucky enough to be the closer to the album. I enjoy listening to this track quite a bit and am very proud of how it turned out, so I figured I'd see if you all would enjoy it as well. Thank you for your consideration and all that you do for great video game music! Download track link: Remixer name: Jon Paul Sapsford Remix title: Girl in the Tower (King's Chill Remix) Style: Synthwave Album Link: https://spacequesthistorian.bandcamp.com/album/kings-chill-vol-1-vibin-makes-the-soul-go-higher Email address: Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/studiorion Direct youtube link: Name of game arranged: King's Quest 6 Name of song arranged: Girl in the Tower Original Composer: Mark Seibert Source tune with vocals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69M2iiI__XQ Source tune instrumental:
  9. Super Metroid has this nice atmospheric, uncertain, mysterious theme that really nails the lonesome feeling the game has. I wanted to capture that lonesome feel in kind of a more dramatic way than the SNES was capable of in 1994 (not that it did a bad job at all.) I had this project sitting around unfinished for a long time; I’d thought it had been maybe two years or so...but I checked and the file creation date was late 2014! Originally it had been completely orchestrated, but it was kind of plodding, a bit too contemplative, and just generally slow and boring. There wasn’t any expressiveness to it, having been a lazy transcription, and it just sounded flat. I swapped to more realistic-sounding orchestra libraries and added some expression, but it still sounded a bit monotonous. A suggestion from a friend was to make it into a “montage,” which I didn’t understand at first. He said “like what if there was a four-minute-long Metroid movie trailer that you needed to score? Add an action scene,” which then resulted in the more upbeat guitar section, which I feel adds the variation that was needed. The end result is that it does sound like a montage. It starts sounding lonely and dark, then gets a bit determined with a military snare and a pulsed bass synth. Then follows the action scene and a little bit of electric guitar noodling, maybe representing the boss fight against Draygon. Then there’s an atmospheric section — maybe Samus is exhibiting the trope of walking away from an explosion she’s not looking at before a fade to black — with long sustains with the Metroid title motif behind it. Here, I used a couple sounds that were used in the Metroid Prime trilogy soundtracks for atmosphere, but kept them relatively subtle (thanks @SynaMax, for pointing out where to find said sounds, by the way.) Afterward, the lonely oboe then comes back to lead into the ending with the piano closing things out (where the Metroid title motif briefly shows up again.) I spent many hours crafting automation of both instrument parameters and the overall tempo to get the orchestrated bits to sound as expressive and as human as I could achieve, and I think it works well enough. This was also a very difficult mix production-wise; for a long time things just sounded like mud, more mud, and "oh hey I think there’s a melodic line in there behind all those strings but I can’t be sure” but after a few more hours I got it cleaned up pretty nicely. I swear that submitting so many water-themed mixes is not intentional; that’s just how things kind of worked out. It’s just that water level themes are (usually) awesome (even if the levels themselves are often more frustrating…) Once again, thanks for taking the time to listen, and for all you do! Original piece: ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvAu58MtF5Y ) I’ve seen disagreement as to whether the original piece is called “Lower Maridia,” “Maridia 2," or “Maridia (Swampy Caverns)” but it looks like OCR has it listed as “Rocky Underground Water Area” so I’ll go with that. Link to submission: ( ) “Submergence” Remixer name: 744 (or sevenfortyfour) Real name: Ben Brownlee e-mail: site: 744music.bandcamp.com (and sevenfortyfour.bandcamp.com) forum userid: 34405
