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Posts posted by zylance

  1. If anyone can direct me to a better (working) Linux CD download site, I may try that again, and either manually copy over a boot.ini file that I think may work, or just grab my XP key through Linux, and reinstall the whole mess. Provided Linux will install for me.



    It may be a little big for what you need, but it has always worked for me.

  2. That's really just an ignorant remark. I hope that guy was kidding. People that think Linux is OMGBESTEVAR are just obnoxious.

    I use a PC at home, an Ununtu (6.10) laptop at work, and Macs (OSX) at school/in lab. All are great, and get their respective jobs done easily, but honestly Linux has the worst driver support and doesn't support any of the common, most powerful apps like Cubase and (shudder) Pro-Tools.

    Don't switch if you don't have a specific reason to switch.

    This is very true. However, at things that they all three do (ie internet, office stuff, mail etc.) it makes sense to prefer one over the other. For example, I enjoy doing those things on Ubuntu 7.04 (upgrade, man) more then on windows because of things like beryl and speed issues.

  3. Joined! YAY Me!!

    I would like to do an AMV or something using music from this site... if I ever do that I'll let ya'll know haha

    Too bad I'm about the only person in Arizona who checkes out this site X_X

    The VGL was a good turnout... cant wait for the next... but I'm not meeting too many people who know what this site is....

    I'm passing on the word... until then I guess no meetup in AZ? :(

    Not true. I know several.

  4. As far as I'm aware, dual cores - for all intents and purposes - are equivalent to dual processors. I could be very wrong.

    Overclocking is a bad suggestion unless he knows exactly what he's doing.

    XP home supports DUAL processors, but not quad, which you will need to get pro for. I know this because XP Home thinks my hyper-thereaded (remember that?) P4 is 2 processors.

  5. Welcome Coop and yes.

    Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop Coop

    ... Coop.

    Glad to have you on board.

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