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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. Sound very good now, I like it very much. YOu shouldn't add too much (don't know where you'd want more guitars), because that'll make the song too crowded. I agree with Martin concerning the ending
  2. If the only (main) reason is that the mix doesn't have enough "copied" melody, there's nothing to worry about. And I think we're all wondering what's up with Project Chaos, but I'm sure it'll be fine in the end. The least thing the Tales Project deserves is less attention becuase it's released at the same time as Project Chaos
  3. Ah, finally another C&C ReMix and even from Act on Instinct! A dark, chaotic remix that sounds good, but gets repetitive very quickly. You should really get varitions in the main melody. Not much more to say yet, keep up with the good work
  4. It's about time somebody made an excellent, original Remix of Frog's theme! And the theme is definently in it, I don't think there's the need to put it more to the foreground. Great work and looking forward to some updates
  5. I do hope that somebody will step up to take "Raising a Curtain". It's not a too difficult song and I think there's potential enough for a good ReMix
  6. Why do I have the strange urge to eat a steak all of a sudden...
  7. If they all have this kind of quality, I'm not complaining either
  8. *drool* I couldn't wait for the project release before, but now it's only worse!
  9. Lugia, just be silent. Please. Just because you can't SEE anything doesn't mean nothing happens. Do you ever post ANYTHING that isn't complaining or telling people that they're doing a bad job? Try a few ReMixes yourself and then realise what it must be like to organize a whole project. Let the guys work, there's been a massive activity boost the last couple of weeks (you can see that by just looking at the track list) and everyone's doing a great job. That said, I can't wait to hear the preview! Finally something we ordinary people can hear of the project
  10. Did he say... RELEASE? It... it can't be! It's still not NEAR 2011!
  11. Ah... those good old - and naive - times
  12. Dang I hoped for another housethegrate ReMix... Ah well, as long as you guys make this song perfect and the best one of the project it's ok with me That's not too much to ask... right?
  13. This is the 77th page with "words" on the project... Kyle's been giving an update almost every week and the project site (forum) and the 1st post gives all the other info... what more do you want?
  14. What a burst of activity all of a sudden. I guess the sanctions helped
  15. *still prays for housethegrate to get his song done*
  16. Now if they just release the SNES cardridge in English and release it in Europe... *sigh*
  17. I never asked for a release date that actually represents something... I know the project isn't coming out this year I don't care if it says October 2011 (oops, did I spoil the true release date?), as long as we have something to look out for
  18. Hey come on Kyle, we're still anxiously awaiting a release date which you'll never be able to make. How can the project be delayed again if you don't give us one?
  19. I thought the project would be released in 2007? You mean 2011. 20X6 Has anyone seen CC Ricers around? EgM and Soraya, too? EDIT: And Claado Shou? I'm sorry I have to tell you this, but... there's all dead. Claado Shou couldn't handle the presuure after the Special Edition of Chrono Symphonic and committed suicide. Soraya couldn't handle that and jumped off the bridge. EgM and CC Ricers... well, that's just a matter of the wrong place and the wrong time. I din't know either that it was THEM that were taking the train before I blew it up...
  20. I thought the project would be released in 2007?
  21. Actually, Paragon did. House hasn't had a chance to put his input into the track yet. But it sounds awesome so far. It sounded too good to be true... Ah well, what's the problem anyway? There's still a week left before the final due date and housethegrate just hasn't done anything That guy better work something up, cuz I've been awaiting his song since the beginning of this project Now THAT's a musician I'd like to hear more from
  22. Thanks for that andyjayne, but shutting the site down temporarily is not big enough... *looks at track status* No way, housethegrate submitted a WIP? Is it good? It is great? Is it even better? Talk to me people
  23. Exactly, especially the piece before the beat kicks in. Now these are the songs that make you want to remix yourself...
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