  10. RebeccaETripp Rebecca Tripp http://www.crystalechosound.com/ ID: 48262 Game(s): Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, Breath of the Wild Song Title: Moonlit Woods Songs Remixed: Lost Woods (BotW), Forest Haven (WW) Faron Woods (TP), Inside Forest Haven (WW), Korok Forest (BotW) Here’s a link to the file: This is part of a much larger medley that I made a little over a year ago. Here’s the whole medley: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh0I9rmeEyU I gave it a different ending and made it shorter! Most of the winds were performed by Gamer of the Winds, Medllix and Steven Higbee. Here are links to them: https://www.youtube.com/c/GameroftheWinds/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/Medllix/videos https://www.youtube.com/c/StevenHigbee/videos
  11. Your ReMixer name: Lucas Guimaraes Your real name: Lucas Guimaraes Your email address: Your website: https://twitter.com/Thirdkoopa - knew nothing better to link for this Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: http://ocremix.org/community/profile/33965-thirdkoopa/ Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy VI Name of arrangement: Live For A Who / Oh War of Evil Name of individual song(s) arranged: Terra's Theme Other people that helped: TSori .wav: My comments: This is a Mirror Duet Arrangement of Terra's Theme from Final Fantasy VI. Mirror, you might ask? Inspired by Mozart's "Der Spiegel" (https://youtu.be/ybiuRzpkaMA) except with a VGM arrangement. This means that my part, when flipped upside down, is the sheet music to TSori's part. Let me tell you: Mirror Arrangements are HARD. When TSori came to me with this arrangement idea, I knew I had to try it out. I was hooked once the puzzle element clicked with me. This took a lot of revisioning to get this sounding like Terra's theme. I'm attaching the sheet music (One of the few times I see myself doing this) to really help get across why this gimmick is so hard. Every note was essentially writing two notes. Once we got the arrangement down, it was really about practicing. Since it was initially made for the Pixel Mixers contest deadline, we knew one thing: We had to keep it simple. This allowed for plenty of time to rehearse the piece and go over the mix and master a few times. I had a lot of fun making this track, and I really hope you all enjoy it. Certainly a VGM First! TSori Comments: One of the things that makes collaborations with Lucas so much fun is that he likes wacky ideas as much as I do. He also happens to be far better at executing them! So, when I pitched the idea of a "mirror/table duet" style arrangement to him, I knew he'd find a way to make it work. The arranging process turned out to be a lot of fun. We traded drafts back and forth a few times, building on each others' ideas until Lucas arrived at this final arrangement. As Lucas said several times it often felt as much like solving a puzzle as it did arranging. Ultimately I am very pleased with how this turned out, and I hope it makes for a unique ReMix. The title also took a bit of thought. The goal was to find one that would spell different phrases read forward and backward, both of which had to be at least somewhat relevant to Terra. So we ended up with "Live for a Who" for our amnesiac heroine and "Oh War of Evil" alluding to her former life as a living weapon.
  12. ReMixer Name: Spice Name of Game Arranged: Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune Name of Arrangement: Highway Spirit Name of Individual Song Arranged: Stream of Tears Link to original soundtrack: https://youtu.be/TFJq4hB3Swc
