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Posts posted by Liontamer

  1. Enjoy this week's 4 hour show featuring many call-ins and drunk chicas. Pick it up at my webspace; Both the 4 hour show and the AIM transcript are available for your selfish consumption.

    The links are here on page 43 for anyone interested. Blue & ravon of Ormgas.com were nice enough to link to my WMRE Show Spotlight from the site, and I just provided a quick little button for Ormgas's banner exchange.


    I won't be hosting the button on my space forever, but if anyone interested in throwing a link my way through the uploading of the button and some linkage from their own webspace it's certainly appreciated.

    I still have to iron out details with Bagel, Debotron & kLuTz about next Saturday and when to come over to Emory, and I'll definitely try and see if sephfire is around as well. Meanwhile, there's going to be a video game lock-in at Electron's/Raul's apartment after the show :!: and I'll hopefully be heading over to that once the show is done, so it may just be a 2 hour show or maybe just a short after-party. Hopefully everyone can come along; we'll see how it goes!

  2. For anyone who was waiting, it took me a little while to edit up DarkSword's and zircon's interviews since they were a little low (zirc not so much), but I hope you like how I turned the levels up. Aight peeps; enjoy this week's 4 hour show featuring many call-ins and drunk chicas. Pick it up at my websapce; Both the 4 hour show and the AIM transcript are available for your selfish consumption. Props to everyone who contributed tracks this week; another diverse offering of stuff, with lots of quality premieres. FFmusic Dj's BT remix went over phenomenally well, and Prot's & Beatdrop's new ones are excellent mixes you need to be aware of. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves of course! Thanks a lot to everyone who called in and the loads of new people who stopped by to check things out. Hope y'all keep coming back each week. Here's Saturday's playlist:

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    "VG Frequency" - Saturday, April 10, 2004 / 10 PM - 2:07 AM EST

    1. Liontamer - VG Frequency "Snow Promotion" Promo

    2. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "JHX Soundtest" Bumper

    3. Yoko Shimomura - "Ultimate Strength ~ Victory Road" [Live A Live OST]

    4. Xerol Oplan - "Overdriven Traffic" [Xerol's Quest OST]

    5. Selecta Novel - Simon the Sorcerer "Dragon's Winter Cave" [AMIGAremix #9 / VGMix2 #1171]

    6. DJ Potatoe - Astérix "Niggaz for Life (Potatoe X-Strike Mix)" [http://www.x-strikestudios.com]

    7. Yoko Shimomura - "City of Hopelessness" [Live A Live OST]

    8. OverCoat pays a long overdue visit on the air and he's feelin' the love; he sheds some light on a potentially upcoming Super Metroid mix, as well as SoundTempest's & CompoST's usefulness as a place to develop his music, the relative crudiness of "The Sadness of a Reverberated Heart", quick Wesley Willis-inspired kwakery, a upcoming Anime Remix with Destiny ("Happy Haibane") and how they first collaborated on the Seiken Densetsu 3 mix "Angels Dear", messing around with his Yamaha keyboard, his decision to never submit anything to OverClocked ReMix, the subsequent revival of VGMix, as well as a quick pimp for fans to review his Deus Ex remix "UNATCOAT" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat]

    9. Edgen Animations - Halo 1 "Ruined Desert" [OC ReMix #1152]

    10. Ork Estral - Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts "Sea Sick" [http://nigel.has.it]

    11. OverCoat - "The Sadness of a Reverberated Heart" [CompoST 6]

    12. Argitoth - "The Wail Unheard" [soundTempest to-be-posted]

    13. Yoko Shimomura - "Silent Labyrinth" [Live A Live OST]

    14. DCT is chillin' in radioland and has no love for the haters; he jokes about TrueStar's VGMix chatterbox antics, is feeling DJ Potatoe's Niggaz 4 Life remix, has ideas for playing around with zyko's a cappella vocals for "Niggaz 4 Life", mulls over the feasibility of vocalizing "Iced Out Nine Twenty Two", is back in the thick of things judging for SoundTempest, doesn't agree with the double standard of mainstream remix vs. game remix commercialization, provides a personal overview of OneUp Studios' newly-released "The Very Best of SEGA", reveals Mustin's enjoyment of Dan Baranowsky's impression of him last week, runs down upcoming remixes and originals, and pimps the return of TheBigShot.com [http://www.thebigshot.com]

    15. Crazy Crakaz All-Starz (joecam, po!, mp, Roggah, Flik, AE & Shael Riley) - River City Ransom "River City Rap" [River City Rumble OST / VGMix2 #1082]

    16. Unknown - The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "A Storm in the Desert" [Artifact of Power / VGMix2 #455 / OC ReMix #1153]

    17. analoq - "kastle activity" [CompoST 12]

    18. Unknown - "Corridors Make for a Good Hangout" [CompoST 12]

    19. Moose585 - "Don't Look Over There!" [CompoST 13]

    20. zircon - "The Demon Ate My Dog" [CompoST 13]

    21. goat - Kid Icarus "Slice of Heaven" [VGMix2 #1217]

    22. Yoko Shimomura - "Dangerous Bar" [Live A Live OST]

    23. Kaleb Grace apparently believes in quick, graceless exits; he'll be back...[3 minutes later]...I told ya; Kaleb's pimps his regular fandom of OCR, which is longer than practically everyone but Species 8472, and has always been contributing to OCR any way he can; he reveals that he's hoping to get into remixing with Reason thanks to the help of SuperGreenX, and goes over how he was tapped to collaborate on the cover and insert art for SGX's new CD "Synesthetic", how he's still waiting for his copy of the CD, the fallacy of "BEER 7: The Phantom BEER", other ways he helps the game music fan community, his start-from-scratch approach to learning the ropes of music creation, the necessary website pimpage, along with some quick, joking shots on Sadorf and SgtRama (nice work!) [http://www.kalebgrace.com]

    24. zyko drops by to give everyone some insight on his upcoming original album covering the past 2-3 years of his work (no focus on "weird guitar shit"), the info on the upcoming zykomusik.com including both the involvement of McVaffe on the design end and the showcasing some of his oldest material, why he decided to take a leave of absence from the game remixing scene, how his love is definitely still in game music despite his break from remixing, how he feels it's more natural and unrestricted creating original work including some spur-of-the-moment song creation with GrayLightning last spring, his assessment (now that VGMix's connectivity problems have been fixed) of the strong structure of VGMix alongside the deficiencies of the review system, the unpolished raw energy of his VGMix1 works including "Woods of the Invertrix", and the target date on the opening of zykomusik.com (the end of April 2004) [http://www.soundclick.com/zyko]

