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Posts posted by Liontamer

  1. Since I don't have the pulpit of my radio show to promote stuff from around the community, I wish to encourage others to continue searching around the community for quality music. How much time I have during the week to find tracks (on a dial-up connection) will vary, but I'll do my best to stay active doing a short list each week of tracks I'd play and stuff going on in the community:

    Abram McCalment & Jared Hudson - "Spooky Ride" [Dead End Delivery OST - http://www.hudsonstudios.net]

    Following up on their collaborative efforts a short while with "Softly", Abram & Jared provide a short track for a campy horror movie. Tracks like these are always a good excuse for Jared & Abram to play around with new ideas and pull, as Jared would say, "a new feather out of our ass." In any case, this is a nice short piece with which the duo continue to increase their versatility and production skills.

    Crazy Crackaz - "<3 Jesus" [http://lobachevsky.homelinux.net/~sriley]

    Joecam, Shael and the Crackaz poke fun at Double A Ron for his moralist rejection of "River City Rap." [clears throat] What I meant to say is, the Crackaz have found Christ! Some of the choral parts are downright South Park. You'll know when you get there. I'm a serious Christian, but if there's one thing I also have it's a sense of humor. If you don't have one, don't bother folks.

    DistantJ - Sonic the Hedgehog 1 "Lava Twilight" [VGMix2 #1399]

    While the arguement about judging standards is nothing we haven't heard before, every so often a mix comes around that get the debate/flamewar active again. Formerly known as Sambo9000, J attracted a fair amount of attention/controversy over this mix's rejection by the OC judges' panel. Since that rejection, J has taken the mix and retooled it into the version now available at VGMix. Is this effort worthy of getting posted at OCR? You be your own judge.

    FFmusic Dj - Einhänder "Dawn" [http://www.ffmusic.net]

    I myself am not familiar with the music from Einhänder, but this one is 9 minutes and 25 seconds of awesome trance. Tons of energy and very danceable as well, this one would easily fit into a club set. You wouldn't know that this was derived from a game, and therein lies a lot of the success of Haroon when it comes to excellent genre adaptation. He's also got some other hot WIPs that should impress when he finally decides to release those. Since I can't play this one on the air, you're gonna have to wait your turn for this one, but hopefully you'll remember I mentioned this one when you finally check it out. Could we see an OC edit down the line?

    GrayLightning - Shining Force 1 "Armageddon" [http://www.funender.com/music/bands/422/music.php]

    Despite telling me that he was gonna focus a lot more on original work, GL's been really active on the remix front recently, with tons of good stuff. This is an epic, militaristic mix that Gray believes combines all of the elements and concepts of his most recent remix successes, including Dezoris Winter, Asian Twilight, and Phoenix Symphonic (if you've been lucky enough to hear that). The site won't lead you to the mix or anything, but it's a pleasent thought!

    Itopia - "Picture" [Means to an End - http://www.itopia1.com]

    Stefan Ajax's band has some quality demos now available at their site, including this one along with "Song III," "Means to an End," and "Set Your Mind." If you're interested in AmIEviL's mixes, give his original work a try, since that'll be where the majority of Stefan's musical energy ends up going now. In my opinion, "Picture" is their best offering in this batch of releases.

    Ork Estral (Nigel Simmons) - Secret of Mana "Return to Elysian Lands" [VGMix2 #1289 / OC ReMix #1172]

    As Digital Coma would say "Ork Estral...that name is really clever." The handle does fit though, as Nigel starts off with a melancholy/solitary aura, and moves back and forth in and out of more powerful crescendos that make use of his orchestral strengths. It's an energetic rendition of Kikuta's "Angel's Fear" that's likely to win over fans of other mixers like Unknown as well as Protricity and Russell Cox's #1 homie, Jeremy Soule.

    Protricity - Zombies Ate My Neighbors "Neighburgers" [http://www.public.asu.edu/~arasulin]

    Prot does a heavy electronic rock remix from the old SNES title featuring music by The Fat Man & Joe McDermott. Ari always does his best to fashion brand new melodic lines and freestyle sections within his mixes, and this one's no exception. There are some good twists and turns here, and the paranormal motif is apparent throughout. When this one'll see the light of day is anyone's guess, but if Prot doesn't hate you maybe you can get a 5-second sample of it. Actually, Forget I even mentioned this. Just head to Ari's site and DL Relics of the Chozo if you haven't already. That should keep you busy. EDIT: Ari Asulin is an ungrateful fgt. :-)

    Rayza - Mystery Piece [http://www.rayza.net]

    If you know about this one, then you know. If you don't, then you've gotta wait. So wait patiently. "Electro Beat Beat Beat." :-P

    Select Start - Metroid 1 "Kraid's Hideout" [OC ReMix #1171]

    Even though the strings are fake (right, Prot?), this is a haunting Kraid remix by a remix band that has been getting people's attention even before they finally hit OCR. If you haven't heard this one yet, be sure to check out a game remix band that, like mightcould/Motherbrain!, isn't a rock-related game remix band.

    Shael Riley - Megaman 1 "What Key Are We In, Cutsman? (Version 2.0)" [VGMix2 #148]

    Shael brings a WIP that was on the shelf for a while into the forefront with this one's release on VGMix. This one has a nice laid-back feel to start off with, but true to the mix title, the key switches up on more than one occasion. Much like his CastleVania: SotN mix "The Tragic Prince (Street Influence)," Shael gives you a number of twists and turns with this interesting hybrid piece.

