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Posts posted by zylance

  1. I was sad that the panel NO'd Roller Disco, I really enjoyed that song. They just DON'T UNDERSTAND, man. I like how it's actually fairly disco-y and has some retro-sounding synths and drums. Also the gate synth near the end is really epic. Oh well. At least it's on the album. :-P

    Thanks for the kind words. I was (still am) surprised at the attention my song got when I slipped onto the project (that was over 2 years ago!), but I'm not suppressed it didn't pass the panel. I not sure how none of them "got" the ending though ;-)

  2. As much as I hate the rating boards, this is a very good usage of it. Team fortress is definitely rated 15+ in most countries, and really its not a very graphic and vulgar game. However, I would never give it a lower rating because people under 15 on average simply wouldn't mesh well with the game's target audience. Likewise, every online game worth it's salt is at least rated 13+ despite any game content because the gamer simply because -I- know how I acted when I was 12 and no one would want me on their team, heaven forbid with a mic.

  3. ...and is replaced with:


    Just as charmander must one day evolve into charmeleon, I too must hold back from pressing b and evolve into a more 21st century name:


    Reasons, for those who care:

    1. I was tired of being associated with this "Zoola Records" thing (try typing zoola into google)

    2. I came up with that name in 6th grade as a joke - hell it was my first email address on AOL of all things.

    3. I have changed significantly as a remixer since my first (and only) mix posted here, and with the upcoming release of the monster DKC2 project I feel like this would be a good time to make the change.

    I would like to leave my mix on this site tagged as Zoola, especially because it was so long ago and would just be annoying to go back and fix it. However, look out for some new mixes by zylance in some upcoming projects and maybe a few OCRemixes. :<

  4. Greeting, OverClocked Remix community. :nicework:

    I am proud to present you my very first commercially released album, No Headphones Required.


    Written and produced all 2009, John Torkington's first commercially released album is finally making the rounds. What has been described as a powerhouse of sound with a decidedly clean feel, this dance trance electronic blend is sure to please all fans of electronic music.

    The first half of the album is John's venture into electric-rock, house, and electronica with a hip hop feel. Be prepared to be immersed in glichy beats, thick pads and melodic basslines.

    New to John's mixes is Katie Hardy, a silky singer with a powerful performance in two of the 10 tracks on "No Headphones Required". These tracks are a side of John never heard before- lush vocals topping an immense sound bed, reaching into the pop genre with "I Didn't Mean to" and cooling down with "The Silence".

    Just when things start to mellow out, John brings out a sonic assault with "Mindful Prospects", a clear throwback to the trance of yesterday. After the nostalgia John ends the album with the epic trance / R&B title track "No Headphones Required", a seven minute trip through the fundamentals of electronic music.

    As a bonus, two tracks written and released in 2007 are available on "No Headphones Required". "Mechanics ('07)" is the basis behind the track of the same name in the official track list, and "Anatrance" combines a traditional trance sound-scape with a big-beat feel.

    Before I even begin to explain to you how thrilled I am to release this I just want to let this community know that without the support, direction and influence OCRemix has given me over my five year stay here this work would not exist. Tying music to videogames is exactly what my 14 year old brain needed to get me back into preforming and certainly to start writing. I have met so many fabulous musicians at such a young age that music has become ingrained in my persona.

    Sappy stuff aside, I am stoked about this release. It is my best work by far, the product of a year of the labor of love. I am clearly influenced by many of the talented artist of OCR, namely our favorite son Zircon (who's work clearly convinced me to write in the first place) and his breaks, Fishy and his guitar-electronic style, bLiNd and his clean trance sound, and many more.

    There are many links to samples and write-ups about this album - pick your poison.

    CDBaby Page




    YouTube (Check this out for a free full track!)

    Studio Homepage

    PS: To those of you whose projects I'm on, sorry for the delays! This is what I've been up to!

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