    25. mv - Final Fantasy 6 "La Ballade de Cayenne" [VGMix1 #224 / VGMix2 #1218]

    26. Ryan8bit - Pro Wrestling "Down for the Count (A Winner is No One)" [VGMix2 #1193]

    27. The Advantage - Bomberman 1 "Stage" [http://www.theadvantageband.com]

    28. DarkeSword - Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade "Space Drifter" [VGMix2 #685 / OC ReMix #1154]

    29. Yoko Shimomura - "Captain of the Shooting Stars!" [Live A Live OST]

    30. DarkeSword is suffering due to some pollen allergies, but still is able to elaborate for us on how he first heard of Linus Spacehead, the story on how "Space Drifter" was originally called "Virt Spacehead", the outspoken criticisms received on the saxophone soundfont usage in Space Drifter, why he uses the particular sounds and instruments he's known for, what underlying elements of Space Drifter have been going unnoticed, the (sarcastic) prospect of doing a Chrono Trigger Zeal theme remix with just the saxophone, what remixes of his are potentially in line for OC ReMix, how he needs to get back into making some new mixes, his (sarcastic) love for pollen and the features of DarkeSword.com [http://www.darkesword.com]

    31. Adhesive Boy feels this week's show was the Warren G. Harding of shows (be sure to look that up), and contributes third-hand information on Digital Coma's Donkey Kong Country remix collaboration project, assures Larry that he'll burn for (stupidly) mixing up Easter & Christmas (Larry's note: THAT was definitely stupidity through osmosis from having AB on the phone, that moron!), rags on DarkeSword for complaining about his Space Drifter reviews, brags about never finishing "Clouds of Smog Over Hyrule", and calls Larry a fag on the way out; no respect, that kid; no respect at all [http://adhesiveboy.no-ip.com]

    32. Risa Ohki - Final Fantasy 6 "Toki no Hourousha" (a.k.a. 'Wanderer of Time') [Final Fantasy: Pray]

    33. Digital Coma interrupts an otherwise (non-)sensible show to, amongst other stupidity, insult "Adhesive Fag" and pimp out the burgeoning Donkey Kong Country remix collaboration project [http://members.cox.net/skaddi]

    34. Cara is drunk; Cara is really drunk; Larry sucks

    35. Russell Cox - "Celebration of Trials and Tribulations" [The Gamingforce Composing Competition: Christmas 2003]

    36. LindsayAnne Klemm - The Legend of Zelda 1 "Legend of Zelda" [http://www.edgen.com/~lindsay]

    37. Beej - Chrono Trigger "Sines" [VGMix1 #1557 / VGMix2 #1210]

    38. Yoko Shimomura - "Under the Fake" [Live A Live OST]

    39. Kavitha is drunk; Kavitha is really drunk; Paige hates Larry's music; Paige isn't much of a fan; Dave heard the F-word; Dave will call the FCC; Cara loves Larry's music; Cara thinks Larry's balls are too small; Larry sucks

    40. MaJIN_SaN says Larry needs to slap those girls! He's enjoying the music so far and talks it up about the Donkey Kong Country remix collaboration project, booze and the female-procuring properties of Spanish Fly, memories of Linus Spacehead, and smackin' dat ass [http://www.freestylesession.com]

    41. Paige is drunk; Paige is British; Seems Big Ben is missing; Larry sucks

    42. zircon - "White Nexus" [Phasma Elementum]

    43. Leifo - "Holy Lord" [http://www.leifo.com]

    44. Israfel - "Music for Cold Places (GFF Version)" [The Gamingforce Composing Competition: Christmas 2003]

    45. Yoko Shimomura - "Sancho.de.Los.Panchos" [Live A Live OST]

    46. zircon breaks down the process of the work so far on his in-progress album "Phasma Elementum" (hoping to complete it around June or July 2004) including the hope of engaging all the subtle varieties of techno & trance, the growth of CompoST and plans to integrate it more prominently into SoundTempest, as well as djcubez's upcoming work on SoundTempest v2 [http://www.zirconstudios.com]

    47. McVaffe - NiGHTS into Dreams... "Soft Museum Jam" [OC ReMix #309]

    48. Risa Ohki & Ikuko Noguchi - Final Fantasy 1 "Prelude" [Final Fantasy: Love Will Grow]

    49. BT f/FFmusic Dj - "The Great Escape (HAP Chillout Remix)" [http://www.ffmusic.net]

    50. Stemage - Metroid 1 "The Theme" [Metroid Metal / VGMix2 #958]

    51. Yoko Shimomura - "Difficult Fight" [Live A Live OST]

    52. Protricity - Donkey Kong Country 2 "KRool Intentions" [http://www.public.asu.edu/~arasulin]

    53. goat - Rush'n Attack "Purple Heart" [VGMix2 #978 / OC ReMix #1155]

    54. Beatdrop - U.N. Squadron "The Air Up Here" [bit by Bit]

    55. Yoko Shimomura - "The Bird Flies in the Sky, the Fish Swims in the River" [Live A Live OST]

    56. Jeb Holland most likely passed out on some sort of illegal substance; his female cousin probably gave him mouth-to-mouth; I think he's ok [http://members.cox.net/systemaniac]

    57. Paige claims she's not drunk; Paige is drunk off Grey Goose; Paige's ass obscured my TV; Paige: "It was a small TV"; Larry sucks; Take care

    58. Yoko Shimomura - "Organ Song 3" [Live A Live OST]

    Remember folks, Electron, Debotron & Bagel Fuzzynuts are all gonna be guest hosting next week! Enjoy the local yokels of the community taking over radioland! Definitely drop comments here on this week's offering.

  3. 15. analoq - "kastle activity" [CompoST 12]

    :lol: larry, i should just have to name all my music from now on (:


    A HEX ON YOU! But yeah, if you have an actual name to give to it, lemme know! I liked the name I bootlegged for the CompoST 11 track though (and it was easy since you had lyrics). Beatdrop and I can't get enough of that one. But yeah...you're still a poopyhead, bro! Cheers! :P

    actually that was supposed to be:
    larry, i should just have you name all my music from now on (:

    but i think i like your reaction to my un-proofread one better.


    [GASP] I'm sorry, bro! :lol: ...

    Let's never fight again! [hug]

  4. 15. analoq - "kastle activity" [CompoST 12]

    :lol: larry, i should just have to name all my music from now on (:


    A HEX ON YOU! But yeah, if you have an actual name to give to it, lemme know! I liked the name I bootlegged for the CompoST 11 track though (and it was easy since you had lyrics). Beatdrop and I can't get enough of that one. But yeah...you're still a poopyhead, bro! Cheers! :P

  5. Aight folks; the playlist is essentially set, so no more requests. Take a look at how things are shaping up. I'd honestly prefer not to move anything around, since I like the flow I've set up, but if you need something repositioned, let me know with a PM and I'll see what I can do. Anyway, it's not every week that I have the playlist ready so early, so enjoy this preview of tonight's show. Hope to see you there.

