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Arek the Absolute

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Everything posted by Arek the Absolute

  1. Thanks for the link! Would have been rad if they played all of Dancing Mad for the boss medley, but oh well. Good stuff. Glad to see that Secret of Mana got love. It needs and deserves so much more.
  2. The Donut dick sucking needs to cease immediately. He isn't some fucking HoN god. He is good, yea, but so are a lot of others. Everytime someone does something good, noone cares cause it isn't donut. All I see is donut praise. Noone says anything about anyone else. It is ridiculously stupid. It really pisses me off to see people completely ignoring someone kicking ASS in a game cause it isnt donut. Fuck, I have seen donut complimented on getting ONE kill while someone kept constantly getting some and he didn't get complimented once. It is horrible and very embarrasing to see. Get off of his dicks and realize you all are doing well too. God damn EDIT: And people seem to be missing the point and think I am upset at Donut. WRONG How the hell could you even think that by reading this? I am not upset at him at all. I tihnk you are all just giving him far too much praise and seeing nothing in yourselves at all. Everyone should be praised for something they are doing. I find it downing to not see someone like scytheful get a compliment for being a kick ass voodoo or bardic assisting beautifully in a game or something. It appears that it is just me in this, but I find it deconstructive for someone aspiring to be good at something get completely ignored and overshadowed over someone else. I talked to honest and scytheful about this before.
  3. thanks for leaving out one of your better players
  4. Since you were the one that originally gave me my BETA key, I would love to play with you. I haven't seen you on aim for a while *more than likely my fault since I have been busy with school and have been ariving home pretty late*, but I have been wanting to play with you for a while. You have my aim. Hit me up anytime and I would love to join in. You could definitely teach me a thing or two.
  5. I think you had to be a part of the project to get one. Only reason others not involved got got one *just got mine in the mail :3* is because of the quiz contest OA held where you had to win one.
  6. Curse your misleading title. I thought someone was remaking the GAME, not rearranging/remixing/whathaveyou the songs in it.
  7. his name was omniknight for a reason in dota olololol seriously though yea he deserves a bit of nerf but he still can be taken on whos fault was that?
  8. One thing I wanna start seeing is people stop complaining about Op heroes and using them in games again. this game is not just CHOOSE OP HERO GG, it is about teamwork. After seeing the IMMENSE bitching by people, I can't help but to laugh. Fuck tier bullshit. teamwork is key. Choose your teams wisely and you can shut down any hero. C3lly and I were talking, and we both agree. Seriously, the bitching and moaning about heroes needs to stop, cause soon EVERY hero will be "banned" if someone gets good with them. If someone chooses a "high tier" character, who the fuck cares. Work as a team and choose heroes to shut that fucker down. less qq more learning the fucking game and working with your team on choices
  9. DoTA all stars always had a level 25 cap. HoN is based off of that version. There WAS a dota game waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when wc3 was still in the reign of chaos storyline, but i don't remember the level cap in that one. Maybe that was level 10. If not, WC3 normal matches had heroes also capping at 10. Is that what you are thinking of? Things can definitely change if a hero levels up higher than you in this game. It is annoying, but makes it kinda fun at the same time.
  10. Really had some fun with the puppet master. First time using him and I dominated the match. Ask tensei Decent game so far.
  11. PEA SOUP MODE goodness the memories Looking forward to reading/listening to this.
  12. If possible, could someone make some Tales of Symphonia avatars? This board needs more tales
  13. That is stupid. I have a very long history (like i said mid 04) and I don't have any dislike towards HoN at all. Just cause we played it way before these guys did doesn't mean we have to keep it just to us. OH NO, NEW GUYS ARE PLAYING THE GAME. So what Seriously, very stupid.
  14. I don't see his point at all. What is wrong with "nubs" just starting this game? Just cause I have been playing this forever doesn't mean I harbor any sort of negativity to those that are just starting. That is really juvenile. Feels like you are saying "no my game my game dont touch" or something. I welcome new players to Dota or this game. Makes it fun playing with those that enjoy the game.
  15. I have been playing dota since mid 04. I still remember going "holy shit" when the map's textures got updated and when the ES, Gambler, and other heroes were added. is that og status enough for you? I miss the gambler... It is really hard not to think of something negative when reading this.
  16. i gots a beta key :3 ill join you guys sometime
  17. i went to a coffee shop earlier and they had french pastries and it reminded me of you :3

  18. I agree, and I am certain we have similar reasons as to why.
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