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Posts posted by anosou

  1. Well, it most certainly is a creative arrangement! Like Larry said it's reminiscent of halc and to a lesser extent of Sam's work. The way you use lo-fi stuff like NES (AND SNES, damn, props for that) in another context is very clever and the melody is somewhat intact so there's no question about what you're arranging. Sometimes it worries me that every little (incredibly cool) pokémon cameo is so spot on, sounds like you used a lot of MIDI's here ;) but I can groove with that.

    I thought some of the sounds sounded a bit awkwardly filtered and muddy like the bass and some of the support synths. Wouldn't mind some sparklier sounds. Some audible audio glitches at 2:15 but it's minor. I didn't think the fade-out and keychange was an issue, I actually liked it. Screw Larry :tomatoface:

    Good work, stellar arrangement and good production, keep it up man!


  2. Mixing sounds very rough. Some sounds (snare and toms for example) have way too much high-frequency content while others (keys) just sound distant. The sounds used (except the leads which I enjoyed) sound flimsy and cheap. The bass is kinda fun in a 80's-synth-preset kind of way and I could go with that if the track held an otherwise high standard production-wise.

    Arrangement had some good passages and personal takes on the theme. The synth-lead noodling worked very well imo. Good stuff. However, based on production, I'll have to go the other way. Do tweak this because it's otherwise groovin'


  3. There are two main issues with this mix.

    1. It clips and distorts, a lot.

    2. It borrows too heavily from Journey.

    I think your instrumentation ideas are good and you have a musical ear, even though it's slightly close to the source(s). You need to work out the production kinks and bring some more original ideas in here. Borrowing from non-VGM is, like Vinnie so cleverly put it, not kosher with site standards.

    I think it'll take a lot to get this ready for a resubmition, especially since you need to remove 'Faithfully' but I hope you continue making other remixes. Do spend some time in the Feedback forum and keep improving!


  4. The bass/kick combo was rumbling. Sounds like you had a low-pass filter over that whole section and cranked up the gain too much. The loudest part, like Larry said, even gets distorted, pull it back man! Didn't think there were anything wrong with the instruments, just your mixing of them. I, like my fellow judges, enjoyed the general vibe. The brass-stab thing going from left to right ear does clash with the harmonies a LOT though, even though it's just a percussive element.. I advice you switch it for something else :)

    Arrangement-wise this is repeating too much. Like I said, the general vibe is cool but you need to develop this. The bassline, like Vinnie pointed out, needs to be altered from time to time to keep this from getting stale. Overall nice groove but you need to get some new ideas in there!


  5. i'm more interested in a seperate mirror of the site's forums that's automatically rendered at 320x240 or whatever the standard mobile screen size is, similar to what gmail does with their mail. doesn't have to be an auto-detect thing, just a link that you go to. of course, that's just the forums - the site should be easier to mini-size since it's all dave's code, right?

    as for gear, how long ago was that? i don't remember it, so that makes it older than april 2004. consider the number of users that have come here since then. we're what, four times larger than we were?

    Personally I've seen a decline in forum-usage, ESPECIALLY any forum related to music production and remixing. Off-topic and community is still buzzing but the rest of the forum is quite frankly a ghost town.

  6. Like Larry I think the arrangement needs some more subtle variation and interpretive takes on the theme. Perhaps using the main melody rhythm but altering notes a bit sometime to bring some tension? Using the main melody motif in another way (like a new rhythm, another instrument, evolve it a bit) is also good. Some chord changes (or lack of them, using just one chord as base) in the breaks or in the track would really help too.

    Production-wise I didn't think the piano was very good, it sounds a bit muffled and the delay was too much imo. The kick+synth arpeggio has some good raw power but the rest of the elements feel weak compared to that. Very "airy" textures that sometime feel a little distant, maybe because of reverb. Overall the track lacks the energy of the kick and seems unbalanced because of that.

    Overall though, this IS very close. The arrangement is more than half-way there and the production is still good. When you combine the two parts though some more work is needed for me to comfortably pass this. There's no doubt in my mind you can make that happen though so be sure to resubmit!