    1. Liontamer - VG Frequency "Snow Promotion" Promo

    2. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "JHX Soundtest" Bumper

    3. Yoko Shimomura - "Ultimate Strength ~ Victory Road" [Live A Live OST]

    4. Xerol Oplan - "Overdriven Traffic" [Xerol's Quest OST]

    5. Selecta Novel - Simon the Sorcerer "Dragon's Winter Cave" [AMIGAremix #9 / VGMix2 #1171]

    6. DJ Potatoe - Astérix "Niggaz for Life (Potatoe X-Strike Mix)" [http://www.x-strikestudios.com]

    7. Yoko Shimomura - "City of Hopelessness" [Live A Live OST]

    8. Edgen Animations - Halo 1 "Ruined Desert" [OC ReMix #1152]

    9. Ork Estral - Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts "Sea Sick" [http://nigel.has.it]

    10. OverCoat - "The Sadness of a Reverberated Heart" [CompoST 6]

    11. Argitoth - "The Wail Unheard" [soundTempest to-be-posted]

    12. Yoko Shimomura - "Silent Labyrinth" [Live A Live OST]

    13. Crazy Crakaz All-Starz (joecam, po!, mp, Roggah, Flik, AE & Shael Riley) - River City Ransom "River City Rap" [River City Rumble OST / VGMix2 #1082]

    14. Unknown - The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "A Storm in the Desert" [Artifact of Power / VGMix2 #455 / OC ReMix #1153]

    15. analoq - "kastle activity" [CompoST 12]

    16. Unknown - "Corridors Make for a Good Hangout" [CompoST 12]

    17. Moose585 - "Don't Look Over There!" [CompoST 13]

    18. zircon - "The Demon Ate My Dog" [CompoST 13]

    19. goat - Kid Icarus "Slice of Heaven" [VGMix2 #1217]

    20. Yoko Shimomura - "Dangerous Bar" [Live A Live OST]

    21. mv - Final Fantasy 6 "La Ballade de Cayenne" [VGMix1 #224 / VGMix2 #1218]

    22. Ryan8bit - Pro Wrestling "Down for the Count (A Winner is No One)" [VGMix2 #1193]

    23. The Advantage - Bomberman 1 "Stage" [http://www.theadvantageband.com]

    24. DarkeSword - Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade "Space Drifter" [VGMix2 #685 / OC ReMix #1154]

    25. Yoko Shimomura - "Captain of the Shooting Stars!" [Live A Live OST]

    26. Risa Ohki - Final Fantasy 6 "Toki no Hourousha" (a.k.a. 'Wanderer of Time') [Final Fantasy: Pray]

    27. Russell Cox - "Celebration of Trials and Tribulations" [The Gamingforce Composing Competition: Christmas 2003]

    28. LindsayAnne Klemm - The Legend of Zelda 1 "Legend of Zelda" [http://www.edgen.com/~lindsay]

    29. Beej - Chrono Trigger "Sines" [VGMix1 #1557 / VGMix2 #1210]

    30. Yoko Shimomura - "Under the Fake" [Live A Live OST]

    31. zircon - "White Nexus" [Phasma Elementum]

    32. Leifo - "Holy Lord" [http://www.leifo.com]

    33. Israfel - "Music for Cold Places (GFF Version)" [The Gamingforce Composing Competition: Christmas 2003]

    34. Yoko Shimomura - "Sancho.de.Los.Panchos" [Live A Live OST]

    35. McVaffe - NiGHTS into Dreams... "Soft Museum Jam" [OC ReMix #309]

    36. Risa Ohki & Ikuko Noguchi - Final Fantasy 1 "Prelude" [Final Fantasy: Love Will Grow]

    37. BT f/FFmusic Dj - "The Great Escape (HAP Chillout Remix)" [http://www.ffmusic.net]

    38. Stemage - Metroid 1 "The Theme" [Metroid Metal / VGMix2 #958]

    39. Yoko Shimomura - "Difficult Fight" [Live A Live OST]

    40. Protricity - Donkey Kong Country 2 "KRool Intentions" [http://www.public.asu.edu/~arasulin]

    41. goat - Rush'n Attack "Purple Heart" [VGMix2 #978 / OC ReMix #1155]

    42. Beatdrop - U.N. Squadron "The Air Up Here" [bit by Bit]

    43. Yoko Shimomura - "The Bird Flies in the Sky, the Fish Swims in the River" [Live A Live OST]

    44. Yoko Shimomura - "Organ Song 3" [Live A Live OST]

  6. now i know not to miss this show anymore. hilarious! :lol:

    It's not usually that random, by the way. Just giving you a heads up - then again, this could set a new direction for the show, given the popularity it's gotten as a result ;-).

    A new direction? Danny B calling like 15 times? No thank you! :lol:

  7. Just a reminder for any latecomers to the thread, visit my webspace at http://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji. I think Beatdrop was right in that last Saturday's show had a bit of everything in there: good music & interviews along with more than a handful of dumb bastards and prank calls to keep things entertaining. Thanks for the props, BD. I'm glad everyone enjoyed that craziness.

    VG Frequency #24 is still available until Sunday, as well as this week's AIM chat transcript. If you just wanna check out the various funny call-ins, courtesy of Danny B, Digital Coma, Debotron and some dumb Emory kids, Prot has the hookup at his FTP. Check out the full playlist over at page 37.

    Well yeah download managers don't like https but if you just drop the final s it works fine.

    Hahahahaha! Wow, Spec! I...I love you! Seriously though, how did you know that would work?

    Pleasure to have you guys check out, Binster & Kamoh. Congrats on getting Icon accepted, Binster. GrayLightning really enjoyed it and pimped it my way.

  8. Sorry to NJ & TCK for being unable to host the show somewhere else. I'm not sure why you're unable to access the site, though some browsers & download managers just don't like HTTPS locations. I'm not sure how to go around that, but I may have to take Digital Coma up on his idea to offer torrents of the shows as long as people could seed 'em.