    Sil (Jeremy Robson) - Super Mario RPG "The Mushroom Wedding" [The People Remix Competition 15]

    Sil won PRC15 with this festive, light-hearted mix that keeps in spirit with much of the music from the original game, narrowly beating out ReaktorZ0 and other more impactful-sounding entries to take the victory. Could this be the mix that Jeremy uses to get back onto OCR after parts 2 and 3 of the FF7 Symphonic Suite didn't make it onto the site?

    SnappleMan - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Kwak the Plank" [Donkey Kong Country 1 Arrangement Collaboration - http://www.inverteddungeon.com/SnappleMan]

    This one's a powerful, guitar-focused remix of "Gang-Plank Galleon" that's the second completed track for Digital Coma's DKC Arrangement Collaboration. The classic DKC final boss theme fits well with the energy Snap brings to the table, and although the website for the project currently sucks, it's not Snapple's fault. :-) Visit it anyway...I guess. Better yet, forget the ugly DKCAC site and visit SnappleMan's site "SnappleLand" instead.

    Star Salzman - "Something Magic" [http://www.starblast.org]

    Starblast has been focusing more on the original side of his work lately as well, recently coming out with this pure pop ode to a special lady out there. Of course, "she" could refer to any number of other things though, such as a boat or a country. In any case, (closet) fans of Smashmouth may be feeling the vibe here, as Star further proves how musically adept he is when going for a mainstream feel. Star: "Now 'Something Magic,' I can see how people could easily be like, 'OMG, this is ghey.' The lyrics are rather fruity." With a ringing endorsement like that from the man himself, I don't think there's any reason you could have to NOT check this one out.

    zircon - "All the Weapons Are Foam!!" [CompoST 16]

    zirc always possess creativity & versatility whenever he enters SoundTempest's regular game music composition compos. For this one, Andy served up a quick and quirky rendition of a shop theme. As the man responsible for SoundTempest, zircon can always give you the layout on what interesting efforts are coming out of the woodwork as remixers ply their musical hand on the original game music side.

    zykO - Luigi's Mansion "The Anti-Ignorance (Thug 4 Life)" [VGMix2 #1445]

    Double A Ron wouldn't be very supportive of weed's latest rap track, but zykO cuts loose as the anti-ignorance, hitting the music from "E. Gadd’s Laboratory" one more time as he cuts down the haters. These are some hard rhymes, so keep the chilluns away. After weed said that he'd be taking a break from the remixing scene, don't mistake this mix as zykO coming back full force. It's more like a break from him focusing on original material, plus he can't just NOT respond to criticism. What kind of weed would that be? Full lyrics are available at VGMix.

    FFmusic Dj & zykO were just some of the members of the community who got a chance to check out the Final Fantasy music concert Dear Friends when it hit Los Angeles at the Walt Disney Concert Hall this past Monday. Check out the OCR and VGMix threads for more info on how things went down (and make fun of poor Tidus. Poor, poor Tidus).

    zykO & Mustin got to hang with Tommy Tallarico over at E3 this year. Tons of shit has been announced this year, so feel free to post about Nintendo's big plans and take part on the discussion on the expo within OCR and VGMix.

    JigginJonT is always a busy individual, so the chances that you'll be able to bug him about this are minimal. Jon may hurt me, but in any case he's got an AWESOME Mute City WIP going on right now. Just remember you heard about this one, because you'll most likely love it when it finally drops. Just something else to whet your appetite over the summer.

    When IS Adhesive Boy gonna come back with AB Frequency??? :-(

    As I've already said on several occasions, DarkeSword is my official VGF All-Star. Out of 38 shows, he's appeared on the air of 11 of 'em. Damn, that's a lot of time on the air. DarkeSword's calls and the music of his I've played could fill up a 4-hour show of their own.

    Also wanted to say that I'm glad to see Beatdrop back on the OC judges' panel. It was definitely a shame when he stepped down a short while ago, but hopefully his energy and enthusiasm for the panel has returned to help the rest of the panel out. Thanks for coming back and being active when the system needs ya. (Dain is my hero!)

    If you're interested in me continuing updates like these every week (when I can), please let me know. In a way, it's partly in step with the monthly newsletter VGMix hopes to do. In any case, I hope you check out these various works and retain a broader awareness of the vast selection of muzak coming out from the community during the summer. Lots of quality stuff is in the works and OCR4 is closer than ever, so things'll be pretty busy. Also, if there's any interest in having Ormgas.com replay the high-quality episodes of VG Frequency (#21-#29), lemme know and I can ask ravon. Great idea, Dhsu! I couldn't say if he'd go for it, but that's certainly a novel idea. Feel free to drop any questions or comments within.

  2. As much as I love doing VG Frequency, it's pretty relaxing to know that I don't have the personal responsibility to prepare shows every week over the summer. On the downside of course, I don't get to do my share of pimping out music from around the community during the summer, but I can't wait to be back in September to continue doing the show.

    Now that I can record VGF myself in high-quality MP3s all week, I've gotten so much more exposure for the show, and I thank all of the people from the US, Canada, Sweden, Finland, England and wherever else all checking it out thanks to the forums here as well as Ormgas.com linking to info about the show.

    While it would have been great to have this show back in 2000 or 2001, the community-at-large has risen to higher standards thanks in large to the increased standards of OverClocked ReMix's submission process, and I think doing this show starting in 2003, when those remix standards are loftier, is a big part about why the majority of the music on VG Frequency is of such high quality (with the exception of course being anything played by Digital Coma). The music of Season 3 of VGF will only continue to impress, and I hope more and more people will enjoy what we've got to offer. When I say "we," it's because so many people of the community have been generous with their time and appreciation for what VGF is doing.