  7. The arrangement isn't bad, I liked some of your writing a lot, but you have to refine it a bit. Putting all instruments in the same tonal range might be a bad idea if you want the arrangement to sound full. I also thought the samples were a bit lacking. Not the worst I've heard but the sequencing was stiff. Production-wise a lot was muffled and the soundscape was very empty, probably because the lack of bass frequencies and the thin samples.

    Overall you show a lot of promise with your ideas but you have some way to go, keep it up though!


  8. I've always been a fan of Mr. Loman's stuff and this certainly doesn't disappoint. The sound quality is good and has some interesting twists when it comes to instrument choices. The deeper more sophisticated synth at 1:37 was a welcome element that kept me from thinking it was a bit too flat. I, like Larry, thought the leads and melodic elements were a bit too buried though but that's no dealbreaker.

    Arrangement, while minimal in it's approach, works well and you have some good takes on the source. Some small details sprinkled throughout makes it a bit more varied which is always good. Overall, the whole package works. Sonically it was a step back from the jetman remix but the arrangement was a bit more daring. I can dig it.


  9. Not much to add but I'll repeat what I thought were the main issues here. The balance between source and original is off like Vinnie pointed out, parts are either identical or almost completely original. Combine your ideas into a flowing arrangement! Bass and strings lacked realism and the chime pattern got a bit annoying after a while of the same pattern in my opinion. Chimes and piano did sound good though.

    Overall the mood is nice but this needs a lot of work before I can comfortably pass it. Keep improving though, you seem to have a good sense of atmosphere and music in general!


  10. I don't have much to add here really. The overall level is a bit quiet, the sample could be better too. It sounds a bit muffled and almost like lossy compression at times, might be the reverb though. Arrangement was liberal to the point I had a hard time spotting the source, it's okay with original ideas but don't let them carry the track!

    This shows a lot of promise for future arrangements though so keep it up!


  11. Yes, but not everyone cares about having their music playing application of choice integrated into their flickr or facebook or whatever the hell else you might use this for. I want a sleek program that plays music and helps me keep it organized, and nothing more. All that extra crap just bogs it down.

    I will say that I like the way Songbird allows you to effortlessly edit your ID3 tags, though. It's a bit more convoluted in Foobar.

    You have to keep in mind that Foobar is for advanced users only. Your kid sister won't like to use it because it is quite literally daunting to some people. Plus it's not pretty out of the box; you have to skin it to make it look nicer. Speaking of skins... check out a few!

    What I meant is, if you don't care about the intergration you'd do better with Foobar. Since Songbird aims at being broad it will never be as sleek or memory efficient as Foobar, no one's claiming that either. Just saying :)

    Anyway, needs more visualizers :/

  12. I used Songbird for quite a while, but I found it severely inferior to even iTunes. Without any plugins, the UI is limited, but if you add in a lot of plugins it starts to bog down. My biggest gripe? Songbird will not keep track of the file paths of your songs! That's a pretty big deal for someone who has backups or external drives with duplicate files. Add in the myriad of technical glitches and bugs, and I had to drop it.

    All in all, Songbird just feels like an open source iTunes Light version.

    You know what I switched to? Foobar2000. All the functionality and so, so much more. Fully customizable UI/skins, comprehensive library with multitudes of sorting options, MINIMAL SYSTEM RESOURCES, the list goes on.


    Well, it's still a work in progress. Anyway, re: watching folders, that's implemented in the newest version. Since it's actively being developed I'm still sticking with it.

    Also, Foobar2000 ain't on Mac so it's not really the answer for everyone, is it? ;) Keep in mind too that Songbird is very much about intergration with Social networks and "Web 2.0" stuff. The built-in browser gives it away!

    Anyway, I still haven't made the switch from iTunes but that's only because I'm waiting for flawless iPod support, my shuffle isn't recognized atm.

  13. Hey, I'm new to the forums but not to the site. I think I've been lurking around since the "blue look" if anyone gets that, sometime in March of 2003. Since I'm not much of a stranger, I noticed that you guys needed some donations so I went ahead and dropped $110.00. Consider it a sort of "internet penance" for all the bandwidth I've taken downloading music from the site over the years.

    Its been great seeing this site and its music grow into what it is today and I look forward to what it may evolve into in the years to come. Now, hopefully I too can have an opportunity to share in what you all have created in this little pocket of the internet.


    You my good sir is a hero amongst men!

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