  9. Is there a playlist floating around? I missed the show :(
    EDIT: Oops. I'm a few seconds late.

    Finally got everything up for download tonight, so enjoy the goods at https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji - VGF #24 (192MB/4hr 40mins) is available as well as this week's AIM chat transcript. I honestly don't have room to thank every single person who called in, but thanks a lot for all the interviews and funny calls. This is definitely the show of Dan Baranowsky, BTW. Check out minute 109 for "Nobuo Uetmatsu" calling in and minute 183 for "Mustin" and be ready to shit yourself. Obviously the show was a lot less hectic to listen to as opposed to doing live. Enjoy the show, punks, and thanks for everyone who tuned in and called, especially the loads of new people visiting the chat room this week. If you don't mind reading essays, here's the playlist for this week. I get to some of the recent requests in the thread next week. Hope to see you again next Saturday.

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    "VG Frequency" - Saturday, April 3, 2004 / 10:10 PM - 3:50 AM EST (Daylight Savings Time, folks)

    1. Liontamer - VG Frequency "Snow Promotion" Promo

    2. Michiko Naruke - "Adlehyde Castle" [Wild ARMs OST]

    3. Jared Hudson - VG Frequency "JHX Soundtest" Bumper

    4. Jared Hudson - "Only a Test" (WIP) [http://www.hudsonstudios.net]

    5. Theophany - The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "Aquescent Symphony" [OC ReMix #1150]

    6. Shael Riley - Neverwinter Nights "Neversleep at Nights" [VGMix2 #1178]

    7. Michiko Naruke - "Port Town" [Wild ARMs OST]

    8. Rayza fills us in on the new movie version of "Dawn of the Dead" along with comparing this year's and last year's OCR April Fool's joke, discussing the Reason help site he hopes to launch at music.rayza.net and his current focus on original music material [http://www.rayza.net]

    9. "Nobuo Uematsu" - Final Fantasy 7, Megaman 3, Final Fantasy 6 & Final Fantasy 4 "Retentions of Conflict" [OC ReMix #1150 (removed)]

    10. Nobuo Uematsu - "Blue Fields" [Final Fantasy VIII OST]

    11. Bagel Fuzzynuts stops in while partying at UGA and comments on "Retentions of Conflict", the OCR UnModerated infamy of his wang, bringing the UGA posse over to guest host the show, and the greatness of Jim Holland

    12. "Jeb Holland" (hopped up on moonshine probably) is on hand and he's no Southern gentleman like his cousin Jim

    13. Leifo's looking for more music but takes a few moments to fill us in on plans for this summer to work aggressively with bLiNd on a demo, bringing various tracks of his out of the work-in-progress stage, ideas for a Kingdom Hearts remix along with tooling around with his Chrono Trigger mix "Timing is Everything", and finishes with pimps on TheBrailRoom.com and the newly opened Leifo.com [http://www.leifo.com]

    14. Despite her cold, "Jessica" bravely calls in to request some *NSync; Bye Bye Bye, Jessica

    15. Adhesive Boy - "Sylvan Underclassmen Intellect" [CompoST 10]

    16. Stemage - Metroid 1 "Ridley" [Metroid Metal]

    17. Leifo - "In the Distance" [http://www.leifo.com]

    18. Nobuo Uematsu - "Black Mage's Village" [Final Fantasy IX OST]

    19. Kavitha & Nigam unsuccessfully attempt to request music, but Larry likes his peeps regardless

    20. Paige remarks on how weird all of the callers have been

    21. Daniel Baranowsky wants back into the AIM chatroom and brings out his best Lil' Jon impression ("Retentions of Conflict" was "OK...YAYEAAAHHH!") [http://members.cox.net/systemaniac]

    22. Adhesive Boy brings us back to saner times and details how he reacted to the OCR posting of "Retentions of Conflict", how he named "Sylvan Underclassmen Intellect" and his general strategy for creating CompoST entries, his soon-to-be released remix material i.e. nothing :-), his problems with the deterioration of VGMix, the general disappointment in Mustin's latest release "Final Zone (Final Hour)", in addition to taking a few free potshots at Protricity, and promoting the eventual return of his radio show "AB Frequency" [http://adhesiveboy.no-ip.com]

    23. SgtRama visits for a minute before heading out for some cosmic bowling, but has time to talk about "Retentions of Conflict", Sadorf's old status as VGMix1's "legendary suck" as well as his own status as OC ReMix's proverbial rejection bar and how (not) well faking his death went over as an April Fool's joke last year; As a bonus, MamaRama pops in to say hello! [http://sgtrama.no-ip.com]

    24. Garian takes over the phone and hopes to bowl his way to victory with a 120 (if he's lucky); though he missed the proceedings of the OCR April Fool's joke, he later heard "Retentions of Conflict" and jokingly rags on Sadorf's older, terrible VGMix1 mixes [http://www.discipliningpercy.tk]

    25. "Jim Holland" wonders who all those faegs calling the show were and wants to clear the air on his cousin Jeb & the Holland family

    26. Like a deer in the headlights, Danny B stupidly basks in Larry's webstream delay [http://members.cox.net/systemaniac]

    27. Sir Nuts - Super CastleVania 4 "Rusty Whip" [The People's Remix Competition 12]

    28. Beatdrop - "Turncoat Magistrate" [Final Energy]

    29. Unknown - "Oak and Ash" [CompoST 10]

    30. Mustin - Sonic the Hedgehog 1 "Final Zone (Final Hour)" [The Very Best of Sega (B-Side) / VGMix2 #1188]

    31. Nobuo Uematsu - "One Danger Put Behind Us" [Final Fantasy IX OST]

    32. Beatdrop arrives to detail how he initially fell for the joke of "Retentions of Conflict", when he would decide to go back to judging on OCR, the effort in and satisfaction of finally completing his second full-length album "Final Energy", personal comparisons to his first album "Operations", the twists and turns in Final Energy's developmental process as well as the flow of the album, the nature of the feedback for both of his original albums, as well as the progress of his upcoming remix album "Bit by Bit" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~beatdrop]

    33. "Nobuo Uematsu" calls; Enjoy, that's all I'm gonna say

    34. "Yasunori Mitsuda" rebuts (with tobacco in his lip and a Southern drawl, I'm assuming); Domo

    35. "Randy Lumpkin", friend of Jim Holland, brings with him an ungentlemanly abundance profanity [http://www.geocities.com/randylumpkin]

    36. "Koji Kondo" is really, REALLY upbeat; Yatta

    37. WHY is a drug deal apparently going down???

    38. "Yasunori Mitsuda" - Final Fantasy 7, Megaman 3, Final Fantasy 6 & Final Fantasy 4 "Retentions of Conflict" [OC ReMix #1150 (removed)]

    39. analoq - ThunderCats "Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Cats" [Anime Remix #33]

