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Posts posted by anosou

  1. If I submitted something today and it was eventually passed by the panel, it still wouldn't be posted until 2010, judging from the submission dates of some of the non-resubs in the tbp queue. I'd put more or equal blame for that on djp though. I wonder if he'll ever step down from doing a writeup for every posted mix.

    You try managing the biggest video game arrangement site on the internet in your free-time without getting paid with a selected few maintaining quality control without getting paid in THEIR free-time. Not the easiest thing, I'm sure.

    I thought that had been the policy since at least sometime in 2005.

    We took that policy out of effect when we decided to not vote at all but this seems like a good time to bring it back.

  2. Uppsala Universitet? Då går ju du på ett riktigt universitet jämfört med mina Musikvetenskap-studier på Stockholms ;) Alltid trevligt med fler svenskar på OCR.

    Putting that Swedish jibberish aside (BIAS!!!), on to the mix. Like Larry said it's already a NO because it incorporates too much of a non-game source. However I'll judge it like we always do anyway.

    Overall the arrangement has some great interpretive ideas. The rock'n'roll feel is definitely present. I feel, like Larry, that some minor alterations could've been done when repeating the verse/chorus formula for this long. The playing is overall really good, might not be very advanced but the groove is here and it works. The mallets sound a bit odd but I think that's more of a production thing, more on that later.

    The production needs a little bit more work in my opinion. The old-school feeling is there but that doesn't mean a track has to sound distant and thin. The guitar sounds you're using are cool with a beautiful amp-like reverb. You should however make sure all the guitars aren't in the same frequencies. The drums are a weak part (probably because they're sampled) because they sound very flat. Even if sampling was allowed to this extent I would've wanted them fixed up to sound fuller. The mallets like I mentioned sound a bit odd. I think it's a combination of the sample and how you're processing them. Make them sound a bit more up-front to keep it from getting flimsy.

    Overall really good stuff that falls short on some points and a big one (sampling). Recreating a similar pattern with more variation is ok, keep that in mind. I'm looking forward to a resub or your next submission because you obviously have the chops for this. Fortsätt såhär!


  3. Very interesting choices made here. While I can see where you were goin with the strings, the articulation of the samples makes them sound sub-par. They're not fit to carry the track like they do now. I thought the drums were pretty cool, had a very analogue drum machine-sound. However there are several "holes" in the frequency range and many elements end up sounding thin. Be careful while distorting since that can severely alter the frequencies of a sound. If everything is put through the same fx they will all occupy roughly the same space.

    The arrangement was very creative. I really liked the small hints to Passion (great track that one) and the mood was fantastic. Like Vinnie said, a lot of the ideas are reminiscent of Passion in a very good way. The track ended with a cut-off, that should not happen :)

    Overall the production issues are too big to let this through. I do really like the concept and arrangement in general though so I'd love to se you resubmit this! Keep it up Damon!


  4. I'm going to have to side with zircon again on this one. It isn't a placebo. He's designed different and I won't say that it was/is on purpose. Still some one can try against you using Ken and you'll hand them their ass in a wicker basket. They select Sagat and even though you'll win them, "The game is a foot..". If Sagat is highest tier, he's highest tier. Why need there be any complexity. About the ultras I'm again in agreement. Sagat's Ultra Combo isn't formidable it's nearly consummate.
    It isn't a placebo when you have one tiger uppecut do as much damage as a few of chun's COMBOS.



    What the crap is that about?

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :D Stop thinking I'm serious!

  5. Well, on one level, I can see how that would make sense, but practically speaking I get my ass kicked by Sagat more often than other characters... on an average playing level. It's not that the people playing him are incredibly amazing, but, for example, getting hit with a Rose or Ken combo just doesn't sting as much as a Sagat combo. The dude dominates at any level of play IMO. His basic moveset, priorities, recovery times, stamina, stun, and damage are all amazing.

    Placebo effect, you think he's top tier so you "feel the sting". It's all in your mind. :nicework:

  6. No this is not a bump... well ok...

    Just posted the third part of a story, it seems like the posts could very well become chapters of a book some day. So go ahead and read before I become famous.

    Seconded. Read more blogs.

  7. All I can say is, I know what I've seen and have done. I did finish about hundreds of rounds that way and trapped enemies FLUSH whenever they tried jump kicking me.

    To me, this isn't even an argument. I know how it works. If you rather want to trust some SRK expert, then go ahead. I don't care if people don't trust me when I KNOW for certain it works. I honestly am dumbfounded by the 'no hitbox' statement since that only is a problem when you're starting the Ultra and the enemy has since landed on the ground, waiting to counter. I'm talking about people IN THE AIR, getting caught. To me, this is like stating a fact. I don't know what to say after this.

    You're probably right too. I can't speak from my own experience, only from what I've read. I wasn't trying to jump at you but it might have come off that way, so sorry about that. Anyway.. guess I'll have to go try it in training some time :tomatoface:

  8. What I saw from that video is someone waiting with an anti air special move. It's not quite the same as someone jumping into it. It IS risky if they're camping it out to interrupt with an anti air move like that. When I do it to juggle, it's usually when someone is in the process of attacking with their jump kicks coming in. That's basically no escape I see from that because of the armor breaking properties + higher priority. Not the same as someone interrupting it with a special. I think that player got the idea of the Ultra wrong. It's not safe when someone is lying in wait like that.

