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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. Also, I kinda liked the very mediocre Army Men series of games. Except for Sarge's War. That game just sucked balls.

    Woah, I forgot about those games.

    People hated them, but I thought they were tons of fun.

    Especially co-op in "Air Attack".

  2. http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/TV/02/07/prince.superbowl.ap/index.html

    Prince's acclaimed performance included a guitar solo during the "Purple Rain" segment of his medley in which his shadow was projected onto a large, flowing beige sheet. As the 48-year-old rock star let rip, the silhouette cast by his figure and his guitar (shaped like the singer's symbol) had phallic connotations for some.


    Are people ultra sensitive these days, or is it just me?

    Oh, and snickers' Superbowl ad is being called "Homo-Phobic".


  3. Allright, news time.

    I just joined two new forums.



    Both of which support avatars.

    In the hopes of both expanding interest, and spreading the shoppe. I am opening it up to Avatars. Make sure they are 100x100 pixels or less.

    After thinking it over, I would like to keep the avatars a little distanced from the sigs. By that I mean, I will lump them together on the front page, outside the specific artist headings.

    Anyone wishing to send em in, feel free.

    As always anything is welcome, and feel free to make suggestions as well.




    Just a couple because I know of OCR's new picture per post limit, and I don't want to do that many posts (I uploaded 24).


    Thank you.

  4. Adult Swim just displayed a public message as a bump, talking about the incident.

    Yeah, I just saw that one. They've been putting them up for a couple hours now. At least they are humoring the stupid people who over react.

  5. Funny--I was just about to make a post about that.

    I wonder what makes a lighted board look like a bomb? Whoever was that paranoid should probably not walk into an appliance store--they might see a toaster.

    Seriously, are people really that skiddish? Based on the picture, It really looks like nothing threatening. Based on the reaction they got, it made it out to be like there was a metal box with wires and a "DANGER" symbol. Crazy... crazies...

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