  13. Some from Mazedude! One from Rux Ton! Some from Emunator! And a pair from jmr! The AlmightyArceus!
  14. Contact Information Username: timaeus222 Name: Truong-Son Nguyen http://soundcloud.com/timaeus222 https://hand-held-thumbs.hostingerapp.com/ ID: 24526 Submission Information Games: Pokémon Scarlet/Violet ReMix Title: The Art of Zoning Out Consoles/Platforms: Nintendo Switch OST Composers: Minako Adachi, Junichi Masuda, Go Ichinose, Hiromitsu Maeba, Teruo Taniguchi, Hitomi Sato, Toby Fox Source Tunes: "Artazon & Zapapico", "Intro Theme" (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team), "Time Gear" (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky) (attached) ReMix: - MP3 - WAV Comments: "So, a new Pokémon game came out recently! Scarlet & Violet take place in the Paldea region, and were released globally on the Switch on Nov 18, 2022. I can honestly say, even though there were some major changes compared to the previous generations that I did play (Ultra Sun, Shining Pearl, and Black & White 1, are 3 of those), and it took time to get used to it, I did enjoy this game for multiple reasons. Hopefully this helps you guys decide whether you want to buy this game or not! From my scattered experience in Pokémon, it seemed to have adapted the character customization, overworld/battling mechanics and Raid Battles of Sword & Shield (but drops Dynamax); the notorious EXP. Share mechanic of X & Y; and the art style of Let's Go! Pikachu/Eevee. Other notable features (good or bad) for me: 1. Even though TMs are once again single-use for some reason, I like that you can craft them using materials that you obtain from defeating Pokémon of particular species. 2. There's no more Day Care Center (sad!). Instead you breed Pokémon by having a picnic and making a sandwich that boosts the chances of having an egg (in this case you don't gain EVs). 3. You can instantly transfer egg moves from 1 Pokémon to another, REGARDLESS of matching Egg Groups, just by having a picnic and having the one who wants the egg move hold the Mirror Herb with 1 empty move slot. This saves SO MUCH TIME! 4. Now I can find berries scattered on the ground or in Raid Battles, but... I can't plant them anymore?! Excuse me? HUH? 5. The Pokédex is interestingly vague when it describes each Pokémon's location - perhaps realistic to what a kid might write I suppose but a tad frustrating. There weren't a TON of bugs, although I posted a ton of Twitter posts chronicling my playthrough, including one where I jumped inside a building ala Super Mario 64 where I didn't use the door and could only escape by flying out... Nonetheless, I'll have to say that the post-game story involving the protagonist's friend and his father was particularly incredible and my favorite part of the game. As for this ReMix, I really liked the theme from the towns of Artazon & Zapapico. The original had a travel-friendly vibe, but seemed to quickly move on from certain musical ideas, despite having some surprising chord progressions that I would have liked to have a proper treatment. (Although now that I think about it, I guess it's appropriate for the game as a result to achieve that travel-friendly vibe.) I wanted to expand on the melodies I heard, really fleshing them out into fuller ideas. It became a 5/4-6/4 tropical/highland arrangement featuring some sounds such as Impact Soundworks's Highland Harps and Modern Harpejji, my own bell sounds from u-he's Zebra2, and Spectrasonics Omnisphere's pads. Initial inspiration came during a shower and I just found myself humming the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 1 intro theme on top of what I already had written, because I felt it gave the piece direction and paired surprisingly well with the atmosphere I was going for. But what was really cool is I had found this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoyxorZd6vc), which analyzed the various leitmotifs in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers series and how they were repurposed in multiple themes throughout the game. Even though I was already aware of such a strategy in that series' music, I found that video particularly inspiring, and I actually went back to this ReMix after "finishing" it, and I reworked the breakdown section in the middle to incorporate the Time Gear motif. It was about 11 hours of total