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Everything posted by Supernerd42

  1. Very pretty. I've put it on loop all by itself, which is something I've only done to one other song before: Millicent's Dream by Kat Yidaki, who you should check out, by the way, at mp3 dot com, even though Kat doesn't do game remixes that I know of. Anyways, that makes this mix special.
  2. www.squaresound.com Piano scores for a fair number of SquareSoft games.
  3. I'm not so sure about those drums. I mean, they sound fine, but I'd like it a bit more if they stopped for a bit some time in there and let me take a breath, because as is the mix just constantly BEATS DOWN against my poor, fragile head. I love the way it starts, though, and I like the victory music, because it... well, it lets me breathe.
  4. You know you're a geek when you battle pain with a video game remix. Either that, or the remix is absolutely wonderful. Or possibly both. Let me explain. I'm feeling lonely, because I just called a girl I happen to be madly in love with about five minutes before she had to leave for vacation, and I'm trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I'm not going to talk to her for two weeks, and I might possibly not see her for an even longer stretch of time, and what piece of music do I put on? This one. Ah, sweet sorrow and a beautiful hopeful tomorrow. And sweet bass. Funk. Beautiful tune. *Sob.*
  5. I feel the funk inside me. I love the change around 2 minutes in... what the hell, I love the whole thing. *Bounces around.*
  6. This is sad techno, and it's beautiful the way it's done. The tune starts with the main melody being played by only a piano, and that same theme, as Fieari says, stays in the seemingly wild and happy, fairly mainstream-sounding techno beat that comes after it. After the first long drum roll, a beat comes in and the tune speeds up. It's a proud theme, the way it's done, but the original sadness is kept. When the main tune fades away, leaving the beat to fend for itself, there's an empty feeling, and then the tune comes back, on piano, and the drums go away after another roll. One more drum roll and you're back to the bittersweet techno. The end of the song reminds us of its sadness and loneliness, and the listener is forced to listen again. And again. And again. Because it's so very well done, and moving emotionally -- a thing which most techno simply doesn't do for me.
  7. Wa-wa-wakka-chicka! Wa-wa-wakka-chicka! Oooh yeah, feel 'da groove. I dig this track, it's got me bouncing in my chair. I love that guitar coming in after two minutes (ba-da-doo-dum-ba-da-da-doon! Look, I'm imitating the track after just one listen), it really just hits a feel-good bit in my ear. Grooving.
  8. I think this is better than most of the Prelude remixes I've heard. It starts off the same way the real thing starts, only about twice as fast, which I like -- you don't have to wait a minute and a half for the main tune to come in. The beat doesn't drown out the tune like so many of the other Prelude remixes I've heard, either. All in all, an excellent track that's going to stay in my play-list.
  9. I think there are a few bits in where the main tune is drowned out by the funk a bit, but it's sort of neat to hear such a serious and proud-sounding tune done with a beat like that behind it. You can picture Link swaggering around a bar with babes hooking themselves to his arms. I'm no expert on these things, but it's a fun remix to listen to, and that's the important thing.
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