    40. Emperor - Morrowind "Battle at the Red Mountain" [OC ReMix #1151]

    41. Star Salzman w/Protricity - Megaman X1 "Dreams Come True" [OC ReMix #1149]

    42. Nobuo Uematsu - "Vivi's Theme" [Final Fantasy IX OST]

    43. "Jeremy Soule" is planning to shut down OverClocked ReMix; I'll be damned if he doesn't sound hilarious

    44. "Mario & Luigi" are high on Super Mushrooms

    45. As he hopes to interview Star Salzman, Larry goes crazy as the phone line remains tied up; Please enjoy the stark contrast between Larry's raw anger and the relaxing background music :-)

    46. Star Salzman finally breaks through and gives Larry a lesson in telephone etiquette before he forwards him over to his personal secretary [http://www.starblast.org]

    47. Jon Martindill, Star Salzman's male secretary and representative of the Star Salzman Organization, acts as an intermediary regarding information on "Dreams Come True", "When You See the Flashman, Duck and Cover" & "Magellanic", Star as a deity, (no) comments on "Retentions of Conflict", the interest in Star's music from female fans, Star's patented sexual maneuvers (e.g. the "Starscreamer"), and (no) classified information on future works [http://www.starblast.org/blog.php?blog_user=Jon]

    48. "Daisy" is a vulgar lady; Are her and "Mario" on the outs?

    49. Paige professes her enjoyment of some of Star Salzman's tracks but scoffs at the purported power of the "Starscreamer"

    50. ReaktorZ0 - Super CastleVania 4 "Sawtooth Darkness" [The People's Remix Competition 12]

    51. moonove - Shinobi "Black Turtle Level Ingame Remix" [http://www.moonove.com]

    52. analoq - "skouting the timberland" [CompoST 10]

    53. OverCoat - VG Frequency "Ruuski Ragtime" Bumper

    54. OverCoat - "The Machines of Valor and Bravery, Standing Tall to the Coterminous Humans of Heartless Behavior" [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat]

    55. Beatdrop - "Bedlam" [Final Energy]

    56. Nobuo Uematsu - "Pirates Ahoy!" [Final Fantasy V OST]

    57. "Mustin" dominates the airwaves with his powerful personality; "Do you know who you're speaking to?"

    58. "Protricity" is just hanging out making music, but has a cold that he caught from his girlfriend "Jessica"

    59. "Larry Oji" shows up at the other end of the phone line; How is that even POSSIBLE?

    60. DJ Orange - Final Fantasy 7 "Turks in Pursuit" [OC ReMix #1148]

    61. Blak Omen - Super CastleVania 4 "The Belmont Chill" [The People's Remix Competition 12 / VGMix2 #1145]

    62. zircon - "Power My Station" [CompoST 11]

    63. Star Salzman - Megaman 2 "When You See the Flashman, Duck and Cover" [VGMix2 #1203]

    64. Nobuo Uematsu - "J-E-N-O-V-A" [Final Fantasy VII OST]

    65. Digital Coma does his best nasally Protricity impression while talking about "Retentions of Conflict" [http://members.cox.net/skaddi]

    66. Protricity reveals his masterminding of "Retentions of Conflict" based off of Sadorf's various old VGMix1 Final Fantasy remixes, the reaction he expected on the prank from the community (75% hate/25% love), as well as the other April Fool's prank of polling OCR as to whether or not he should remain on the OC judges' panel [http://www.public.asu.edu/~arasulin]

    67. Protricity & Sadorf - Final Fantasy 7, Megaman 3, Final Fantasy 6 & Final Fantasy 4 "Retentions of Conflict" [OC ReMix #1150 (removed)]

    68. Michiko Naruke - "Knights' Quarters" [Wild ARMs OST]

    69. Danny B fails miserably trying to imitate Homestar Runner [http://members.cox.net/systemaniac]

    70. "Voldo" of Soul Caliber II muses on the latest hardships of battle; Oren, Cesar Optimo, Garian & SgtRama collectively heckle Larry as they enjoy the webstream lag in the background [http://sgtrama.no-ip.com & http://www.discipliningpercy.tk]

    71. Daniel Baranowsky - "ur halfblak (Live)" [http://members.cox.net/systemaniac]

    72. SuperGreenX won't make ya frown as he drops comments on "Retentions of Conflict", the current successes of his new album "Synesthetic" along with the (occasionally problematic) distribution through FlashFlashRevolution.com, his computer's motherboard randomly catching on fire, and how he came together with Destructo & Aurora (a.k.a. Succubus) for their collaborative effort with "Frame of Mind" [http://www.supergreenx.com]

    73. Ahnuld attempts a prank call but can't get his pre-recorded voice to work quite right

    74. SuperGreenX, Destructo & Aurora - Beyond Good & Evil & Chrono Trigger "Frame of Mind" [http://www.supergreenx.com & http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~umfisico]

    75. Binster - ICO "Icon" [OC ReMix to-be-posted]

    76. Beatdrop - "Breakline" [Final Energy]

    77. analoq - "korners of my fear (torture futuristik)" [CompoST 11]

    78. Michiko Naruke - "Milama Village" [Wild ARMs OSV]

    79. MaJIN_SaN's been enjoying the show and talks about "Retentions of Conflict", how lots of younger and/or newbie musicians at #ocremix can get discouraged quickly by the hostile behavior and feedback of the regulars, the need as musicians to appreciate all your fans, and the lowdown on FreestyleSession.com & Bboying, including breakdancing with Æ [http://www.freestylesession.com]

    80. Hitoshi Sakimoto & Masaharu Iwata - "Mission Complete" [Final Fantasy Tactics OST]

  10. That should make the video feed interesting.

    btw Larry, I was thinking about a wmv/avi version of the show. Could this be possible as some good stuff happens in that studio.

    Wait, there's a video feed? Oh, this is going to be awesome!

    I'll definitely see if anyone can tape the show! That should be dope!

    This past Saturday's 117MB show is still available for anyone that's interested!

  11. I edited bLiNd's call-in to bring up his phone levels a bit, so if you'd like to get that version, go ahead to my webspace and pick up the revised version of the show. Unfortunately, the skips that showed up during the very beginning of the show (like during Super Mariocean) were a result of the skips during the actual WAV recording, so I unfortunately couldn't do anything about those. Thanks to reelmojo for noticing I was on the air while I was doing the editing work on last Saturday's show. While I was on the air, I played my folder of remixer WIPs & Incompletes, as well as various tracks (including PRC mixes) at Caleb's request, and a bunch of my favorite tracks from VGMix.

    In terms of the editing I did, you may find the jumps in the background music during bLiNd & myself's convo a little awkward, but they're not really that bad per se, Jordan's voice levels are much more audible and I learned a few things on how I would go about fixes like that in the future. Just letting you know the revised copy of the show is available if you're interested.