    Thanks to everyone for continuing to support the show and tuning in Saturday nights. A lot more people are aware of the show than ever, and I've gotten to know even more artists and fans than before. A big part of that is in part to the people who have called in for interviews and/or just chilling on the air, those who hang in the chat room or make bumpers, and those who make sure to ask me to play their material or give me the heads up on new stuff they're working on. There are literally too many people to list, but I'm glad you're all there. Let's not forget the April Fool's show this year, highlighted with the legendary prank calls of Dan Baranowsky, as well as the cult following of Jim Holland and the three remixes Mr. Holland's appearences have inspired (Tasteful, Shitty Judge Faggot, Krisham's Auntie). You guys can feel free to selfishly pimp yourselves here in the thread. It's my pleasure to have all of you contribute to VGF every week, and I enjoy being more knowledgeable and appreciative about what goes on in the community.

    Please download the last three episodes of VG Frequency of the Spring 2004 season, if you haven't done so already and check out what the deal is. Once I'm done hosting those episodes, I'll finally host the full playlists of every episode I've ever done, along with some AIM interviews and various extras that I'm hoping to add to my WMRE website area. Maybe at some point, we can also get a torrent system set up to offer up all of the available episodes. VGF will drop every Saturday night, 10 to Midnight EST once we hit September. I hope y'all continue to support to show as we wait for episode #30 to roll around!

    - Larry Oji

    VG Frequency #27 MP3 (3hr10min/130MB) featuring Debotron & Bagel Fuzzynuts

    VG Frequency #27 AIM chat transcript

    VG Frequency #27 Post-Show MP3 (20min/14.3MB) featuring Debotron & Bagel Fuzzynuts

    The LEGENDARY VGF remix, "Shitty Judge Faggot"

    VG Frequency #28 MP3 (2hr40min/112MB)

    VG Frequency #28 AIM chat transcript

    VG Frequency #29 MP3 (4hr/164MB)


    No transcript, foo'. There was no webstream available for the live broadcast, so I recorded this one on my own.

  4. VG Frequency #27 MP3 (3hr10min/130MB) featuring Debotron & Bagel Fuzzynuts

    VG Frequency #27 AIM chat transcript

    VG Frequency #27 Post-Show MP3 (20min/14.3MB) featuring Debotron & Bagel Fuzzynuts

    The LEGENDARY VGF remix, "Shitty Judge Faggot"

    VG Frequency #28 MP3 (2hr40min/112MB)

    VG Frequency #28 AIM chat transcript

    VG Frequency #29 MP3 (4hr/164MB)

    Thanks to Xerol for looking into setting up a tracker and torrents of the VGF episodes. I'll talk to Binnie & Species about seeing what the rest of us can do to make the idea work, since I know Binnie was willing to seed VGF #24 (April Fool's, beytoch!). And, yeah, I didn't get to thank DarkeSword as much as I wanted to, but thanks to Shariq for a provocative interview on a fairly touchy debate in the community here, i.e. remix commercialization. That was definitely a very informative 20 minutes or so.

    For all of you folks out there, VG Frequency #29 (4hr/164MB) is a thank you of sorts to everyone who's been a fan of the show. I recorded it on my own yesterday evening, and it's an internet-only finale to one year/two seasons of the show. Making sure to pick no artist twice, I've picked one song from each of the shows I've done over the past year, including the random shows, and I've dropped comments on each of the tracks. You'll get the gist of it as you listen to the episode.

    I hope all of the shows released in the past week will do until the summer, and I'll give the big thank you sometime late in the week. Meanwhile, please enjoy VGF #29, spotlighting some of the best music VGF has had to offer:

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    "VG Frequency" - Saturday, May 8, 2004 / 11 PM - 3 AM EST

    Note: The playlist is numbered to connote which episode of VG Frequency each track represents.

    Intro: Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "JHX Soundtest" Bumper

    1. Quinn Fox - Final Fantasy 6 "Mode Serpent" [OC ReMix #954]

    2. GrayLightning - Phantasy Star 2 "Dezoris Winter" [OC ReMix #1065 / VGMix2 #874]

    3. Ziwtra - Final Fantasy Adventure "Willed Assault" [OC ReMix #1012]

    3.5. Wintermute - Final Fantasy 7 "Jenova Rose" [ironMix Challenge X: The Big One (Unmoderated)]

    4. The Wingless - Megaman 2 "Teardrinker" [OC ReMix #786]

    5. LeeBro - Rockman & Forte "Broken Dreams (Remix Factory Club Radio Edit)" [Freshly Baked Remix Challenge 2]

    5.5. DJ Pretzel - Galaxy Force 2 "Nominal" [OC ReMix #72.5 (removed)]

    6. Scarface VS Rayza - "Smile (Rude Boy Dettol Mix)" [http://www.rayza.net]

    7. analoq - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "next my generation (sonik caves)" [sonic the Hedgehog 2 Remix Project]

    8. DarkeSword - "The Alleyway" [http://www.darkesword.com]

    9. Injury f/EXTX - "Symphonic Decon (EXTX's Overhaul Mix)" [http://injury.enry.net]

    10. bLiNd - The Legend of Zelda 2 "Temple Trance MkII" [Project Majestic Mix Trance / VGMix2 #396]

    11. Symphonic Chronicles - Megaman 2 "It's About Time" [OC ReMix #1071]

    11.5. The Black Lodge - "Summer '99" [http://www.mp3.com/theblacklodge]

    12. FFmusic Dj - "In Cold Pursuit" [Vector Mirage OST]

    12.5. Maniac #9 - Stunt Race FX "10K cc" [ironMix Challenge VIII: Ask Mr. Owl]

    13. Midee w/prozax & Jeremy Johnson - Axelay "Kick My Axe (Remastered)" [VGMix2 #95]

    13.5. Star Salzman - Final Fantasy 7 "It's Hard to Stand Next to Me When I'm So Freaking Seasick" [ironMix Challenge X: The Big One (General Discussion)]

