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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. And I said that no one was talking about Sandman. You said "he didn't get killed" in response to Bigfoot's suggestion that it was the guy Peter thought killed his uncle, but that was erroneous; the guy Peter thought killed his uncle did, in fact, die. I understand perfectly what you meant in regards to Sandman, but you're the only one who was mistakenly referring to him.

    Critical reading saves lives, folks.


    I need to sleep more, and type less.

    I blame finals week.

    I personally don't want to see any villain come back. I don't want to see Venom or Carnage. I want to see something that could be more interesting...say Shocker or better yet Mysterio. I could see a lot of cool special effects done with Mysterio and a interesting storyline with him.

    I don't know if they can do those characters, Both were done in the movie games. The Mysterio storyline was cool, but I dunno... isn't that against the rules or something?

  2. Then you're not on the same level, because Sandman did kill Peter's uncle. The other guy, who Peter thought killed his uncle until he found out about Sandman, died in the first movie (although that still doesn't fit the ticket of "appearing to die in Spider-Man 3").

    In case what I typed wasn't clear (which I don't think it was).

    The article states that one character who dies in spiderman 3 would be back in the fourth.

    I Said that the sandman didn't die, so it couldn't be him.

  3. This is from IGN:

    (Spoiler shit)The big surprise in the FoxNews.com report is word that one character who appears to die in Spidey 3 might return for Spidey 4. "It turns out I may not be completely dead," the unnamed actor who plays the unspecified character revealed.

    So if you don't think it's Venom that's resurrected or alive after all, who do you think it is?

    Foxnews LOL


    It is more likely the Goblin, or some form of the goblin.

  4. Fixed

    *10 character limit*

    Thank you for the fix.


    Since part of the suit is still alive, Carnage is a possibility, I do doubt it however.

    Lizard is also a possibility, but the story for him is pretty weak.

    Likely villains which have yet to be touched:



    Kraven the hunter

    And others if I think hard enough.

  5. I saw it last night...

    ...Why did they fuck it up?





    You know we put the SPOILER stuff for a reason right?

    Anyway, Spoiler time: But yea, that's about what I was hinting at. I don't think we're done with Venom yet. Perhaps the explosion split the symbiote in 2... Carnage? Although it would seem very unlikely to have 2 of the same characters (who are really only impsessive to look at but do not have such a depth stroy-wise, especially Carnage) and another villian-turns-ally story would also seem unlikely. But I do believe in Venom's return


    Did you not see the skeleton when the pumpkin bomb went off?

  6. I'm gonna go with Arek and Taucer here. When it really comes down to it, "nominations" is basically another word for "picking favorites." It'd be like having "Must-Have ReMixes: the OCR List." Hey, it's not a favorites thread because now you need *two* people to say they liked it!

    First of all, the fact that it's a list means stuff is being intentionally left out. Secondly, there are two possible outcomes for such a list: it will be either a) too small and narrow to accurately cover the full spectrum of genres and tastes or B) too large and broad to be of any actual practical use in the first place.

    I will say that all the recommendation threads are kind of annoying though, if not slightly out of hand. To be fair, trying new games isn't as easy and inexpensive as downloading a torrent and going through a couple thousand tracks (which is still actually pretty time-consuming). So maybe recommendation threads have a place...somewhere. But I don't think OCR should be that place. We're in the information age, people, for crying out loud. Have some initiative and try using GameRankings, GameFAQs, Google, or other 'G' website of your choice. If you really insist on getting opinions from OCR and OCR alone (I never understood this) then consider PMs or, pretzel forbid, #ocremix.


    I picture OCR as a bleeding pretzel at this point.

    It's dying... can it be saved?

  7. Maybe it's the two hours of Image Ready work messing with my head, but...

    ... someone wanna explain just what happened here? Sounds like EasyP is saying this game'll be better than PW, but Maco70 is flaming him by saying it'll be better than PW.

    Wait, he wasn't being sarcastic?


    I'm an asshole... someone hit me with a car please.

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