    Based on the info I've seen with Daylight Savings Time in New Zealand now over, Henry, VGF for you would be every Sunday afternoon, 3-5 PM. Hope you get the chance to check out the show live and stop by the chat once again. Good job on "The Belmont Chill" yo; it'll be featured on this week's upcoming show, as you know.

    I'm definitely hoping to have Debo & Bagel over in the studio sometime. I need to get all the Georgia area peeps over, including OC ReMixers like my man Electron (Raul Gonzalez) here at Emory, as well as kLuTz and sephfire (both UGA). But yeah, I'll be in touch with you bros and try to work something out. I'll be trying to have you guys come by this semester, but don't worry if we can't get together for a show this time around since there's not much time left and maybe papers and shit are creeping up; next semester is cool. How about shootin' for Saturday night, April 17th, bros? Lemme know what's good.

  12. Waddap, everybody. VG Frequency #23 is available for your downloading pleasure over at my webspace, clocking in at 117MB. Thanks to everyone who tuned in and contributed, as well as Mr. Mystery Indian caller (Kris), Wingless, bLiNd & DCT for calling in, as well as OverCoat for the usual AIM chat transcript hookup. I know bLiNd's call-in is kind of low, so feel free to use headphones on that. If I have time to chill in the studio and raise the levels on that a little bit, I may do that, but it's a tedious process as Species can attest to. If I do have the time to tweaks those levels and re-release the show MP3, I'll let you know.

    It's been just over a year since I started getting attention from the community-at-large for my radio show, so to celebrate, we not only have this week's chat transcript, but for a limited time you can check out my first ever AIM conversation with OverCoat back on March 22nd, 2003. SOC was my first listener from the community back when my show had the terribly plain title of "(Insert Name Here)", and he's been with me and the show through and through. Thanks a lot for your support from the beginning, Scott!

    Glad to have DCT back at 'em as well! Everyone glad to see you around again. If you wanna get more info on the goings on in DCT's life in the past month, you really should check out the show and hear what he had to say. We're all looking forward to you're gonna be working on, continuing to bring mor ehip-hop flavor to the community. Stay ambitious, bro!

    There's also a 40MB lower quality MP3 available by request; if anyone is interested in that, let me know. Here's your playlist folks. See you next week!

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    "VG Frequency" - Saturday, March 27, 2004 / 10:10 PM - 1 AM

    1. Koji Kondo - "World 7 Map" (Pipe Land) [super Mario Bros. 3 OST]

    2. zyko - VG Frequency "Keep It Real" Bumper

    3. H. Maezawa, Jun Funahashi & Yukie Morimoto - "Beginning" [CastleVania III OSV]

    4. spacepony - Super Mario World 1 "Super Mariocean" [OC ReMix #1147]

    5. smh - "Fog in the Streets" [CompoST 8]

    6. Mazedude - Illusion of Gaia "Treehouse of the Ancients" [http://www.mazedude.com]

    7. DarkPrinceLuca, Freemind, GrayLightning & Israfel - Final Fantasy 7 "Fluss der Liebe" [OC ReMix #1021]

    8. H. Maezawa, Jun Funahashi & Yukie Morimoto - "Stream" [CastleVania III OSV]

    9. Shael Riley - CastleVania: Symphony of the Night "The Tragic Prince (Street Influence)" [http://lobachevsky.homelinux.net/~sriley]

    10. OverCoat - VG Frequency "¡Olé! ¿Spanish?" Bumper

    11. OverCoat - Deus Ex "UNATCOAT" (WIP) [http://rks.no-ip.com/~seattleovercoat]

    12. HappyBivouac - Jet Set Radio "Late Night Sneakin'" [OC ReMix #1146]

    13. bLiNd Leifo - "Enoch" [http://www.thebrailroom.com]

    14. Yuko - "Knightman Stage" [Megaman VI OST]

    15. "Kris" (a.k.a. Something-or-other Krishnam) attempts to discuss video games including Dead or Alive Volleyball and how the game harkens him back to his aunt's chest, as well as worrying about his second cousin Darkesword, MORE on his aunt's chest, and the stupidity of Larry, the "American stupid boy"

    16. Captain Wingless & Larry Liontamer wield their powers combined over pressing topics like bukkake, Darkesword doppleganging, progress on the epic tracks of TheWingless.com's "Unfinished", zyko's historic weed usage as the first example of illegal activity on VGF (Wing, weed smoking sound effect: "[slurp slurp slurp slurp]"; Larry: "I can't even tell what those sound effects were supposed to represent"), Rick James, and tappin' it from the back [http://www.thewingless.com]

    17. bLiNd regales the kids with tales of work at his Las Vegas Wal-Mart, collaborating with Leifo, developments regarding the Project Majestic Mix Trance album (Summer 2004, perhaps?), the meaness of Protricity :-(, some of the OCR judges' reservations on his latest OC ReMix "G-Storm", plans to quit college & Wal-Mart to pursue his musical development, how inept Wal-Mart management is, and the phatness of Dynamo [http://www.thebrailroom.com]

    18. Kris quickly returns to (ironically) protest unitelligible callers

    19. Beatdrop - "Dynamo" [Final Energy]

    20. Destiny & zyko - Chrono Cross "Dragon's Prayer: The Blackened Desire" [VGMix2 #361 / OC ReMix #1145]

    21. The Wingless - Legendary Wings "Lucifer" (WIP) [http://www.thewingless.com/unf]

    22. Dale North - Shenmue "Wave Sound in the Morning Haze" [The Very Best of Sega (B-Side)]

    23. DCT - Super Street Fighter 2 "Jamaican Soul" [http://www.thebigshot.com]

    24. Yuko - "Flameman Stage" [Megaman VI OST]

    25. DCT is back in a big way and wastes no time in running down the events of the month of March (you don't want DCT's month of March); The Big Shot covers the love and concern he received from a huge amount of people in the video game remixing community, as well as the OCR rejection of his Sonic 3 mix "Iced Out Nine Twenty Two, zyko's retirement from the game remixing scene, progress with the developing VG music boy band "The 8-Bit Boys", the trauma, pessimism and financial expenses inherent in the aftermath of his attack, OneUp Studios, music production & the thought of a OneUp rap remix album, the pros & cons of the mainstreaming of video game music, his new PayPal account, the Oppressed Minority All-Starz, and gaining a renewed focus on the enjoyment of music creation; Welcome back, DCT! We missed ya! [http://www.thebigshot.com]

    26. The Evil Horde - Megaman 6 "Master of Flame" [OC ReMix #866]

    27. FFmusic Dj - Uru: Ages Beyond Myst "Ages Beyond Myst" [VGMix2 #1136]

    28. zyko - Megaman 2 "z(ombie) man" [VGMix2 #1155]