    13.99. Pixelated - The Legend of Zelda 2 "Crying Alone in the Darkness" [VGMix2 #411]

    14. virt - Shadowgate "Warrior King" [VGMix2 #41]

    15. mv - Chrono Trigger "Time Chill" [VGMix2 #211 / OC ReMix #1132]

    16. Midiman - Super Mario World 1 "Flying Donuts" [VGMix2 #403]

    17. Hazama - "Filtered Memories" [http://www.gamer911.com/haz.html]

    17.5. Beej - The Legend of Zelda 3 "Fragments of Gold" [OC ReMix #791]

    18. OverCoat - "Avatarati" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat]

    19. The Bronx Rican - Sonic Adventure 1 & Sonic Adventure 2 "Knuckles' Unknown from M.C." [OC ReMix #1134]

    19.5. Daniel Baranowsky - "Odyssey 12" [http://members.cox.net/systemaniac]

    19.75. Gecko Yamori - Miami Vice "Miami Vice Loader (Miami Gecko Mix)" [R:K:O #1837]

    20. Ubik & zykO w/Perry Ellis - Astérix "Niggaz 4 Life" [VGMix2 #60 / OC ReMix #1125]

    21. Protricity - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Forest Birdcussion" [OC ReMix #1138]

    22. JigginJonT - F-Zero 1 "Silent Progression (Remastered)" [OC ReMix #1143]

    23. Thomas Detert - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom "Ethno Revenge" [R:K:O #1273]

    24. Blak Omen - Super CastleVania 4 "The Belmont Chill" [The People's Remix Competition 12 / VGMix2 #1145]

    25. Beatdrop - U.N. Squadron "The Air Up Here" [bit by Bit]

    26. Electron - Megaman 2 "Bubbleman Electron" [OC ReMix #143]

    27. Disposer - Secret of Mana "The End of Loneliness" [VGMix2 #1307]

    28. Shael Riley - CastleVania: Symphony of the Night "The Tragic Prince (Street Influence)" [VGMix2 #1360]

    29. Malcos - Sonic the Hedgehog 1 "Final Boss Collision" [OC ReMix #1169]

    Freestyle Bonus: zykO w/Species 8472 - "Drunk & Trippin'" [VG Frequency #20: Doobie-Doobie-Doo (Post-Show)]

    Tribute Bonus: Destiny f/Species 8472 & Liontamer - Seiken Densetsu 3 "This Heart (Tribute to VG Frequency Redux)" [VG Frequency]

  5. Yo bros. I've had time to finish up the backlogged episodes of VG Frequency. Start things off by picking up the 20-minute post-show to VG Frequency #27 featuring Debotron & Bagel Fuzzynuts. I'm not sure what happened to the part where Justin & Austin presented me with the Girls Gone Wild tape, so I'll have to check for that footage when I head back to ATL in August. Nonetheless, enjoy some of my ladyfriends calling in and commenting on Bagel's horndoggery :!: as well as Tron giving us the lowdown on how he made the LEGENDARY VGF remix, "Shitty Judge Faggot." (Episode #27's MP3 and AIM chat transcript are still up for DL as well.)

    Then check out the AIM chat transcript of VG Frequency #28 as well as the 2hr40min/112MB MP3 available as well. The playlist is finally available for you to disseminate, and I apologize for the delay. Enjoy, folks. I'll be putting up last night's special season finale information shortly:

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    "VG Frequency" - Saturday, May 1, 2004 / 10 PM - 12:45 AM EST

    1. SgtRama - VG Frequency "Eat A Bumper" Bumper

    2. Koji Kondo - "Title Theme" [super Mario 64 OST]

    3. Shael Riley - Contra 1 "Contra for the Children of the World (Harbor Fest Song #1)" [http://lobachevsky.homelinux.net/~sriley]

    4. Koji Kondo - "File Select" [super Mario 64 OST]

    5. GrayLightning - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Machina Anesthesia" [Donkey Kong Country 1 Arrangement Collaboration]

    6. GrayLightning & SnappleMan - Secret of Mana "Distorted Star" [VGMix2 #1353]

    7. OverCoat - "The City That Floats in the Sky" [CompoST 15]

    8. nasenmann - Advance Wars 1 "Mushrooms on the Rails" [The People's Remix Competition 14]

    9. Koji Kondo - "Super Mario 64 Main Theme" [super Mario 64 OST]

    10. zircon - "Daytime Insomnia" [Phasma Elementum]

    11. Trenthian - Advance Wars 1 "Sami in Concert" [The People's Remix Competition 14]

    12. Rellik - "On Wisdom's Wing" [CompoST 15]

    13. Vampire Hunter Dan - Final Fantasy 8 "Love, Song" [VGMix2 #1343]

    14. Koji Kondo - "Cave Dungeon" [super Mario 64 OST]

    15. Just when there were no dumb calls, along comes this lady...

    16. Unknown - Chrono Cross "Words Better Left Unspoken" [VGMix2 #1371]

    17. Reuben Kee - Shenmue 1 "Reflections" [OC ReMix #1159]

    18. Fusion2004 - The Legend of Zelda 1 "The Legend Lives On" (WIP 9) [http://www.networking911.net/mark]

    19. Koji Kondo - "Koopa's Road" [super Mario 64 OST]

    20. DarkeSword discusses Israfel's decision to step down from the OC ReMix judges' panel, asks Larry who could be qualified enough to fill Israfel's shoes down the line as the next judge, and goes over the nature of panel decision splits, Mustin's overgeneralization of the judges' panel, the potential backfire involved in trying to mainstream video game music, Kaijin's dismissal of freely distributed remixes compared to commercialized remixes, and the ethical reasons why going commercial with game remixes isn't readily accepted [http://www.darkesword.com]

