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Posts posted by anosou

  1. I'm sorry guys but I really can't hear enough June Mermaid here. Some of the piano arpeggios have a couple of notes identical to the melody but it's never more than that so the direct connection to the source is lost. Chords, while similar, aren't the same either. Even though it's a good, atmospheric track it's not primarily an arrangement of June Mermaid.

    Production was good most of the time. The piano was a weak point mainly because it didn't really fit in the mix, seemed a bit too loud and with a different reverb (or lack of reverb). Otherwise the melodic synth could be a bit louder.

    Honestly though, this falls shot on the arrangement. Even if someone came along and pointed out direct connections it's too disjointed for me to pass, it's most definitely more an original track than an arrangement. Sorry man.


  2. Thanks for giving me a good reason to listen :D

    That's all it takes for you to enjoy yourself ;)

    for those actually interested in music we'll be previewing a track from a game I'm working on, Kaleidoscope. Quite awesome if I may say so myself.

  3. I will just repeat what my fellow judges said before me because they've mentioned all the issues already.

    Mixing lacks proper high-end, bass is overpowering. Arrangement is quite conservative but has some nice harmonies, expand it with your own writing some more. It's mixed fairly low, could use some serious mastering. Playing was good though, nice work there. Drum sequencing was stiff at times, a tom fill isn't all in the same velocity...

    You've got some serious chops but you need to bring the arrangement and production up to the same level as your playing. I suggest everything Larry suggested to improve you craft and I wish you the best of luck! Looking forward to see what lies ahead for you.


  4. Nothing wrong with a breakbeat track. However the arrangement ended up sounding a bit repetitive. The lack of changes in dynamics and sounds coupled with the rather sparse instrumentation was a reason for this. The lack of any subtle variation in the drum patterns was also a contributing factor. The way you handled the melody made it sound like it was just part of the "backing" and not the main focus of the remix, in my opinion this could've been handled much better. For examples the TB-303 synth basically repeats one kind of pattern the whole track, instead you could've used some similar synth to actually pick up parts of the source.

    Production wise this DOES sound like it's lacking something. I think the main issue is that the few instruments you do use roughly occupy the same space. The bass/lead does offer some rather heavy bass but is also rich in the mid frequencies. Overall, it wouldn't hurt adding/removing instruments during the track both to get a more even and balanced sound AND to make it a bit more varied.

    In the end, this is a good track. However the source usage is a bit limited, the arrangement quite repetitive and the track's lacking dynamic and instrumental variation. Production isn't bad but it doesn't sound full, just crowded in the mid frequencies.

    This is close, you just need to polish some of the problem areas, but I have to go with a no here.


  5. Yea this is coming to PC and 360 as well. Make no mistakes about that. I'm pretty excited about this game, maybe a bit more than 13 o.o

    Also about it being weird having 2 FF games announced so soon, think back when FF9 was announced, they also announced 10 and 11 as well.

    PC is confirmed, 360 is not. Also, global release!


  6. It wasn't mentioned as a PS3 exclusive. There was a little wordplay on Tretton's part; he said it would be playable only on the PS3 when it launches in 2010. It'll probably make its way to 360 and PC eventually, but PS3's going to get the initial release.

    It looks pretty cool; I'm interested in seeing more of it.

    I noted that too, very clever. Let's hope the 360 version is two days after if I haven't gotten a PS3 by then.

  7. Hrm.. I must say this one looks MORE usable in gaming than Natal. In all Natal's unlimitedness, it's limited when it comes to gaming because SO MANY GAMES can't be controlled with a camera.

    This is definitely better than the WiiMote. The precision and tracking was quite astounding in my opinion. Ultimately, this could mean that a lot of good games will be made for this controller, not just gimmicky stuff or shovel ware but GOOD GAMES.

    Ultimately, that's what it boils down to for me. Is this good for gaming? When it comes to motion controls, this seems to be the best choice.

  8. So I found my copy of Reason 2.5 yesturday, thought I'd load it up for kicks, and I'm really enjoying it, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get my korg nanokey (or any of my midi keyboards) hooked up. Back in the day my other keyuboard worked just fine with it, but I can't even get that one showing up in the menu now.

    Am I forgetting some step that I have to take to get it to show up in that box? It works fine in other music programs.

    HI FISHY!!!

    Well, since you're on a Mac I can be a bit more detailed. However, the MIDI (over USB) implementation changed a lot in Reason 3 (which I still think you should get). Anyway, Reason>Preferences>Keyboard and Control surfaces.

    From there you should be able to find [add].. however I don't remember how this was in 2.5, barely touched that program. In R3 you basically choose the layout of your keyboard, the USB port and add. There should be some stuff in the manual, I'm sure?

  9. So I was wondering... on a site full of gaming geeks, who has the most video games currently? Don't count ones you may have sold, lost, or given to a friend, whatever. DO count all the games you may have downloaded on virtual console (or something similar), emulators, and all the games on discs/cartridges that have more than one game (like collections, etc. )

    My total: 68

    Systems included: NES, SNES, GEN, N64, GCN, Wii, GBC, GBA, DS, DOS, PC

    lol I have more games than my boyfriend XD (by quite a lot, actually)

    I would never EVER count ROMs on a thing like this.. especially with all the "complete collections" floating around. It's not only illegal, it's like a couple of thousand extra games you don't really own..

    Anyway, in LEGAL games I've got 391. Check them out here: http://anosou.com/games/

    If we're counting collections that's probably 420+

  10. Woa! Nice VG Analysis series, there! Irregular meters are seriously the shit (if I write an original song, 50% of the time it's in an odd meter...). Just be careful if your writing for a woodwind quintet - they don't like playing conflicting implied meters simultaniously (I caused a pretty nasty panic at my own Senior composition recital doing that, lol).

    It's funny that the guy implied that the sun song isn't heard anywhere else in Zelda - OoT; it's how the field map opens up the music when the morning breaks.

    Wow, that's a pretty sweet setup that guy's got. I'll try to make my analyses a bit more accessible (for those that don't want to learn roman numeral analysis or figured bass techniques...), namely because I don't have a scoring program yet (and I refuse to use Finale notepad :tomatoface:).

    Someday I'll be kicking ass with Sibelius, again... but I've got to get the finances for that.

    Yeah, now I got interested in doing this FOR SERIOUS. I've got Sibelius 5 and everything ready to go but that requires much more time if I'm gonna do serious theory on every post.. we'll see what happens but damnit ,I've got the urge

  11. Ah, it's nice to see some interest in the subject. I'm planning on putting something new here weekly - doing the Silver Surfer analysis was fun and I've got to brush up on my theory skills :). Don't worry, I have no life so I can afford to do stuff like this :P.

    The mechanical vocals were pretty interesting there on the 'I can see them All' track. I don't know if it's true for every song with processed vocals, but I felt the lack of motion really contributed to the 'robot' sound (along with the processed vocals, of course). It's a pretty popular technique when you want to add dissonance to choral music in a gentle manner (leave one voice motionless while the rest of the music moves around it) - a personal favorite of mine, by the way.

    By the way, that Silius soundtrack was pretty sweet... Maybe I'll go into detail about it next :) I take it the bass is what your talking about (and not the bass drums)? Interesting use of Timbre... I've got to figure out what they did.

    Congratulations on your paper, AnSo! I hope it's well received (and it gets translated - I'm still interested in what you've got to say :-P).

    Thanks for the comments Gario! Glad someone reads it :) If you comment on the blog posts I'll look better too so don't be afraid of that! Translation is on hold until I'm done with the soundtracks I'm currently working on sadly, I'll notify when I'm doing it.

    Looking forward to see what you've got in store next!

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