    29. Kazuo Sawa - "Riot (Industrial Area)" [Double Dragon OSV]

    30. Rayza f/Paige - VG Frequency "Scary Larry" Bumper

    31. Red Omen - Chrono Trigger "Kaze no Doku" [Omen Rising]

    32. OverCoat - "Cavernous Marchings of an Ancient Fate, Tied to the Bonds of Hell" [CompoST 9]

    33. smh - "Stalactites" [CompoST 9]

    34. Jayson Litrio - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "Hilltop Heaven" [sonic the Hedgehog 2 Remix Project]

    35. Ogeretsu Kun, Manami Ietel & Yuukichan's Papa - "Airman Stage" [Megaman II OST]

    36. SgtRama - VG Frequency "Eat A Bumper" Bumper

    37. The Wingless - Megaman 2 & Super Mario 64 "Waterways" (WIP) [http://www.thewingless.com/unf]

    38. Thomas Detert - Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom "Ethno Revenge" [R:K:O #1273]

    39. Ogeretsu Kun, Manami Ietel & Yuukichan's Papa - "Boss" [Megaman II OST]

    40. Lil' Flip - Pac-Man "Game Over" [u Gotta Feel Me]

  13. aww.. seems like you forgot to include my heatman remix, "Overheating" in the list... =\

    Oh well maybe in the next show...

    ACK! There was a serious lack of NutS! :lol: Sorry, Mike. I won't forget "Overheating" next week. I had a nagging feeling I was forgetting something too. [frowny face]

  14. Per the usual, we've got a diverse offering of tracks for everyone, so be sure to tune in tonight and join the VG Frequency chat room. Hope to see everyone there. I have a little time to F around on the air, so feel free to call in a for a few minutes.

  15. EDIT: I can't download the file Larry, it says service unknown. Is that the https or something else?

    EDIT #2: Okey Dokey, changed to a download manager that supports https and I'm getting a file not found. Your ball Larry.

    I've got no idea why the download wasn't working, since the file's been hosted since Monday night. https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji brings you to the webspace, while https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji/Larry%20Oji%20(Liontamer)%20-%20VG%20Frequency%20%2322%20(High%20Quality).mp3 is a direct link to the 123MB mp3. No reason why it shouldn't have worked, but in any case there shouldn't be any reason why it won't work now.

  16. Thanks for the requests, Ignis, Fiz & Dhsu. I'll be sure to get to 'em next week. Now for anyone interested, go over to my webspace at https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji and pick up the latest episode of VG Frequency. This one clocks in at nearly 3 hours and 123MB. Holy crizzap! You buy! You buy!

    Mad props to Red Omen for the pimpin' pic commemorating the banishment of that whore, Jim Holland. He's just gotta get the last name right, but it's the thought that counts. (Hit the showers, Holland!!!) I can't actually display the image (https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji/Oji%20Hollins.gif) thanks to my https web address, but it's hilarious!

    Any comments on the show archive are appreciated. Take it easy, everyone.

  17. Thanks for everyone who tuned in, as well as DarkeSword and (not) the bastards who called in later. Also props to Pretz for posting up the coincidentally posting the latest 3 mixes during my show, which provided further material for the show (one day he's gonna stare at his glowing computer lights and not snap out of it), as well as Digital Coma for calling in post-show/post-recording with a spirited live rendition of the OC ReMix classic, "Fowl Jive", because that's clearly what we all wanted to hear.

    The AIM chat transcript (thanks to OverCoat) & MP3 will be available this coming Tuesday morning once I'm done with my 2 midterms this Monday. Sorry for the delay on those. Feel free to pick up last week's episode over at https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji, before I finally take it down. It was an excellent 3-hour show featuring a very diverse number of people in and around the community, so I hope you'll looking forward to the MP3 of the show when it comes out. Here's your playlist:

    Larry Oji - WMRE (Emory University Student Radio; Atlanta, GA)

    "VG Frequency" - Saturday, March 20, 2004 / 10:10 PM - 1:10 AM

    1. Unknown - VG Frequency "How Was That?" Bumper

    2. Motoi Sakuraba & Shinji Tamura - "Oasis" [Tales of Phantasia OSV Complete Version]

    3. Will Buck - Final Fantasy 7 "Sweeter Than Honey" [OC ReMix #1141]

    4. Emperor - Kirby's Block Ball "The Spring of Day" [People's Remix Competition 11]

    5. munchi - Kirby's Block Ball "Reach for the Stars!" [People's Remix Competition 11]

    6. Moose585 - "As We Bid Thee Farewell" [CompoST 6]

    7. Motoi Sakuraba & Shinji Tamura - "Abyss of Thor" [Tales of Phantasia OST Complete Version]

    8. Protricity - Donkey Kong Country 2 "Midnight Meltdown" [http://www.public.asu.edu/~arasulin]

    9. Dr. Fruitcake - Banjo-Tooie "Glitter Gulch Mine (Mountain Remix v1.1)" [VGMusic]

    10. TO - Kirby's Block Ball "Frozen Rain" [People's Remix Competition 11]

    11. Alexander Prievert - Xenogears "Broken Mirror Reflection" [OC ReMix #191]

    12. djcubez vs. The Beastie Boys - "Intergalactic (Cubic Mix)" [http://musicv2.com/artist/djcubez]

    13. OverCoat - VG Frequency "Sucka DJ" Bumper

    14. analoq - "all things tragik" [CompoST 6]

    15. Brad Smith - Secret of Mana "Mystic Invasion" [OC ReMix #1142]

    16. Daniel Baranowsky - The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "Awakened Fears of the Gerudo" [VGMix2 #310 / OC ReMix #1140]

    17. Shinji Hosoe, Motoi Sakuraba & Shinji Tamura - "Ridge Racer" [Tales of Phantasia OST Complete Version]

    18. Sir Nuts w/Mae - Sonic Adventure 1 "LightSpeed" [VGMix2 #801]

    19. analoq - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "oil spill" [sonic the Hedgehog 2 Remix Project]

    20. k-wix & Israfel - Ogre Battle "Zenobia's Grave (A Champion Has Risen)" [OC ReMix #897]

    21. DarkeSword - Kirby's Block Ball "The Heroes of Space" [People's Remix Competition 11]

    22. JigginJonT - F-Zero 1 "Silent Progression (Remastered)" [OC ReMix #1143]

    23. Motoi Sakuraba & Shinji Tamura - "Tasteful" [Tales of Phantasia OST Complete Version]

    24. DarkeSword muses on Kirby and Wal-Mart [http://www.darkesword.com]

    25. "Jim Holland" fiercely protests the joking allusion to ethnic slurs by (of course) repeatedly using actual ethnic slurs