    21. Dj Redlight - Final Doom "Memoriam" [OC ReMix #1163]

    22. destructo - Final Fantasy 8 "The Lost Horizon" [VGMix2 #814 / OC ReMix #1165]

    23. Nixdorux - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "Lullaby" [VGMix2 #1366]

    24. Shael Riley & DJ Potatoe - "Q-T-S-A" [GIIRDX OST]

    25. Koji Kondo - "Haunted House" [super Mario 64 OST]

    26. JigginJonT's plan to fool Larry into thinking he was Mustin was foiled; Jon also fills us in on feedback he's gotten for his band Grey's demo tracks, including comments he's received at Ben Folds' message boards, as well as rough plans on finishing up his band's set of demo tracks [http://pixelated.myrmid.com/users/jigginjont]

    27. zircon - "Soulstorm" [Phasma Elementum]

    28. Sir Nuts - Advance Wars 1 "Meet Sami!" (WIP) [The People's Remix Competition 14]

    29. OverCoat - Super Metroid & Switch Panic "Brinstar Overgrowth Harmony" [VGMix2 #1342]

    30. tefnek - Streets of Rage 1 "Drop and Roll" [OC ReMix #1167]

    31. Eradicate - The Legend of the Mystical Ninja "From Ghosts Emerge Beasts" [OC ReMix #1166]

    32. Koji Kondo - "Lethal Lava Land" [super Mario 64 OST]

    33. Vigilante entertains us with stories about rancid filth in his car trunk, along with thoughts on the loss of Israfel from the OCR judges' panel, his plans for the next year, Digital Coma's secret, underground lifestyle, and his selection for the Donkey Kong Country 1 Arrangement Collaboration, "Aquatic Ambience" [http://www.geocities.com/jesse_taub]

    34. D-Lux banters with Larry about fresh tracks from the game remixing scene, how Larry's F-bombs caught his mom's attention, possibly hosting his own VGM radio show in college next fall, and the fun of playing Booze-opoly [http://rockbottomdlux.freewebspace.com]

    35. Shael Riley - CastleVania: Symphony of the Night "The Tragic Prince (Street Influence)" [VGMix2 #1360]

    36. Unknown - "Lost in the Breeze" [CompoST 15]

    37. Noir - Final Fantasy 7 "Jenova for Classical Piano" [OC ReMix #1164]

    38. Koji Kondo - "Dire, Dire Docks" [super Mario 64 OST]

  6. Aight bros, I'm afraid I don't have the webstream available for this Saturday, but I wanted to do a quick last show for the semester, so I'll still be handling that tomorrow, and hopefully can release #27's Post-Show, #28 & #29 to satisfy you guys for the next few months.

    #30 is coming in September. I'll do a big thank you for everyone once I go home this Tuesday, but short and sweet, I appreciate everyone who's had a hand with the success of the show. I hate all of you deeply!

  7. I just got through listening to the show, and I'm a little disturbed. Larry, when debo and I presented you with that gift, were we not on the air?
    No worries yo; I've got the 40 minute after-show part saved on the station computer and I'm gonna be releasing that soon as well. I'd never dump such a touching tribute!
  8. My finals finished up late Tuesday, so I've finally gotten the chance to edit up VG Frequency #27 from 2 weeks ago. Check out the 3hr/130MB show featuring Bagel Fuzzynuts & Debotron guest hosting as well as the AIM chat transcript over at http://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji.

    I'll be hanging out at the studio editing up last week's VG Frequency #28 so I can try and get that out sometime soon, so be on the lookout for that. I'm not sure if I can do #29 this coming Saturday as the webstream is down, and the lady whose computer I remotely connect to to tinker with the stream has logged out of the comp. If it's back up, and everything's in place, I'll do another show this Saturday to absolutely wrap things up until September, or maybe even do an internet only-release with my girls as guest hosts, who knows.

    In any case, Debo & Bagel have been waiting on this one for a while, so I'm sorry I couldn't get it out sooner, but here it is. For all the details, enjoy the VGF27 playlist below:

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    "VG Frequency" - Saturday, April 24, 2004 / 10:10 PM - 1:20 AM EST

    0. We're joined in the studio by Debotron, Bagel Fuzzynuts & DJ Old Dirty Dad as we field a call from the FCC (watch yo' mouth)

    1. Rayza - VG Frequency "Bee Gees' Frequency" Bumper

    2. Nobuo Uematsu - "The Highwind Takes to the Skies" [Final Fantasy VII OST]

    3. MENBAH! - Final Fantasy 7 "Prayer" [OC ReMix #1162]

    4. Grey - "Grey" [http://pixelated.myrmid.com/users/jigginjont]

    5. zykO - The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "Woods of the Invertix" [VGMix1 #1246]

    6. Nobuo Uematsu - "Mining Town" [Final Fantasy VII OST]

    7. Dakar makes interesting conversation with the crew [http://homepage.mac.com/nilsraab]

    8. Ostra Dragon, a.k.a. Emmanuel, resurrects his statistics and calls for chat room regulation

    9. BlueFaeraeMoon, a.k.a. Susan, sounds sickly and gets verbally mistreated

    10. OstraDragon bonds with Bagel and pours his soul out

    11. D-Lux wonders what that train wreck just was, but he brings us back to earth with some insight on some of his potential plans for a move into remixing [http://rockbottomdlux.freewebspace.com]

