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Arek the Absolute

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Everything posted by Arek the Absolute

  1. all 35 characters have been revealed a long time ago....
  2. wooo using modded characters yay awesome to those that can mod because it enables new possibilities useless for the rest of us. who cares if they are 'cheap' or not? they arent obviously going to be allowed at tournaments.
  3. common now pezzy, give the guy a break. im sure people will be lining up for this, what with it being for a class and he asked sooo nicely.
  4. didnt know jill was older than me Happy birthday!
  5. i look forward to mirror matching you though what you said is pretty rofl if you have the game right now, i am up for a match. if not, why are you talking about who you are maining?
  6. If we shift only an hour, shouldn't it be Daylight Saving Time, not savings? *aka it is saving yet so many people say savings its silly*
  7. You don't have to "try out" to be a part of clanocr. I am making nothing more than a vid of us playing. Let's not get things confused here.
  8. Snap, if you are serious about it really being that and not joking, that is actually really good. A total "huh" to everyone when people think of the obvious answer of CT when it is totally wrong. I actually like that one a lot, haha.
  9. hahah well you know what i mean HEY GUYS I BEAT LVL 3 COmpS AND I BEAT NORMAL AMI GUD that sorta stuff
  10. (directed at posts above. short on time so i cant quote) A very simple concept. Send me vids via brawl. I will capture them. The only way you can actually get on this though is if you are good on this. I don't want shitty players on these vids because they kind of represent our group *clanocr*. Just play members of the clan and if we deem you great we will put you in a vid, simple as that.
  11. AAHHH MAN IM SO GOOD I BEAT MY FRIENDS ALL THE TIME IM THE BEST *gets beasted on wifi by atma* OMG WTF DUDE YOU ARE SO LAGGY YOU ONLY LOST BECAUSE OF THAT IM STILL THE BEST i cant wait for these sort of replies Also, song reservations are something that is going to be something you "earn". I already know the people that reserved songs and I know their skill and ability to grow, so that is why they got their choices reserved. Others, I am going to have to have GT decide on that.
  12. Excellent. Consider it taken by you. I will not be doing song repeats, so if a song is taken, tough cookies. I will tell you on aim. And on judging the skill of people, I was hoping you would do that
  13. Used to do this for fun every now and then, but this one is HUGE. Can we start with something a tad smaller?
  14. bahaha you know there is a record function in the game right?
  15. Been excited about this ever since I heard about it a while ago from Bahamut. This is going to be awesome.
  16. Attention people that plan on playing this competitively *aka peeps like jam stunna, gt though he doesnt plan on going to many tournaments, me , etc* : I am going to be making a video down the road of our gameplay footage showing how awesome we are. In each person's "section" of the video, I am going to need a "theme song". It needs to fit both you and your playing style, like how I am giving K05 *earthbound shop remix* to atma because he is goofy. Currently the songs that are taken are K05, J04, I01, I03, G09, and A05 *lol reverse alpha order*. This is only going to work if you guys send me awesome vids of you guys doing crazy shit, so record your matches that you find are awesome and send em my way! Don't plan on this being made anytime soon. We all have a lot to learn before any of us are really considered "good", but once we reach it, diz vid will be awsum.
  17. i wonder how pokemon trainer and his pokemon sound
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