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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. Ah the piano panning... yea I noticed that now. I used the wrong layer for the solo :S I'll fix that asap. I'll try to fix some replacement for the sax, but I'm afraid my piano doesn't have that many sax sounds. The transition will be changed aswell, to keep the flow (at 0:55). I'll probably redo 2:25 - 3:13 entirely although the picture stays the same (bass, sax and piano). So, update coming up!
  2. Here's a song I had in my head quite a while so I decided to make a mix out of it. It's from DKC3 and it's the bonus theme. Starts of with a staccato type of play then moving on to more regular (the main melody line goes somewhat faster) and then I move on to the solo. It's all live piano play (yes even the sax). The song's here: Bonus Saloon Try this one instead: I've shown this to some people already and these were their main comments: - Sax sounds fake - 1st transition isn't flowing the way it should be - Tempo seems off in the part with the bass My questions are: - Do both sax sounds sound fake (there are 2) - Do more people hear this tempo issue? - Adivce/comment/hatepost/whatever ---------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION 2: - 1st transition fixed - Tempo issue fixed - Sax still waiting to be replaced by live sax Questions: - Does anyone miss the bass?
  3. I suggest you hold on for a little longer. Summer vacation's just around the corner and this is the time where school can be very time consuming. I have exams coming up, so don't expect too much from me this month(s). People that do not show when they have time are slackers... but that's not your entire team.
  4. I really hope someone picks this up, I really liked what you had. Too bad you couldn't finish it. And Fishy, we could use some more guitar from you Tensei-San was/is doing the Spehiroth theme, but his last update was from November 27th. The theme's up for grabs untill he makes an update
  5. We should just kick this "POCKETMAN" from the project... who is he anyway? Some n00b?
  6. Rock is not really my genre... at least not to create anyway. I know I haven't been around much lately but I will get more active, I promise.
  7. Exactly, we should have some finished mixes by the time of the ifrst deadline
  8. The intro is very nice, although I think the rest of the song sounds a little flat compared to the first part. Nonetheless, a nice song to listen to. I dont know if it will be accepted though... The last par tis very nice, but there are some styles in there that just dont make the cut. I'll be curious if this'll make it. Of course, I do hope so
  9. The list isstill at the projet forums. The ones in are KCool en XBCHD.. or something. RX2 on the forums . Ive got 2 "on hold"
  10. Just show us some of your work and if we like it you're in
  11. For a project that has it's first WIP deadline in autumn, we're moving forward pretty fast
  12. Another certain "Bike Theme" ReMix is absent aswell
  13. Could you update the first post Pocket? I'm doing Inside the Catle Walls instead of EC
  14. Already put this on the Porject forums, but could you put Koopa's Theme and Stage Boss on hold for me?
  15. Well you DID give me the names of 4 people and one of them knows OCR very well and wants to join aswell. KCool was first however, but I think having multiple artist couldn't hurt. What's your opinion on this? EDIT: Never mind, I invited XCBDH aswell, he was very enthousiastic. So hereby, welcome XCBDH
  16. Hey Pi, how many artists do you need? KCool is willing to help us out, but there are more that are willing to lend their abilities. Perhaps you could make a better overview what exactly has to be done and we could divide it between different artists?
  17. I'm interested in this too, I'll pick a mix later on if I'm in
  18. Made another remix... it's in the private wip section
  19. Some feedback on my song would very much be appreciated... GO LISTEN!
  20. So... I got my Goldenrod remix pretty much done, but I didn't have the time to post it today. It'll probably be next week untill I can get it uploaded though EDIT 02/02: Uploaded it and posted at the private forum part.
  21. Heard nothing at all... I'll try to contact them at DA again today
  22. Aside from the ending, everything sound good. Lots of potential here. I'll write a longer comment another time, but I like the sound of this mix!
  23. Well I don't know what game Maonkey Island is, but everything else seems ok to me perhaps you should make the list alphabetical again. I posted a WIP in the Completed WIPs section. It's my Gilgamesh thing
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