    12. McVaffe - Red Alarm "Red Dimension" [OC ReMix #914]

    13. The Black Lodge - The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "Ocarina Boogie" [OC ReMix #32]

    14. Jay-Z f/DCT - "December 4th (The Streets Mix)" [http://www.thebigshot.com]

    15. sephfire - Kingdom Hearts 1 "Above the Rising Falls" [VGMix2 #1303]

    16. analoq - Phantasy Star 1 "Wanta Phanta" [OC ReMix #953]

    17. Nobuo Uematsu - "Cait Sith's Theme" [Final Fantasy VII OST]

    18. Adhesive Boy's older brother hates video game mixes but likes "Ocarina Boogie"; AB's digging the old school mixes, recognizes Bagel Fuzzynuts from UnMod legend, and segues into stuff about BEERmix and the pimpnicity of analoq, his commitments to Digital Coma's Donkey Kong Country 1 Arrangement Collaboration, and the artistic tribulations of Star Salzman [http://adhesiveboy.no-ip.com]

    19. Gay bowling, anyone?

    20. bLiNd pimps out Cartpushers.net and provides us tales of Wal-Mart Loss Prevention while he and Bagel debate the merits of Wal-Mart hookups; he also gives info on his material for the Donkey Kong Country 1 Arrangement Collaboration, his collaborative additions to Prophecy's "On Top of Jacob's Ladder" for the Project Majestic Mix Trance album and a possible July 2004 release date for the album now that things are starting to near completion [http://www.thebrailroom.com]

    21. McVaffe - Super Street Fighter 2 "London Drizzle" [OC ReMix #453]

    22. mv - Final Fantasy 11 "Heavenly Anew" [VGMix2 #1299]

    23. Disposer - Secret of Mana "The End of Loneliness" [VGMix2 #1307]

    24. Nobuo Uematsu - "If You Open Your Heart..." [Final Fantasy VII OST]

    25. Paige reveals her identity as BlueFaeraeMoon (bitch!) and Bagel makes some moves; If you ever wanted to know why Bagel took that infamous picture...you will KNOW

    26. GrayLightning - Final Fantasy 4 "Phoenix Symphonic" [http://www.funender.com/music/bands/422/music.php]

    27. Risa Ohki - Final Fantasy 1 "Prelude" [Final Fantasy: Pray]

    28. Destiny - Final Fantasy 9 & Seiken Densetsu 3 "Veiled World" [VGMix2 #1329]

    29. Nobuo Uematsu - "A Secret, Sleeping in the Deep Sea" [Final Fantasy VII OST]

    30. Jaroban gives us a long-awaited call-in and tells us about meeting up with Vigilante, the value of a Berklee education, remixing as a phase and when he might be able to get back into the game, the creation of "Super Mario Bros. Medley (Live)" and debating over whether to remake the mix in a studio setting [http://bantaj.flatirons.org]

    31. Digital Coma thinks "it" is quite amusing; "it" is it [http://members.cox.net/skaddi]

    32. djpretzel - ActRaiser 1 "Lord PROTEKTOR" [OC ReMix #96]

    33. McVaffe - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Ice Capped" [OC ReMix #240]

    34. Ziwtra - Final Fantasy Adventure "Willed Assault" [OC ReMix #1012]

    35. Nobuo Uematsu - "Honeybee Manor" [Final Fantasy VII OST]

    36. "Al Gore" is still wishing he could be president; Larry: "I like how you would go to counseling for the hentai problem, but not for losing the presidency"

    37. SnappleMan - Star Ocean: Blue Sphere "Killer Dokko" [VGMix2 #1322]

    38. goat - Contra 1 "Crossfire" [VGMix2 #1313]

    39. Aphex Twin - Pac-Man "Powerpill Pacman" [http://www.drukqs.net]

    40. Nobuo Uematsu - "Buried in the Snow" [Final Fantasy VII OST]

    41. Stemage - Metroid 1 "Intro" [Metroid Metal]

  9. Amazing. Just amazing.

    And put up 27 and 28 already! :D

    Oh sure. I'll get right on it, Steve. Why do you sit down and write my Presidency paper tonight. And don't forget to study for my Criminology final for Tuesday. The best way to prepare yourself for college next August is to do my work for me.

  10. I missed it. I was cleaning my room.

    Larry: I have #21, #24, 31% of #25, and #26.

    I really really want the rest of #25. I downloaded to 92% the week you hosted it and then you removed it. A week later I canceled the download. A day later you put it back up.

    Looking forward to #27 and #28!

    Assuming you have a download manager, I don't see why you didn't tell me sooner to put #25 back up instead of deleting a 92% complete download; ah well; it's back up. If you finish #25 soon, lemme know, and I can put up #22 and/or #23.

  11. So, can you clear up the facts for what'll be up when?

    I'd say put #28 up first then the #27 video just before you head home to give us 56k lot plenty of time to grab it.

    I'll see if I can host both at the same time. I may get to them around May 6th, May 7th, May 8th, whenever I can find time before I pack up. Hopefully one of my girls will be nice enough to offer me the use of her webspace for a few weeks.

  12. When you get a chance to listen to my Legend of Zelda WIP, get it here instead, this one is higher quality and is tagged properly.


    This is pretty interesting, Fusion. Does this have an actual title? I'd need something like that for the playlist record.

    Just wanna give more info on my status with releasing VGF #27. I still have one paper and one final left, so I'm not done until May 5th. I'm really sorry for the delay on everything, but college comes first, as I'm sure a lot of the rest of you out there understand. I head home on May 11th, so expect both VGF #27 and VGF #28 available sometime before I fly home to New Haven, CT. Again, sorry for the hold-up, but that's real life for ya.

  13. To answer Fusion's question, I typically don't play WIPs, but have no particular problem playing WIPs when the work is nearly complete (i.e. the song structure sounds complete, there's no abrupt cutoff, and/or tweaks are only needed before the final release).

