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Posts posted by zylance

  1. Heh, I love how the discussion switched to Buckethead within three replies.

    I've been mulling around in my mind the idea of an OCR project for a PC GH-clone game that I play. It's just an idea, but I would absolutely include that remix in the setlist, with Game Over's permission.

    You mean Frets on Fire? That would be an awesome project.

  2. I'd just like to mention that Native Instruments has released demos of a plethora of their software. They are entirely full fledged, too; the only problem is a 30 min limit every time you use them. Still, it's an excellent way to try out some of the sweet new stuff NI puts out all the time. Also, that Kore thing has a demo, so people like me who own Komplete 3 can demo the cool cataloger thing (which, by the way, is awesome).

    Here's the link.

  3. PCAudioLabs is INSANELY overpriced. I set up a system with no monitor and no extra storage besides the raptor and it came out to $2,600. DIY it would be $1,400. What a ripoff.

    Yeah, I tried it again, and it was expensive. I guess I got a good deal when I first used it because I bought a lot of hardware and software with it (A FirePod, NI Komplete 3, an external hard drive and Cubase all for about 2000 along with a comparable computer, totaling 4000 for the lot).

    Regardless, it's a wonderful product. I was willing to go more for it because I needed a rack mounted case, and the extra hardware deal turned me on to them.

  4. Remember my thread when I was making my studio? Yeah, I ended up buying a workstation from pcAudioLabs. Those guys are amazing, in costumer service and price. I also picked up a bunch of software from them at reduced prices when I bought the computer with em. Besides, since they build custom computers exclusively for audio work, they can do some nice features, like acoustic dampening, quiet fans, and rack mounted casings. Also, they clean up XP making it optimal for Audio work, and if you order any other hardware and software with them they will preinstall everything perfectly. They really are amazing.

  5. Tricklozen, I'll be darned if that isn't the cutest Barret theme I've ever heard in my life. Awesome.

    What is that vocal sample from? I haven't seen anything related to FF7 except the original game. Glad to see someone else do Barret, though.

    Fishy's is awesome, so is Mustin's, and Rexy's, and Prophet's sax orchestra, and... I gotta stop. These all are some wonderful mixes. Great turnout.

  6. Go back and play FF1. Haha, while there was some tough bosses in there (I'm talking the NES version, not some crappy remake), the general grueling gameplay makes it my favorite Final Fantasy. And of course, there is some of those insane boss fights too (I remember chaos being pretty tricky).

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