worktime from mid-Nov 2022 into mid-Jan 2023 to finish this, so I'd say I finished it faster than on average! It's also quite a change from my usual arrangements because this time my idea of a breakdown section was a lot more delicateness instead of fanciness, and I've kept harmonic complexity instead of production antics at the forefront. Anyways, I think I've rambled on enough, I hope you enjoy what came of this experience! - Truong-Son" Extra Info: Source Breakdown: 0:00.00 - 0:16.26 = Artazon & Zapapico (0:00.00 - 0:08.26, 0:12.38 - 0:16.49 in 5/4) 0:16.26 - 0:32.48 = Artazon & Zapapico (melody [0:08.26 - 0:16.49] + backing [0:00.00 - 0:08.26] in 5/4) 0:32.48 - 0:42.20 = Artazon & Zapapico (0:16.49 - 0:24.78, 0:33.00 - 0:41.25) [harmony + expansion on original melody] 0:47.09 - 1:11.42 = Artazon & Zapapico (0:16.49 - 0:24.78, 0:33.00 - 0:41.25) [harmony + expansion on original melody] 1:11.42 - 1:25.99 = Artazon & Zapapico (0:41.25 - 0:59.26) [harmony + expansion on original melody] 1:30.84 - 2:00.07 = PMD2 Time Gear (0:00 - 1:05, slightly-modded 2nd phrase for 3rd bar) 2:00.07 - 2:16.26 = Artazon & Zapapico (0:00.00 - 0:08.26, 0:12.38 - 0:16.49 in 5/4) [key change] 2:16.26 - 2:32.48 = Artazon & Zapapico (melody [0:08.26 - 0:16.49] + backing [0:00.00 - 0:08.26] in 5/4) 2:32.48 - 2:48.73 = Prev 16 secs of Artazon (0:00.00 - 0:08.26, 0:12.38 - 0:16.49) + PMD1 Intro Theme (0:08 - 0:12/0:34 - 0:37) in 5/4 2:48.73 - 3:33.63 = PMD1 Intro Theme (0:19 - 0:34) 16.26 + 16.22 + 9.72 + 24.33 + 14.57 + 29.23 + 16.19 + 16.22 + 16.25 + 44.90 = 203.89 secs 203.89/219.95 ~= 92.70% source overall Artazon & Zapapico (A/Z): 113.51/219.95 = 51.61% A/Z PMD1 Intro Theme (P1IT): 61.15/219.95 = 27.80% P1IT PMD2 Time Gear (P2TG): 29.23/219.96 = 13.29% P2TG
  15. Hello OCRemix, Here"s another song from my album ! Contact Information ReMixer name : Black SeeD Email : Website : https://blackseedbm.bandcamp.com/releases Userid : 37884 Submission Information Game arranged : Final Fantasy 9 Name of arrangement : Eternal Rain Song arranged : Final fantasy IX- Freya's theme / Final Fantasy IX Music: Kingdom of Burmecia Comments : Hello again everyone ! Another track from my album of remixed video game tracks in an atmospheric black metal way (Black SeeD - Farplane of Memories (2021)). This one contains two tracks in one, although they are really close to each other from the start. Long guitar intro, to set the mood and impose the acoustic guitar as a core instrument of this song. The theme is repeated, the goal was in the context of the album to already get the listener comfortable with the theme (and take a break of the more brutal BM stuff), while getting more and more tension into the back guitars. The other goal of this track is to alternate between more peaceful (acoustic) parts and getting back into more brutal stuff, while keeping the acoustic guitar in the loop as rhythm guitars, mixing with the electric ones, which gives a bouncy feeling and adds a more weird atmosphere. The second part of the song is the Kingdom of Burmecia part, with a transition from Freya's theme by keeping the theme for a bit. I hope you'll like it ! Here is the link to the wav file : Thanks a lot ! Black SeeD
  16. Hello, I am a producer who goes by VARIA. I wanted to submit my remix of the Maridia (Rocky Underwater Area) theme from Super Metroid for your site. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have working on it: The arrangement was first completed 2 years ago and I have spent the time since then making small changes and improvements as my skills as a producer have changed and improved working on other projects. It is finally in a state I can definitively call finished. I plan to release this track publicly on streaming services and for purchase in the coming months. I know that the track will be available to download for free from OC Remix and am cool with that. My longer term plans are to release a longer Metroid remix EP for purchase, this is the first single. I am curious if you could let me know a relative time-frame for when this track would be evaluated and then subsequently released on the website? Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing your feedback.. All the best, VARIA