    I could give out my low quality version out possibly.
    I appreciate the lookout, Spec. You can certainly do that if you want, but you don't have to. I don't wanna give off the impression of "Hey, I don't want the show to be released soon," because I feel bad I couldn't get it out there soon like I typically want to, but at the same time, you don't need to feel obligated to host a lower-quality MP3 if it's any bother. If you'd be able to and it wouldn't be a problem for you, you can certainly go for it.
  14. On 56k at the end of this week...

    Dammit, Larry! We saw the video feed of the show! It's hard to believe you're actually mature enough to get your work done on time! Are you really that selfish? :lol:

    Ha! Yeah, sorry about the hold-up bro. In the meantime, I put up VGF #23 again for TCK, since he couldn't get it last time around. http://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji - The playlist can be found at the bottom of page 33 of this thread, if you're interested.

    NJ, if you're missing that episode, go ahead and DL that too; It'll be up at most until I have time to do #27 on Friday night. TCK will be finished downloading VGF #23 by tomorrow; if anyone has a show request to be put up during the week, lemme know. NJ has priority if he's missing any episode other than #23.

  15. so I'll do the playlist and MP3 when I can. Hopefully, I won't have to post those TOO late in the week.

    The quicker you post it, the quicker I find out what all I said. Big thanks again for having us on, Larry; we had a blast.

    edit: Species, did you get me dancing behind Larry when I had my shirt off?

    I'm really sorry everyone, but with a paper and final coming up at the end of the week, I unfortunately don't have time to make and release the MP3 of the show until at least late Friday evening. I know Austin & Justin are really looking forward to it, but there's no way I can realistically take the time to get the episode out and sacrifice the time I need to write a 20-page paper (due Friday) and study for my first final (also on Friday). My apologies, bros. I still have to check out how the videotape of the show came out. The ending of the show may have been cut off just a little bit, since we ended just after 1:45 AM (when the tape was set to stop recording). When I can, I'll try and get a quick look of that to see how it came out.

  16. Debo & Bagel just left to head back to UGA about 30 minutes ago. Everyone had a great time at the show, they chilled over at my apartment while Bagel showcased his backyard wrestling skills, met some of my ladies including Paige, and stopped by the video game party over at Electron's apartment. I also gotta thank the bros for the autographed Girls Gone Wild video. Myself, my roommates and my ladies (well, whatta ya know) will all enjoy it frequently. Big thanks to Justin & Austin for making the lil' trip down to Emory to help host the show, as well as all the callers. I'm busy with finals and papers, so I'll do the playlist and MP3 when I can. Hopefully, I won't have to post those TOO late in the week.

  17. Tell me more. And make sure it's working when Bagel's in next week.

    (I need this as a reminder to have my girlies tape this week's show.)

    BTW, unless I sneak in a show on May 1st, this coming Saturday's show will be the last one of the semester. I'm letting my guests pick a significant amount of the material so I apologize in advance if anyone doesn't get a particular track played.

  18. Last night's show (3 1/2 hrs - 145MB), along with the AIM chat transcript is now available to check out at my webspace. Thanks a hell of a lot to Electron for joining the show as my guest host. It was definitely hilarious having Raul on-the-air along with the dumb phone calls we took, and he provided bueno tracks and requests along with some old-school insight to how OCR was back in 2000. Thanks also to DarkeSword & Jared Hudson for phoning in as well.

    Debotron, Bagel Fuzzynuts, kLuTz are planned for next Saturday, so I'll hope to get that going, as that should be a great show. I'll be keeping it light on the requests next week, since I wanna leave a lot of room for my guest hosts to request stuff, plus we all wanna head over to the video game party over at Electron's apartment after the show next week. CAN IT BE A 2-HOUR SHOW FOR ONCE??? Ha...aight peoples, enjoy the playlist:

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    "VG Frequency" - Saturday, April 17, 2004 / 10:10 PM - 1:40 AM EST

    0. Electron, fellow WMRE DJ & old-school OC ReMixer, joins the show as the special guest host [http://vaultradio.cjb.net]

    1. Rayza f/Liontamer - VG Frequency "Number One Host" Bumper

    2. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "JHX Soundtest" Bumper

    3. Nobuo Uematsu - "The Prelude" [Final Fantasy I OST]

    4. Why did that hot chick not stay on the line? We'll miss you, "hot chick"

    5. Electron - "Polarized" [http://members.aol.com/rbrav]

    6. zircon - Phantasy Star 4 "baal4sale" [VGMix2 #1240]

    7. virt & Ailsean - Final Fantasy 6 "Dancing Mad Once Again" [VGMix2 #1248]

    8. Nobuo Uematsu - "Ship" [Final Fantasy I OST]

    9. Electron - "Shades of Gray" [http://members.aol.com/rbrav]

    10. Emperor - Final Fantasy Tactics "Final Funeral" [The People's Remix Competition 13]

    11. Blak Omen - VG Frequency "Best In Chinatown" Bumper

    12. Blak Omen - Lennus "Hagudo Shakedown" [VGMix2 #1043]

    13. MC - The Legend of Zelda 2 "Thelonius Temple High" [OC ReMix #82]

    14. Nobuo Uematsu - "Dungeon" [Final Fantasy I OST]

    15. Emmanuel provides us with his statistics; Why don't we have characters?

    16. DarkeSword's pollen allergies have been clearing up and the community cares; Shariq joins us as Electron harkens back to the olden days of OCR including info on the now rare-to-find "Thelonius Temple Low", and Darke let's us in on plans to team up with JigginJonT as part of the Donkey Kong Country Arrangement Collaboration, as well as VGMix's up-and-coming newsletter on the game music remixing community [http://www.darkesword.com]

