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Posts posted by anosou

  1. Hmm... its not blowing me away. Its either the hype this topic has generated or its because I've been way into Susumu Hirasawa.

    Meh, Paprika soundtrack only has the two songs worth listening to and the various iterations of these. I've been listening to she way before I saw Paprika though so perhaps it's nostalgia bias..

    *rocks out to Nigeru Mono for a while*

    ..ok then, Susumu Hirasawa is awesome.

  2. Okay, fudge this I'm voting.

    So, Jimmy, I love you but this is really liberal! I mean, your performance is excellent and I had no idea you were so awesome at improvisation but still.. It's sometimes hard to spot the source and it's many times no source at all. Even if the source usage is slightly over 50% I think the fact that it's so altered makes this less Super Mario Bros. Also, like Andy and Jesse pointed out, it lacks a cohesive feel. It feels like an original piece that sometimes plays a bit of Mario for shits and giggles.

    Again, I really do love you and this is an awesome piece of music but I'm going to shoot you down.

    NO(don't bother resubmitting, get a real life instead)

    (I love you? Submit more!)

  3. I didn't have any major production issues last time and production sounds even BETTER this time. However, I can't sign off on the arrangement. Vinnie gave a breakdown that I, once again, agree completely with. You have to be more clear with your source usage in this case. The arrangement you've made is too severe, making it not recognizable. Like Larry pointed out, I see what you tried with the four note pattern from the strings in the voice. Arranging a four note pattern is hard and here it's not the same notes or the same rhythm so the effect is lost. The vocal part, being the focus of the track, should really be more clearly connected to the source.

    Like I said in the last decision, no one's gonna listen to this and go "oh, cool arrangement of..". Sorry Justin, this is still too liberal.


  4. Not an easy source to remix but you could've made the connections much clearer. Like Palpable pointed out, :51 doesn't sound like source. You could've made it straight source. There are many times you could've used the source more clearly which would make this seem more like an arrangement and less like an original (but very good) track.

    Sorry Justin, this is just too liberal.


  5. Yeah, Larry's right on track with this one. It's a decent sound upgrade and you enhance the mood quite a bit. Still, it's very close to the original track. Also, the production is lacking. The strings are muddy and lack tone and the highs are very piercing. The percussion was a cool touch but it was very repetitive and piercing. The soundscape was also rather barren with just a few instruments.

    While the mood was good this needs some more interpretation and elements. Not a bad start if you want to keep evolving your music making though! Keep it up!


  6. Maybe I'm missing something, but if people want to make music with absolutely no guidelines or restrictions, it seems like requiring that it be related to VGM at all in the first place would qualify as such a restriction. This isn't a file-hosting service, it's a site with a more specific point/focus. Once you set the initial basic rule of "has to be from a video game," you're already doing what po mentioned - restricting the scope. However, if you DON'T set that guideline, you're basically running a glorified file-hosting service, as I see it. Nothing wrong with that, but there's plenty of sites filling that role, and it has very little to do with what we're about.

    Furthermore, while I would agree that our submission standards do restrict the scope of what can be submitted (& accepted), I don't think they necessarily restrict creativity per se. That's like saying any poet who only worked in forms was inherently less creative than poets working in free verse. Amadeus, Bach, etc. must all have been severely restricted as well, since they too worked within formal structures. Granted, they're considered masters because they helped evolve those forms, and had a knack for knowing where they could bend and break the rules, but there was still structure.

    We too have structure. I feel that when we revised our standards, with the help of the community, we really did ensure that those standards were as unrestrictive as possible, to allow for quite a diverse spectrum of music that all qualifies as an "OC ReMix". I'm very proud of the document itself, and even more proud of the way artist after artist has managed to create badass, diverse, and continually evolving pieces of music that all magically somehow fit EASILY within its scope.

    That's what I think.

    Also, if the Mega Man 2, Faxanadu, and Rygar mixes we JUST posted don't reflect the radical departure and deviation artists can take creatively within our standards, I don't know what would...

    This. A thousand times this.

  7. Bender's big score was better than the beast with a billion backs, so from a chronological standpoint i can see where some people would think the movies have some connection to the forecasted quality of the series.

    But that doesnt take into account the two movies released AFTER that, which were also great.


    FRY'S DOG!


    FRY'S DOG!


    uh... I mean, yeah, exactly.


    Best news in forever. I've seen all episodes and the movies a bazillion times and own them all legally. I even have a limited edition golden Bender bobblehead!

    It should be mandatory to watch this. TO THE MANDATORIUM!

  9. The sources give me nightmares. Damn dungeon music! Also, HI KATIE!

    Ok, putting sillyness aside, this is quite solid. The arrangement is expansive without going overboard and the instrument combination is great. Piano was a bit fake-sounding but since it was such a small piece of the whole I didn't see an issue! Sebastian's definitely a highlight. Production was ace imo. Didn't have an issue with the drums really. As soon as you accept them as drums in an electronic genre, it's suddenly the perfect fit!

    Well, can't find anything else to complain about so I'll end it here. This was quite the pile of awesome! Keep making music Katie!


  10. I still think the production has some issues. Vocals need to be de-essed and piano is fakeish. Still, the arrangement is good and quite unique in it's instrumentation even though it's rather close to the source. The vocal performance is solid. I wish it wouldn't START with the piano because it's so exposed there. When it's in the background it isn't bad.

    I have to go with Larry and make it conditional on that someone handles some of your production. Seeing as you've resubbed this plenty of times now I just don't see this passing if you don't handle that part to someone else. There's no shame in that and you'll probably learn a thing or two! The arrangement is still pretty cool and the fact that it's close to the source would be outweighed if the production was stellar.

    YES (borderline/conditional)

    OLD, see below and next page

  11. I'll be short because most issues have been pointed out. You could definitely afford to use the source some more, especially in the intro. Mixing is unbalanced and lacks energy. The guitar tone was a bit flat and lacked presence. Some additional elements in the mix, perhaps using parts of the source, would help.

    This needs some more TLC to pass, sorry man.

    EDIT: Heard the re-mastered version. The production is good now. Guitar tone was still a bit flat and you could afford to make it a bit more dynamic volume-wise but everything sounds clear and full. Arrangement still needs polish.


  12. This is definitely a good track. I will blasting this in my speakers. Production was good and the mood was really hot. This would work well in an Unreal mod of some kind.

    However, there's not enough personalization here. You both use the source samples AND have sections very similar (or the same) as the source tune. You were on the right track at 2:15 but even that part was very similar to the source. I realize it's hard to arrange a track with no standout melody or chord sturcture. On OCR we want expansive arrangements in terms of melody, instrumentation and harmony. This doesn't really go hand in hand with this kind of source so I hope you keep that in mind when you read the votes. Sad but true. Keep making music though!


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