  17. Hi djpretzel and ocremix-team, i’ve made a remix and would be glad, if you can use it for Overclocked Remix. ReMixer Name: Captain Lancer Crew Real name: Roland Strunk Name of game arranged: Raiden (Arcade)/Raiden Trad (SNES) Name of arrangement: Gallantry (Round 1, 4) Name of individual song arranged: Gallantry (Fighting-Thunder-Mix) I’ve tried to give the remix with my modest possibilities a little 60s Instrumental-/Surfrock-/Spaghettiwestern-vibe while keeping it dancable. Kind regards, Roland
  18. LINK TO THE SUBMISSION: Your ReMixer: EAR Your real name: Weston Ahern Your email address: Your website(s) https://djear.com/ Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 22858 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004 Name of arrangement: The Simulation Name of individual song(s) arranged: Tier 3 (Duelist Kingdom Finalists) Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): Composer: Credits In-Game list "Sound: Toshihisa Furusawa, ARY" System: Gameboy Advance Year: 2004 Developer: Konami Publisher: Konami Release dates: Japanese - Feb 5, 2004 // North American - Feb 10, 2004 https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yu-Gi-Oh!_World_Championship_Tournament_2004 Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): Here is one of several YouTube uploads - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL043509C5AB2485A2 Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. A long, long time ago in 2014 - a friend of mine (Bandit the Raccoon) dropped a song titled "Simulation" (https://bandittheraccoon.bandcamp.com/track/simulation) on an album of original tunes I thought was amazingly cool. If memory serves - they approached me a while later to remix one of their tunes for an upcoming remix EP they were planning to release. I chose "Simulation", was given stems for their song to work with - and for whatever reason at the time (because I just can't remember) I decided to remix it in the style of the music from the PS1 2.5D SHMUP Einhänder <3. Bandit and I are both huge Einhänder fans and I think it was kind of a show-offy thing I wanted to do. So I experimented with some sub-bass I could only really test in my car and some fun breaks and rave stabs - and threw in a couple of vocal samples from the games enemies and the *ahem* companion satellite that provides your mission updates between stages (and a siren!) - mostly because I had been a very clever boy and found a way to rip the audio files from my disc. (I think I shared them with a few other fans later and they are now much more widespread around the internet, lol. Suffice to say, I got the "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" I was looking for at the time. ^_^) Fast-Forward to yesterday (2023) Bandit is reworking their albums and "Simulation" - and asks me if I still have the original project files and can do a new edit of the track with some newly re-worked stems and arrangements. As it turns out, "Simulation" was from a GBA Yu-Gi-Oh! game and less 'inspired-by' more.. 'cover'. They wanted to re-work the tune and breathe some more originality into it. So - while I'm happy to hand Bandit the newer Rework with modern mastering and a much more experienced me's understanding of EQ and ways to improve the original track , I asked how they would feel of my submitting the older 2014 version to OCR now that I know it's from a game - and they had no problems with that at all. ❤️ (I still enjoy it quite a bit so I don't think it's loosing much.) ---- As far as who did what: The opening arpeggio loop that plays throughout is from Bandit's stems. A synth loop at 01:07 is from Bandit's stems. A piano melody at 04:01 is from Bandit's stems. Everything else is my own design. and all the stems have been tweaked a bit with some FX & EQ to fit my remix. The EDM producer in me felt the original title of "Bandit - Simulation (EARs Remix)" was pretty accurate to conventional song titles since I thought it was a remix of their (now apparently COVER) "Simulation: - but in this instance - since I don't know how OCR would handle something like that, I'm proposing "EAR - The Simulation" to differentiate this song from the new, less-Yu-Gi-Oh! version I reworked for Bandit. This 2014 remix is still a significant deviation from not only their song "Simulation" - but also the ACTUAL source on the GBA. Yes, very confusing, have fun with that? Even if not accepted, this has been a fun couple of paragraphs to write and a fun story to tell.
