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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  2. Original Decision Ok let's try this again! Who'd have thunk that you shouldn't mix on your dopey work headset I may or may not have learned some things in the year+ that passed since making this Luckily I had enough ambient room recording leftover to use as a basis for noise subtraction for the winds - and it was indeed the reverb setting on the glock causing some additional weirdness - so I hope that got rid of enough of the hiss to get this over the finish line. Also manually adjusted some volume peaks so I could boost the whole thing up a bit in loudness.
  3. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  4. Guitar was annoyingly buzzy in the intro, but that didn't seem to last beyond :16 for whatever reason. Good instrumentation and mood otherwise, even though the soundscape was lightly distorting at times. Mechanical timing of the lead from 2:57- exposed the sample and sounded blocky/rigid. Not digging the machine gun drumming from 3:26-3:56, which had no round robin or anything to help it not sound extremely fake; meh. More muddy stuff from 4:11-5:10 & 6:08-7:19 (before the track then started fading out) that, IMO, didn't sound good. More blocky timing and absolutely no high end, so the instrumentation was turning to mush while also sounding unrealistic due to rigid timing; this goes on for way too long relative to the length of the track. Not sure how Emunator couldn't tell this was sequenced, when both the drums and guitar sound locked to grid. I really like the arrangement concept, which was expansive and interpretive, and I also didn't feel it was over-long, so that doesn't need to be touched. IMO, I could live with either the blocky timing or the overcompression by itself, but not in tandem, so I'm going to recommend Black SeeD take another production pass at this. While there's a lot that's positive here, I'd argue the other Js were too nice and collectively didn't bring up (or notice) the full extent of either core issue. Good luck with the rest of the vote. NO (resubmit)
  5. Game platforms list lacks handheld systems (e.g. Nintendo Game Boy, Sega Game Gear, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS), as well as arcade, PC, Steam Deck, Sega Dreamcast, TurboGrafx-16, Sega CD, and a bunch more options. Unless you really care about platfrom usage by manufacturer, consider updating it to group by console generations rather than specific systems. For the final page where you have to click the submit button, you need to edit the text to first say in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS to not close the window, and that people need to click the SUBMIT button to confirm their answers & officially submit the survey. Otherwise, people WILL close out of it thinking they're already done.
  6. Opens up with a similar structure to the original but very personalized sound palette and some original additive writing. Pretty loud & shrill, but nothing offensive. Nice padding at 1:08. I understand where DarkSim's coming from in terms of some of the sound being vanilla; you do need to get more creative and varied with your sound design. Changeup at 1:48 was odd; felt like noodling/meandering, but we press on. 2:11 continued on with a mix of melody and comping that spun off from the theme, all over the source's countermelody. Felt more focused for the final few seconds at 2:51, which I dug. Not my thing personally, but not a problem creatively, and I respect the approach. Let's go, Neon! YES
  7. Biased because I help the site run these days, but I came in as just a fan (and am not a musician). Once I tried all the arrangements outside of the games I was nostalgic for, I only then realized how special this site and the community was. If you’re interested in video game music, music production and collaboration, there’s arguably no better place to get better than here. In terms of other VGM hobbyist arrangement communities, other places have more relaxed standards (not inherently a bad thing, just different, and OCR started the same way), and in terms of pro audio communities, it’s oftentimes difficult to get in depth (or civil and constructive) feedback. There also the Discord server, which you should join at https://discord.gg/VABjqGa.
  8. :00-:17, :18.5-:23.5, :52.5-1:18.5, 1:18.5-1:43 (from 6-note vox pattern in :25-:51 of the source), 2:09.5-3:26, 3:31-3:56 (with gaps), 3:57-4:21 (from 6-note vox pattern in :25-:51 of the source) The source is invoked most of the time, I just broke it down to help myself as I compared the original with the arrangement in order to recognize the interpretation. I liked the intro here with some breathy vox elements derived from vox lines at the very start of the original and produced in a way that created a mysterious vibe alongside the synth playing the source melody and the organic-style drums and accent instrumentation added in at :11; all nice touches. Not as much a fan of the chanting vocals as they seemed shoehorned in due to sounding aimless, but I'll live and they add some further mysterious energy. From :52-1:43, the textures underneath the vocals became muddy and unfocused. Nice melodically conservative but expansive handling of the source from 2:22-3:26. Beats got crunchy from 3:00-3:30; nothing alarming, but seemed like they could have pulled back some to have a quasi-clipping effect. It's going to sound very negative when I like the piece overall; the brass from 3:56-4:21 sounded anemic and had no business being there if it wasn't going to have more presense. This isn't as overtly melodious as the original, which is totally fine; Alex has done a good job taking the structure of the original and giving it a darker and more dramatic movie cue vibe. I had a couple of minor production issues, but the arrangement's otherwise pulled off extremely well! YES
  9. Ooooh, I loved halc's rendition of this theme, so it's great to fire up the source tune again. Nice vocals to introduce things. From :39-:46, the instrumentation under the melody was thin and in the uncanny valley. Same with the wind lead from :58-1:11. Nice transition to the strings carrying the melody at 1:11, though you need to watch for sloppy releases, fake-sounding sustains, and awkward note changes (e.g. 1:17, 1:21-1:24, 1:32, respectively) that needlessly expose the samples. Brass from 1:49-2:02 was thin and robotic; same with the brass lead from 2:17-2:25. I still appreciate the constant tradeoffs to keep the presentation fresh. Per the usual, the production side's OK albeit hampered by some limitations of the samples that Rebecca's seemingly unable to further mitigate or even eliminate, but the arrangement's creative and compensates for the issues. The samples have their drawbacks, but Rebecca provides evolving textures that make up for it. YES
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