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Posts posted by Maco70

  1. Imus is no less accountable for his rude, insulting, and racist remark because some other guy shot up 32 students. Are you an idiot?

    I read this document once that stated there is a freedom of speech in the US.

    I think people tend to forget what that means.

    Any new developments on VT btw? I need to write a paper on the incident for a class ><;;

  2. I was thinking the same thing, but that would not be consistent with KH2 as Roxas is not longer a separate entity to Sora. Its more likely to be some random anime style characters; e.g. some generic Guardians of the Keyblades or "I must avenge my world" etc...

    Could take place in the future, that could be sora and Kariri's Son. Maybe?

    Kinda like Zell from FF8 being Cloud and Tifa's son, or however it worked.

  3. That trailer made absolutely NO sense to me =( I would think it would be better if I knew what was goin on..can someone pls provide a link or explain for me please?

    Why didnt we get final mix over here yet? last i remember JP got final mix the first time cause we got the secret bosses, whats the deal this time?

    Also, just to throw this out there... KH2 bored the shit out of me non-stop =( anybody else feel the same way? Second time through the disney worlds?! WTF?!

    It doesn't make any sense until we play KH3. ><;;

    As for final mix. Japan got the final mix of KH1. KH2 FM is supposed to come out here eventually. Could just be a rumor tho.

  4. Man, Square Enix always makes the coolest trailers. It doesn't look anything like the previous Kingdom Hearts games, though... I'm not sure where they're going to go with the story, either. The story in KHII felt kind of forced, since you typically found yourself back in worlds that you had already been to in the first game and Chain of Memories. I loved the battle system in KHII, though.

    I agree.

    KH1 had a sweet story, but the mechanics were a little shaky at times. And KH2 had a sucky story (for the most part) but was a blast to play. I'd get into KH3, if the PS3 didn't cost so much.

    Not to mention first run, Sony, ANYTHING comes with a guarantee to shit the bed.

  5. You did the website, I know you told me on AIM

    Yeah, some people really need to be unbanned as well (Kamoh, he's running a lot of tournies for god sake, Maco70 he's been around for a while and I don't think anything he said is ban worthy)

    Yeah, why was I banned again?

  6. I enjoyed KH1+2. But I honestly don't know where they can go with the series next. I see the next game being new characters plugged into an old formula. Same worlds, same situations, blah blah blah. I was happy KH2 was complete, and didn't leave the player waiting on the sequel. It is for that alone, and because my disrespect for next gen, that I will not play KH3, regardless of what it comes out on.

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