  19. Not sure if this was sent through before. Apologies if it did; I couldn't find it in either of my inboxes. Your ReMixer name: Lucas Guimaraes Your real name: Lucas Guimaraes Your email address: Your website: https://twitter.com/Thirdkoopa - knew nothing better to link for this Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: http://ocremix.org/community/profile/33965-thirdkoopa/ Name of game(s) arranged: Earthbound Name of arrangement: Threed, Doomed At Last Name of individual song(s) arranged: Threed, Freed At Last (.mp3) (.wav) Attached the .wav above. Please let me know if you also need the .mp3 Description for the site: I knew I wanted to do Earthbound for a while. The theme for Pixel Mixer's Saturday contest was "Time Travel". I did Chrono Trigger the previous month, so I didn't want to do Chrono Trigger or Cross again unless I couldn't come up with anything else. Earthbound spoke to me. I knew I wanted to do Earthbound covers in either a 90's style, like Grunge, or something very psychedelic. I didn't have much time to finish it. What I got was a pretty nice in-between: The first (or one of the?) Doom Metal video game arrangements. It took the source material (normally in major) and turned it into a minor key. My goal was to embellish some of Electric Wizard, Sleep, and other Doom Metal bands. I hope you all enjoy!
  20. Since we don't publish ReMixes or albums to Spotify (since it's a commericial platform and we don't own the music or do song licensing with the game companies), we need to offer a curated playlist with whatever OC ReMixes are available via other publishers. Do you have some to offer for inclusion on this playlist? Please share any & all Spotify track links of OC ReMixes, whether they're yours or others, and we'll pull something together!
  21. Hello OCRemix, Here"s another song from my album ! Contact Information ReMixer name : Black SeeD Email : Website : https://blackseedbm.bandcamp.com/releases Userid : 37884 Submission Information Game arranged : Silent Hill Name of arrangement : Dreaded Mist Song arranged : Silent Hill - Lisa's Theme (Not Tomorrow) Comments : Hello again everyone ! Another track from my album of remixed video game tracks in an atmospheric black metal way (Black SeeD - Farplane of Memories (2021)). This one is more of a gamble for an OC remix submission. This track takes inspiration from ambient black metal (like this), which is a style that takes its sweet time and assumes a lot of repetitiveness (with slight differences) for the listener to get comfortable with it. Usually long calm intro, themes that are repeated with melodies coming on top of it, big ambient pads melding with guitars, two or three identifiable sections... Coming back to my track, there is a lot of intentional repetition, but I try to get something new in each big section (new pad, new melody behind, etc..). The main melody of the original track is voluntarily in the back as the ambient guitars, leading the whole thing while pluck pad are doing the smaller melody repetition. Almost each melody smashed together is from the track. So here you go, a 10 minute black metal ambient track that repeats with variations. I hope you'll like it ! Here is the link to the wav file : Thanks a lot ! Black SeeD
  22. Since this is an arrangement of an arrangement, I'm including both the source and the official arranged version for ref -LT Remix: Source(s): LAST WAVE - OUTRUN Original Instrumental: N/A - SONG IS ALSO ATTACHED Remixer Name(s):Rukunetsu Email Addy: Website: http://youtube.com/Rukunetsu User ID: 24403 (R) Game: OUTRUN - SEGA Name of Arrangement: Last Wave - Takayuki '87 Name of Original Song: Last Wave 1993 Original Composer(s): Takayuki Nakamura (1993 arrangement) Been a while eh? Last Wave is one helluva timeless track, but I went for an 80's esque spin on one the many arrangements of it.
