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Posts posted by anthonium

  1. I currently have like 500+ Mii's on the Mii Parade. It all depends how many Miis your friends and friends of friends have made and have put them to mingle. As far as your router goes...if you can connect to the net or shopping channel or get wii updates then you should have no problem once you have added friends. I bumped up the clanocr thread for you.

  2. Err to get back on topic...I think it's a great idea. I would love to see it come to light but it still is a bit risky I suppose. I can imagine that if someone has a rare game and lends it out the borrower is likely to be tempted to "lose it" and pay for the actual game. I suppose to start it off it would have to be among ocr members that have met each other and established some sort of trust. It's still a cool idea and I'm sure there are some out there who rather not pay for a game to play it and of course that means you can rent it at blockbuster or something but I think with this system you'd have a longer time to have the game and finish it.

  3. August is now dubbed month of Metroid.

    Nintendo is celebrating the soon to be released Metroid Prime 3 by dedicating a whole month to it.

    Check out the Wii shopping channel for a new "channel" dedicated to demos for Metroid Prime 3, along with info about both the Virtual Console releases of Metroid and Super Metroid.

    Cool. It'd be even better if they put a playable demo.

  4. He fucking stole my idea, that I thought of this morning

    but I was going to cover "Internet Dream" instead.

    Haha that song would be perfect for a remix. Has a very hypnotizing sound to it. It's actually pretty catchy and I kinda like it haha. Remix it!

  5. I never thought this Chocolate Rain video would become so popular. I saw it two weeks ago I think and found it very weird. Who knew so many people would become fans of it. The chocolate rain guy kinda gives me the feeling he's going to explode all of a sudden as he is singing.

    8bit remix FTW!

  6. Well now that I know a release date I will no longer be checking the smashbros website since that is all the info I needed to know. I want the game to take me completely by surprise when I first play it. I don't want to know what items are already there and characters. That'll just ruin it for me. Well until December 3rd!

  7. Just got back from watching it. The movie was incredible. I was very impressed with the CGI and character personalities. As much as I loved the giant robots I couldn't help but drool every time Megan Fox was on screen. BEAUTIFUL! Anyway I hope there will be a sequel.

    Side note: What was that movie trailer about? Some people at a party, and then they hear some weird noise, something like a comets landing on earth. It's the most interesting movie trailer I have ever seen.

  8. So it's pretty much like pokeballs except with other characters from other games. I'd like to see that Doshin the Giant guy pop out. Anyway this is a cool update although I was hoping there would be other playable F-Zero characters but seeing how his arch enemy is an assist character I don't see other ones as playable.Who knows.

  9. Ahhh what have they done to the beautiful main theme!!! Couldn't listen to the whole thing. What a travesty. Anyway I'm pumped up for the movie. I'm not expecting much out of it (storywise) but seeing huge robots fighting will be worth it.

  10. I think the multiple controllers for the game is definitely a plus. I know most will stick with Gamecube controller but I think the wiimote or nunchuck configuration will be much more friendly to newcomers to the game. Plus it opens up the game to say...somebody with just one arm. *shrugs*

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