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Posts posted by anosou

  1. Also, i think Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter is a extremely under rated game. Yes its really short, but its meant to be played through like 4 or 5 times to get every ones back story and the fighting system is fun.

    My thoughts EXACTLY. I need to ignore school and judging and do some serious PS2 gaming in the near future :tomatoface:

  2. Those are definitely typical anime style...

    ^ this

    I suggest checking out Flipnic btw. A charming little flipper simulator that takes the concept a bit further. Gottlieb collection and Williams collection are also good flipper simulator but you know, real tables.

  3. This is a cool idea lacking in execution, just like Jesse said. As an arrangement it's way too liberal and the production has some issues (noises from the drums at :13-:16 for example). Your band has obviously got the skills but this is mainly an original song. If you're interested in creating an arrangement originally made for OCR I'd be interested to see what you come up with.

    I can't sign off to this track though.


  4. Anso isn't a mod.

    :whatevaa: :whatevaa: :whatevaa:

    ^ this.

    Actually I meant we should just hijack this thread and renamed it. It seems it worked!

    And yes, Odin Sphere is definitely worth getting but check some youtube videos so you realize it isn't an RPG you're buying.

  5. hmmm, interesting...


    if you have a friend and the spare cash for a guncon or two, get the Time Crisis games. Yeah, aligning the guncon can be a chore, but it's loads of fun!

    I have no friends :(

  6. I've been considering doing this, but i'm also wondering if it's really worth it. I mean, how hi-def can the PS2 actually get? Is it just a gimmick or does it actually work?

    Some games support 480p instead of 480i. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Progressive_Scan_PS2_Games

    Probably not complete (nor expansive) but some games make it worth it, Beyond Good & Evil comes to mind. Sadly it's less supported in PAL releases but that's only bad for me.

  7. Yeah I hear you. When I heard about the new character for the PS3 version of Vesperia, was a little miffed.

    I don't mind dropping some points to get her as DLC, but it still sucks. What the poop, Namco? :whatevaa:

    Hopefully we WILL get the DLC, Namco's generally been crazy with DLC (see SCIV and Katamari for example). I'm more pissed about Eternal Sonata since Tri-Crescendo probably can't afford/justify the DLC.

    Also, Namco hates US/EU really. Half of their releases stay in Japan and we never get the same support when it comes to additional content :(

  8. Man, the Playstation 2 had a very wide range of game genres. I should go back and start buying up stuff when I start getting cash flow.

    Best. Idea. Ever. I've recently done the same ( http://soundscape.escariot.net/games/page11.html ) and it's awesome. Just gotta get a component cable so I can play some games in HIGH DEFINIIITIOOON!

    That's "Sly Cooper" in English. I've played the first one and it's pretty entertaining -- but beware of the fact that they have zero replay value. I replay games all the time and Sly Cooper has never done it for me for some reason. I've not touched it for years and then tossed it back in my PS2 for old times' sake and couldn't beat more than a level or so before my brain starts screaming "YOU'VE DONE THIS ALL BEFORE IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME WHY ARE YOU DOING IT AGAIN?". Pick it up in the <$10 bargain bin at Gamestop or something, but don't pay more than that.

    Also, Psychonauts is awesome as fuck and there's a PS2 version. Pick it up if you didn't get it for Xbox.

    Probably, only played them once :) Psychonauts is glitchy and slow on the PS2, get the Xbox version and play it on your 360 instead.

  9. relyance, go away. seriously.

    i've got some of the ratchet games for my psp, and they're pretty fun. any one game specifically that stands out?

    All solid, 2 being the best imo.

    When you're at it, get the Jak and Daxter-games (at least the first one) and Sly Racoon (all three) for awesome non-J platforming.

  10. I'm starting to get annoyed with all these Japanese developers(Namco, Tecmo, and probably SE) and their habit of releasing games such as Tales of Vesperia, Eternal Sonata, Ninja Gaiden 2, and probably Star Ocean 4 on the Xbox 360 only to release them on the Playstation 3 not a year later that adds in not just extra content like new characters and outfits, but entirely new storyline and scenarios. Is it budget or time constraints? Did they actively make the decision to hold on to the content and wait to release it on everybody's(Japan) favorite next-gen console?

    Reason tells me that it's the former, but that doesn't lessen the sting anymore that we've essentially received incomplete games. What I don't understand is how we can't get this content what with the fact that we're in the DLC era of gaming.

    Maybe I'm just bitter, but I can't help but think that I'd still be pissed off about this mentality even if I owned just a PS3 or both systems

    Buy all the 360 games you can find, proclaim yourself "a collector" and be proud. That's what I do when I want to cry :/

  11. I'm sticking with the NO. Even if the breakdown would put it over 80% I can't for the life of me say that the source is identifiable and dominant. Some passages are liberal beyond recognition (0:50-1:14), some are only the source progression (and the source progression is just two chords.. it's the voicing/playing that makes them unique) and 0:26-0:50 doesn't have enough melodic connections during the solo

    Still a no go.

  12. I respect that, but its not a simple request when someone with very limited music technology skills is asking for help on how to do a video game soundtrack, almost the very definition of electronic music technology (if not that, then the poster child).

    Since we don't know anything about what his skill level is, the project required, or much of anything really, I don't think its respectless to ask how he got the job at all because we don't even know what kind of skill there is to respect. I myself am getting acid flashbacks to when I started out in music. God help us all.....

    I guess its somewhat hypocritical for me to criticize considering how often I need help with EVERYTHING all the time, but I had to wait years before someone could just lay it out straight for me and give me an idea of what video game music is about. We're telling it to this guy like it is and hopefully saving him a bunch of time from creating false positives.

    Where the hell did he go, btw?

    I asked about details myself, it's crucial to getting feedback. That's not even what I was upset about, I was upset about comments like "I wonder how the hell you even managed to score this gig" and "it pisses me off when i hear about game devs just handing the audio reins to someone who has no experience." because it's not constructive, it's not asking for more details, it's just rude and disrespectful.

    You never said it like that, nor have I said that you did so we're cool :tomatoface:

  13. unless you're writing orchestrated arrangements for ocr, where they tell you to just buy vienna or find someone with it.

    Oooh burn. :nicework:

    Though I have guidelines and standards to follow as a judge, there are no guidelines and standards for this since he hasn't specified what he's doing. All he did was ask for some help and some of you bash him like he's an idiot. Did you start with the best equipment? Is your mixing top notch? You don't even know his musical ability, yet you judge him, basically assuming he has no experience (he said he had little experience in producing, we know nothing about his musical background and his software is decent.)

    Seriously, to bash someone making a simple request for help so HE CAN IMPROVE for something HE REALIZES he might not be the best at is respectless, especially from people themselves in the same line of work who I bet would've killed for an opportunity like this when they had the same ammount of experience. It makes me sad.

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