  23. Your ReMixer name: Pixel Pirates Your real name: Tobaunta Torkelsson & Fredrik Vinterstjärna Your email address: Your website: pixelpirates.nu Your userid: 37469 Name of game(s) arranged: Metal Gear Solid 2 Name of arrangement: Solid Dancing Gear Name of individual song(s) arranged: Main Theme
  24. Hello, OCR! I was going through some files and came across this ReMix again, and realized I forgot to submit it! It's been gathering dust on my hard drive for a little over a year now, but better late than never, right? ReMix: Guns, Glory, Sad Ending Source tune: Maple Story - "Promise of Heaven" Your ReMixer name: TSori Your real name: Logan Thomas Your email address: Your website: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=trumpetsori Your userid: 2960 Credits: Arrangement, TSori, Janne Sala Guitar: GuitarSVD Violin I: KestrelGirl Violin II, Violin Gamer Cello I,II : Chromatic Apparatus Double Bass: Andy-Ru Chromatic Apparatus, AnD-Ru, GuitarSVD and I have artist profiles. for the others: ReMixer name: Janne Sala real name: n/a Email: n/a Website: (https://www.youtube.com/c/JanneSala) userid: n/a ReMixer name: KestrelGirl real name: n/a Email: n/a Website: (https://www.youtube.com/c/OrKestrelGirl) **She has a track on the upcoming ff8 album and may have an artist profile by the time this is seen ReMixer name: ViolinGamer real name: n/a Email: n/a Website: https://www.youtube.com/c/ViolinGamer userid: n/a Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged : MapleStory Name of arrangement: "Guns, Glory, Sad Ending" Name of individual song(s) arranged : "Promise of Heaven" Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): see above Source Breakdown:I don't think a source breakdown is really necessary for this one. it is pretty much recognizable melody all the way through. Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: Back in september 2021, the theme of the monthly Pixel Mixers contest was MMORPG music. I don't really know MMORPGs well at all, but at the time, I was really wanting to do a lyrical flugel horn solo with orchestral accompaniment. I thought MapleStory might be an unconventional choice for the contest, so I started listening through the soundtrack and when I found "Promise of Heaven" I was floored by how beautiful it was. It had a wonderful vocal melody that I was sure would translate over to flugelhorn well... but it also already had this incredible orchestral accompaniment that I knew I was not going to top, even in my wildest dreams. So, I decided to go in a different direction. I am a big fan of Camille Saint-Saens' famed Septet, so I thought it'd be fun to try an arrangement with the same instrumentation. Since the original tune uses piano very heavily though, I decided to make classical guitar the seventh instrument instead. I started writing out a series of ideas, but got stuck with some being incomplete and most of them being pretty disconnected. Thankfully Janne Sala answered my call for help. He kept almost everything I had written intact, and did a great job filling in gaps in the arrangement, smoothing out my compositional shortcomings, reworking some of the transitions, and writing new ideas of his own. With the arrangement sorted, it came time to recruit some performers. Guitar SVD and Chromatic Apparatus are frequent collaborators, and in fact had just finished recording a track I wrote for my wedding a month earlier.. As usual. they delivered stellar performances! ViolinGamer and KestrelGirl are also both exceptional musicians as well. We had tried to collaborate before, but our schedules never seemed to line up. It was well worth the wait to have them on this track though, as they both did a fantastic job. Andy has also been a great and recurring collaborator. There is something about having a good double bass that really brings a track to life. Performances make or break arrangements like this one, and I have been incredibly fortunate to have such talented musicians to work with. "Promise of Heaven" really reminded me a lot Korean Drama OSTs so it was only natural that the title of this remix would come from a drama my wife and I had just watched. The female lead of Mr. Sunshine shows up to her first English lesson only knowing the words "Guns, Glory, Sad Ending", setting the theme for the rest of the show. Given the context of "Promise of Heaven" in the "MapleStory: Black Heaven" storyline, it seemed an all too appropriate title for this ReMix. Enjoy! -TSori
  25. Hi ocremix team! I recently did a remix of the Golden Sun Soundtrack, which I'd like to submit and share. ReMixer name: Mental Real Name: Ly email address: my social media: https://mentalpainmusic.bandcamp.com/ https://soundcloud.com/lymusicger userid: 17600 Name of game: Golden Sun 1 Name of original soundtrack: Wintery Imil Name of my arrangement: The Lighthouse I had this idea lying around for a long time. The Imil theme was one of the first pieces I learned for the piano initially and always loved this motive. Now I'm back with some new toys and an uplifting arrangement! The original track form is like ABC. I recycled the first bar of the A and instead of the remaining A section, I invented an arpeggio and melody around it to fit the uplifting motive. Sections B and C I used fully for this remix. Best Regards Ly
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