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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Lesson would be to save WAV backups AND project backups. At least if the project files are borked, you have a lossless version laying around. Regarding what Audity posted, I have lots of WAVs and we'll do something with them later, but it's duly noted.
  2. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
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  5. I'm only listening to the updated version as well. Yeah, relatively straightforward rock adaptation, especially to start, but still personalized nicely. The mixing was a bit odd, as the rhythm guitar work was muddy during denser sections, and I thought the lead electric guitar should have been positioned as more upfront and clear relative to the rhythm guitars and drumming, but it was nothing jacking up the track from a Standards POV. The lead at 3:36 for the finish felt rigid and sonically out of place to me, but it wasn't a huge deal, and I liked the idea in principle in terms of changing the sound up a little before the finish. Definitely a lot to like about the arrangement approach and giving this a more aggressive feel. Nice work, Ryan! YES
  6. My usually criticisms of Dustin's guitar performances sounding stiff are there, but the overall performance is still all sorts of solid and the other instrumentation works well. The backing guitar chugs sounded nice, and this was a nice fusion of electric guitar with some more classical sounds. Loved the fade-out transition into the whistling and SFX; really cool way to finish it! /essay YES
  7. If you folks wouldn’t mind, let’s evaluate per normal, but don’t make it public, so we can at least provide our usual feedback. If it’s a pass, we can at least verify that and potentially work with the artist for a fast-tracked replacement.
  8. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  9. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  10. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  11. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  12. Hahahaha! As soon as I started the track, I basically only heard music in one ear. Nope, nope; panning's just too wide for headphones. The volume was too low, IMO, and needs to be raised some. There was a noticeable click/pop at 2:02 that would be nice to have fixed as well. Lovely performances, and the source tune usage checked out as over half of the piece (:00-:31, 1:37-2:41), which made that an easy call. It's melodically straightforward but adapted well for the light ensemble instrumentation. The original section from 32-1:37 fit in very comfortably with the source tune before and after, and easily could have been assumed as also having been arranging something from Golden Sun. The transposing of the source from F to G at 2:09 for the final section was a nice touch as well. Don't make the panning so wide, and fix that one click/pop, and raise the volume. Good work otherwise, George. Just tweak this and send it on back if this doesn't make it as is. NO (resubmit)
  13. The arrangement was melodically straightforward, there was just some extended time without usage of the source, but the latter half of the piece was nearly 3 minutes straight of source usage, so there was no issue there. Good rock expansion of the source, with solid dynamic contrast to keep the piece interesting throughout! The mixing got particularly cluttered in the latter half, especially in the build-up to the music's climax at 4:36 and dropoff at 5:11 due to the backing guitars, but in the grand scheme of things, it wasn't a huge deal. The overall levels were low, but when I turned up the volume to what would be a normal listening level, the overall mixing was clean enough to get by, so this would just need a volume bump. Nice job, Kalle and Juha! YES (conditional on volume raise) EDIT (10/9): Nice job on the volume raise; now we're cooking! YES
  14. Sounds like the highs from the strings got cut out, I presume for effect, but I wasn't sure about it working well that way. There's an overall flatness to the performance due to the accordion and I think the percussion as well. The bassline writing was good, though indistinct; IMO the part-writing muddied together, and this needs another pass to clean up the soundscape. This was also dynamically flat because you're either cut-and-pasting sections, e.g. :27 vs. 1:11 (only with added strings), or the percussion and bassline part-writing is always using the same patterns with the same intensity. The ending at 2:04 was a wet blanket, as if the track gave up; didn't seem like there was much thought with this resolution. Good potential here, Reuben, as the arrangement approach was creative and interpretive, but this still needs more variation and dynamic contrast, as well as a mixing clean-up. NO (resubmit)
  15. Very minor thing, but I thought the tail of the faux geetar at 1:15 should have been longer. Agreed that the bookend section could have done a little something more, but it was another minor thing, and there was some differentiation from the opening. Melodically straightforward, so no stopwatch needed. Cool interpretive arrangement approach, one that would have made me think this source tune was from the Mega Man X/Zero series rather than Lufia II. It even made me want to fire up melody's MMZ4 ReMix, "resolut(-ion)"; guitar soloing was also a nice similarity to that one as well. Nice work, djsynthwave, welcome aboard! YES
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