    26. Motoi Sakuraba & Shinji Tamura - "Piano Lesson 2" [Tales of Phantasia OSV Complete Version]

    27. Kevin Stephens - The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time "Homes of Hyrule, Movement 2 - Zora's Domain" [VGMix2 #1116]

    28. Masanori Oodachi & Souji Taro - "Rotating Room" [super CastleVania IV OST]

    29. LastUnicron - Super CastleVania 4 "Stop the Castle (I Wanna Get Off Mix)" [http://www.sonicevolver.com]

    30. Bloomer - Terminal Velocity "Proxima Path" [OC ReMix #1139]

    31. Rellik - "Dune Trekking" [CompoST 7]

    32. smh - "Heatstroke Hallucinations" [CompoST 7]

    33. Ork Estral - "Rain in the Celestial Dreamworld" [http://nigel.has.it]

    34. Motoi Sakuraba & Shinji Tamura - "Fighting of the Spirit" [Tales of Phantasia OST Complete Version]

    35. "John Dough" is distraught over earlier racial epithets and makes fun of all gamers and remixers

    36. Destiny - "Vision of Perfection" [http://www.destiny-hikari.net]

    37. ArseAssassin - Kirby's Block Ball "Happy Island of Pink Fluffs" [People's Remix Competition 11]

    38. Carbunk1e - X TV "2k2hs02" [AnimeRemix #32]

    39. freshmaker - Double Dragon 1 "Mission 1" [http://www.erganism.net]

    40. Mazedude - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 "Turtle Wave" [OC ReMix #1144]

    41. Icy Guy - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 "Chemical Spill" [VGMix2 #935]

    42. Nobuo Uematsu - "The Dreadful Fight" [Final Fantasy IV OST]

    43. goat - Final Fantasy 4 "Last Man Standing" [VGMix2 #1117]

    44. Norrin Radd - Street Fighter 2 "Go Home and be a Family Man" [http://www.develin.de/T5GS/Norrin_Radd]

    45. Dhsu - Cowboy Bebop "Blackbird" [AnimeRemix #29]

    46. GrayLightning - Final Fantasy 1 "AfterLife" [VGMix2 #1133]

    47. Abram McCalment & Jared Hudson - "Softly" [http://www.hudsonstudios.net]

    48. Shael Riley - Double Dragon 1 "Dragons of the Old West" [The Music of My Groin]

    49. Motoi Sakuraba & Shinji Tamura - "Final Act" [Tales of Phantasia OST Complete Version]

    50. Motoi Sakuraba & Shinji Tamura - "Contract" [Tales of Phantasia OST Complete Version]

    See ya next time. Feel free to toss a request for next's week show in the meantime.

  18. 2 hours til showtime Oji.

    You'd better play Broken Mirror early.

    What you MEANT to say is, "CAN YOU play Broken Mirror early, Larry?"

    Happy 16th, Blake! Don't drink too many non-alcoholic beverages or you'll get...um...not...drunk... at all... :D

  19. Thanks for the requests, bros. This week, I've been trying to focus primarily on playing artists who haven't been featured as often on the show. I've done AE's "Soap and Water" before as well as Beej's "Fragments of Gold," but I will definitely be doing Alexander Prievert's "Broken Mirror Reflection" as well as "LightSpeed" by Sir Nuts with Mae. I was actually gonna play Overheating tonight, but luckily I checked the thread out and saw your request Nuts, so thanks for the support, and I'll be playing Overheating next week. Fiz, if you wanna hit me up with another request you'd like, hit me up on AIM, and I'll see what else you may be looking for. If you know of anything by Beej that's good too, lemme know.

    Aight everyone, we're almost ready for another episode of VG Frequency, and we've got some good stuff on board. The latest tracks from OC by Bloomer, Dan Baranowsky & Will Buck will be pimped out, as well as new VGMix releases from Kevin Stephens, goat (!), Icy Guy & GrayLightning. Carbunk1e recently brought AnimeRemix back into the game and we'll be having his latest track there covering X TV. We've also got the winning tracks of SoundTempest.net's CompoST 6 (analoq & Moose585) and CompoST 7 (Rellik & smh) on hand, as well as the top entries in reelmojo's People's Remix Competition 11 (ArseAssassin, DarkeSword, TO, muchi & Emporer) tackling Kirby's Block Ball.

    Hmm...what else is there? Well, for fans of CastleVania 4, LastUnicron's got a fresh remix just released a few days ago that you'll really be feeling. For those of you only familiar with his Alisia Dragoon remix "Halls of Abandonment", Unicron works this mix in a completely different style you'll wanna check out.

    JigginJonT's got a remastered version of the fan-favorite F-Zero mix "Silent Progression" in the judges' panel we'll be checking out, while Alexander Prievert, k-wix & Israfel keep things classic with some older OC tracks.

    Always be sure to lurk around the WIP and WIP:O forums here to find out about interesting works, old and new, going on within the community. On the game remix front, we'll also be having stuff from Dr. Fruitcake, Norrin Radd, freshmaker and Shael Riley, while on the originals side, Destiny, djcubez, Ork Estral, Abram McCalment & Jared Hudson all bring their diverse styles to the table.

    I always love making the playlists for these shows, since I think these represent good cross-sections of the community we're all a part of. If you watch my sig throughout today, you'll notice me playing tonight's tracks while I figure out what tonight's playlist order is. With all of that said, you better be there with me and the VG Frequency regulars tonight from 10PM-12AM EST. The AIM chat room can be reached by opening AIM and copying the link in my signature into you web browser, or just IM me. You also have less than a day or so left to snag last week's 107MB episode featuring Protricity over at https://webdrive.service.emory.edu/users/loji, so don't be left out of that one either. Hope to see you around tonight. And to DCT, our thoughts continue to be with you. Get better bro.

  20. I'm impressed that we've served over 10 terabytes of MP3s via bit torrent already. For those interested, the traffic to http://remix.supertux.com has nearly doubled since the bit torrent iniative started. That is hardly the decrease in traffic we expected. :-) I don't know about the main site's statistics though.

    Yeesh. I think part of the problem may by that people can directly go to the Supertux songs directory and just get all of the files at will. You would definitely know better than me if there's been a significant amount of activity from individuals going down the public songs directory list and just getting everything from there, Aubrey. Dave doesn't allow that on OC as far as I know, since he implemented indirect links to the download pages a little while back. Maybe direct linking to the Supertux songs directory page should be forbidden to the public, and then others could think about using the Torrents instead?

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