    17. Susan professes her love for Emmanuel and enriches our lives with a dramatic poem on Link & Zelda

    18. Electron - Faxanadu "Goofy Ska" [OC ReMix #167]

    19. zircon - "Sprite Swapping" [CompoST 14]

    20. k-wix - Kid Icarus "Harmonic Invocation" [http://k-wix.no-ip.com]

    21. zyko - VG Frequency "Keep It Real" Bumper

    22. Stemage - Metroid 1 "Kraid's Theme" [Metroid Metal]

    23. Chuck Dodgers - Deflektor "Laser Dance" [OC ReMix #132 / R:K:O #280]

    24. Nobuo Uematsu - "Airship" [Final Fantasy I OST]

    25. Emmanuel returns to continue Susan's powerful poem

    26. Susan continues to profess her love for Emmanuel; click

    27. Krisham giggles like a schoolgirl; that's so so disturbing

    28. Paige feels sorry for Krisham breaking his leg

    29. Kavitha's pollen allergies are still bothering her and the community cares

    30. Electron - "Auxiliary Power" [http://members.aol.com/rbrav]

    31. Leifo - "Despair (Remastered)" [http://www.leifo.com]

    32. SgtRama - VG Frequency "Eat A Bumper" Bumper

    33. rimco - Yie Ar Kung-Fu "Mists of Yie Ar" [OC ReMix #135]

    34. Nobuo Uematsu - "Main Theme" [Final Fantasy I OST]

    35. "What's your name, scumbag?" [http://members.cox.net/skaddi]

    36. Electron - Shadowgate "Pulse" [http://members.aol.com/rbrav]

    37. ArseAssassin - Final Fantasy Tactics "The 4th Dimension" [The People's Remix Competition 13]

    38. Nixdorux - The Legend of Zelda 3 "The Defeat of Ganon" [VGMix2 #1286]

    39. Arkimedes - Halo 1 "Fall from Above (You Can't Stop)" [VGMix2 #851 / OC ReMix to-be-posted]

    40. Nobuo Uematsu - "Battle Scene" [Final Fantasy I OST]

    41. Electron - Megaman 2 "Bubbleman Electron" [OC ReMix #143]

    42. JigginJonT - VG Frequency "Be As One" Bumper

    43. Grey - "Kyle's Song" [http://pixelated.myrmid.com/users/jigginjont]

    44. Nobuo Uematsu - "Town" [Final Fantasy I OST]

    45. OverCoat - VG Frequency "Makes Me Question" Bumper

    46. OverCoat - "La Ciudad Que Nunca Duerme, Despertando a un Lugar Que Sueña" (a.k.a. 'The City That Never Sleeps, Waking Up in a Dreaming Place') [CompoST 14]

    47. OverCoat - Super Metroid "If You're Going to Zebes, Fight with Missiles, Beams, and Screws!" [VGMix2 #1265]

    48. Nobuo Uematsu - "Underwater Temple" [Final Fantasy I OST]

    49. Beatdrop - VG Frequency "Lose His Mind" Bumper

    50. Digital Coma - Donkey Kong Country 1 "Saccharine Serenity" [http://members.cox.net/skaddi]

    51. Israfel - Super Mario 64 "Onyx Lips and Cheese Nips" [VGMix1]

    52. Quinn Fox - Strider "Vibe Victory" [http://quinn.50g.com]

    53. Markus Schneider & Mahoney f/Elsa Persson & Karin Öjehagen - "Sweet Games" [R:K:O #2199]

    54. Nobuo Uematsu - "Matoya's Cave" [Final Fantasy I OST]

    55. Anna is spittin' dat hot fire!

    56. Star Salzman - VG Frequency "WMRE Jingle" Bumper

    57. Arkimedes - Shenmue "Dreaming While I Wake" [VGMix2 #1253]

    58. Disco Dan - Blaster Master "Direct Current Trance" [VGMix2 #707]

    59. Nobuo Uematsu - "Chaos' Temple" [Final Fantasy I OST]

    60. Jared Hudson joins bLiNd on the list of remixers who hate working for Wal-Mart, tells us how he ranted on Wal-MartSucks.com and wants to get some real money working for Hewlett-Packard, thinks of following in the footsteps of Danny Elfman, discloses the record-holding status of Bloomington, Indiana, talks about getting ready to go to Berklee and the number of remixers who could be attending there, highlights an upcoming collab with Abram McCalment ("Icy Hot"), recalls classic putdown material about Kaijin & Jennifer Colton, laughs at the often-seen stupidity of the professional music business, and pimps the quality of the G.H.O.S.T. Ops mod for Half-Life [http://www.hudsonstudios.net]

    61. Nobuo Uematsu - "Save Music" [Final Fantasy I OST]

    The UGA clique is on tap for next week. See ya there, hos and hoettes!

  19. My man Raul Gonzalez, a.k.a. Electron, is gonna be guest-hosting for tonight's show, so it'll be twice the Emory goodness. I'll be playing both remixes and originals from Raul; feel the MIDI excitement! And because he's gonna be kicking it old-school, Raul will also be showcasing 3 of his favorite old-school OC ReMixes back when he frequented OCR in 2000, and they're excellent selections as well.

    With the exception of Reuben Kee's new Shemue remix, I've already played everyone of the 5 newly posted OC mixes this week, so I'll be freeing up room for Raul and other remix material.

    I'll be having Debotron, Bagel Fuzzynuts and kLuTz next week as long as things work out; some parties on both of our sides came up, so we decided to push things back. Plus next week Raul is having a video game party at his apartment, so we'll all be hitting that up after the show, which works out even better. Hope to see you peeps tonight.

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