    It's definitely not safe that way no. However, I've yet to see an ultra grab someone doing say, a kick in the air. I don't play much SFIV so I'm not saying I know best (I don't!) but from all I've read/seen the upwards motion is without hitboxes and this it's not "good" as anti-air since the timing is EXTREMELY strict to get them on the downwards motion. Have you been hitting people on the way up the arc with the ultra? Just checking because my whole point is that it's not possible and thus it's not a "good" anti-air, especially considering what you're trading.

  9. Call of the West - Wall of Voodoo (Single: Mexican Radio)

    Fun 80s pop sensibility, buried under an avalanche of silly.

    VERY much agree'd

    Any album from Eiffel 65 after Europop. Awesome euro stuff... their 3rd album has shades of Gigi d'Agostino. When they turned into Bloom 06, they got even more awesome.

    Eiffel 65 - Brightly Shines


    Bloom 06 - Welcome to the Zoo


    Wow, never heard of Bloom 06. You made my future!

  10. It's not stupid because I probably won at least 100 rounds with Blanka using the Ultra as a chief anti air to jump-ins. Not countering specials, but those who jumps in with kicks. The initial upward attack knocks them in the air, then I can follow up with the forward movements.

    I honestly don't understand why you would say it's a bad move. I've been doing it hundreds of times. It is true that it works better as a punishing someone crouching and isn't blocking overhead, but taking enemies' jump-ins with the vertical movement of the Ultra does work. I'm not going into the theories here when I know it works for certain.

    It seems nobody is really trusting me in this thread, but I know what Blanka is capable of.

    "beyond stupid" was a bit hars, I agree ;)

    However since the hitbox is non-existant on the way up I found it very strange that you can hit people in the air with that. The thread I linked to on shoryuken.com even has MS paint images on this for extra clarification :)

    If you hit your opponent in the air after the apex of the jump it will hit and be quite good, sure, but the timing is iffy since you have to be very early.

    Please forgive me for doubting you but Viscant is a really good Blanka player with multiple tournaments behind him and somehow I think that qualifies his opinion and research on the subject. I know I tried to use Blanka's Ultra as anti-air but never completed all hits. Mind you I have no idea about his super really but the Ultra IS a waste as anti air since you can use it to great effect in other ways and instead use other anti-airs that does not cost you your revenge bar.

    If you have any footage of Ultra as anti-air I'd love to see it. Here's some Blanka vs. Blanka footage with Viscant too:

    04:52 is a great example of what I'm talking about btw, why it's so risky. Check the comments for Viscant explaining it.

  11. This sounds very good. Production is clean and crisp, the drum sequencing and sound is very good, the guitar playing is great and the general energy really clicks. Minor things were string articulations in the intro and how the ride cymbal sound strange when you make a roll on it, only difference in volume not tone.

    However this is very similar to the source. Judging from your own comments it seems like you knew this already. If you want to make a more interpretive arrangement (it doesn't have to be THAT much!) please do so because pretty much everything else clicked for me.


  12. Sticking to a style is ok with me. I remember JJT again and again trying to force me to not do the strange electrofunk thing but funk that!

    Anyway, solid stuff this. The arrangement is (when it get's started) quite close to the source structure but VERY embellished so I can definitely ride with that. The strings were a welcome element overall but they, at times, sounded a bit fakey. No dealbreaker though. Good dynamic shape in this too with the filtered break, keeps it from going stale. The counter-melodies to the arranged version of the source melody after the break were awesome! More stuff like that.

    Production was sweet with some fantastic creative fx and modulation. The piano was a bit unrealistic but it was minor imo since, like Larry said, it was fairly crouched in the soundscape. I really don't have much to complain about here ;)

    Overall, I dig. Good stuff. The project will be awesome!


  13. No duh on the EX ball. I thought you'd pick up on it instead of taking it literally =/

    And I still say Blanka eats up Sagat so badly it's not even funny. They can almost never do the fireballs because Blanka can go right under and trip him all the time, charge up the super meter and you can basically punish them safely 100%, the Super/Ultra beats any jump-in attempts, and you can even stop an Ultra cold with a well placed electricity. Sagat matches up well with almost everyone except Blanka.

    I mean, I had a field day eating up Sagats with Blanka and I could tell they were pretty good Sagats too. Just knock them down when they're fireballing with a slide trip then crossover with the Rainbow Ball. It works EVERY time. And they can't do a damn thing about it. The only time it might get a bit troublesome is if they actually use focus attacks. Which is really, really rare. And the Blanka ball beats focus attack oriented moves almost all the time because it always breaks armor.

    Just thought I'd mention that using ultra as anti-air is beyond stupid. The hitbox is rather iffy on it and first hits ON THE GROUND a bit in fron of him, on the WAY UP to the top of the arc he HAS NO HITBOXES and thus it's crappy anti-air right here and on the WAY DOWN it has hitboxes in front of the blanka ball.

    Blanka's ultra is strange but if you get it the opponent will WTF a LOT http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=164523

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